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Author Black lives matter/Racist Police
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24th Jun 20 at 20:13   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by DaveyLC
Its remarkably easy to dismiss racism, sexism or homophobia when you're a white, straight male.

You seem to be able to say how bad it is despite being of a similar demographic.

I'm not looking to dismiss it, far from it, I'll call it out wherever I see it. Proven track record of doing so professionally and anyone who has ever spoken to me on the matter for more than five minutes will tell you I'm not going to dismiss anything in the real world. My problem is the amount of horseshit people talk about how terrible everything is, how its a taboo to even want actual equality and not subversion to the minority.

There are definitely three camps in the whole debate.

Racists who think all dark people should go home, women should be in the kitchen and queers should be shot.

Liberals who want to police the thoughts and actions of everyone who doesn't virtue signal their way down the path of liberal righteousness.

People in the middle who despite not being racists are also not massive bleating liberals either.

At no point did I dismiss baseline equality for every single person. I just think a lot of the liberal do-gooder shit that people come up with is on the most part ineffective ego-soothing bunkum that serves only to make the mostly white at-no-point-oppressed people who come out with it feel better while simultaneously doing zero about the actual real issues.
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24th Jun 20 at 20:15   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by SetH
I am a negro

Please feel free to call out my white ass on anything you see that looks particularly anti-brown.

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24th Jun 20 at 20:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ian
Originally posted by SetH
I am a negro

Please feel free to call out my white ass on anything you see that looks particularly anti-brown.

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25th Jun 20 at 08:21   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ian
Originally posted by Fonz
some they see it as "ok" or "the norm" - much like racism.


My question would be where.

where? society

there will be people on every street who have a controversial view (be that racism or other) and isn't know about unless you're in their social network, be that their drinking pals in their corner of the pub, their friends in work, or friends in an online forum who share their opinions.
I certainly don't know the names of my neighbours 4+ doors up, nor their political views, opinion on Brexit or racism, but it wouldn't surprise me if someone has a unsavoury view on something.

i know there is half a dozen individuals in my former local who have an attitude and approach to "immigration" (to use that in the broadest of senses) which is less than appealing or would be seen as "acceptable".
i was only in there weekly so only saw the snapshot of clientele who were in that Tuesday night, would i be surprised there would be a pocket of racism within those who visit within a week? No - but then i live in a very "white British" community, in a very "white British" area of the UK...


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25th Jun 20 at 10:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote
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25th Jun 20 at 16:22   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Fonz
i know there is half a dozen individuals in my former local who have an attitude and approach to "immigration" (to use that in the broadest of senses) which is less than appealing or would be seen as "acceptable".

Either you're being diplomatic or that's exactly my issue - not acceptable in whose view?

You might find they have a perfectly rational position but its not acceptable to liberals.

Don't confuse perfectly sound points of view which are not currently fashionable for unacceptable or untenable views.

I for one don't particularly like the fact the population is massive and immigration has a part to play in that.

I also worry about healthcare and teaching systems in other countries while we in the UK are attracting (poaching) all the best talent to come here for our benefit. Meanwhile the home country suffers because all the good staff have left.

That's not a particularly fashionable point of view but it doesn't mean its not valid. You just couldn't say it on Twitter because whatever career you had would be over when the liberal conformists emailed your employer.

I'm quite lucky in that no one can sack me, which does give me the opportunity to say things which I otherwise couldn't. Can you imagine working in education and saying you don't think the UK should poach overseas talent, you'd be branded a racist before the day is out and it wouldn't matter what actual work you were doing with actual students of whatever actual race/background/level of oppression/prior experience/future life opportunity, your actual attitude towards it matters far less than you perceived attitude.

Ditto your "unsavory" neighbours. You might find some rational points of view. You might even find the particularly unsavory points could be talked through and discussed and you might be able to shape a conversation if there was anything unsound in there. Which is the liberals' mistake - these things are now such a taboo that the long and hard-held beliefs of the little Englanders will fester and grow because its not possible to even talk about it.

We pedal out the same old shit, you can't talk about it because you're white, you can't understand because you're a man, you can't empathise because you're straight. Well I'm sorry but despite being all of those I also have my own brain, as does anyone else who has anything to say on any debate.

Or we can carry on being prejudice to these people and judging them - these "unsavory" people whose voice we don't even want to hear. Now who has prejudice?

[Edited on 25-06-2020 by Ian]

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10th Jul 20 at 07:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


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10th Jul 20 at 10:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Agree with the Architect the fuhrer.

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10th Aug 20 at 20:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm just going to lay low and see how it all pans out. All i know is the indian guy at the petrol station seems to like me and i treat him normally so I'm not part of the problem and can prove to fb strangers I'm not on the baddies side.
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10th Aug 20 at 21:18   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

FB strangers are the real enemy

I like how you can say one sentence and they can form an opinion on your entire life.

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8th Jun 21 at 15:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Absolutely sick to the teeth of this farce. Don’t know if anyone else feels the same. Don’t even get me started on ‘taking the knee’ - utterly PC. Companies also scared shitless not to be seen ‘doing something’ also. Like the queer month thing and companies replacing logos with rainbow colours. Again, scared shitless on being outed for being seen to not be involved. World has gone absolutely mad.

The utter hypocrisy is what I can’t stand. That BLM protestor who got shot, can you imagine the narrative if a white guy shot her? And what gets me, people out there wanting and wishing it was a white person who shot her, I mean seriously? And another random one, Sarah Everard who was killed by that police officer. I saw protests on the streets of London, and in ALL the photos I saw I didn’t see one black person protesting. I wonder why? Yet PC white people all over it protesting for ‘black lives’ but as said a white person killed in that disgusting way I didn’t see one black person. So what’s it all about then eh? Mental. Just mental all of it.

[Edited on 08-06-2021 by p]

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9th Jun 21 at 12:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The world really has gone to hell and using professional sport as a platform for all of this. Fcuk knows what the future holds, where this planet will be in 5 or even 10 years. I only ever leave the house to go to the gym or food shopping and avoid TV and people now

I need to join prepper steve in his bunker, probably with OJC and spend our days docking.
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10th Jun 21 at 23:31   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

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10th Jun 21 at 23:32   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Spot the rainbows. Or absence of them.

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12th Jun 21 at 19:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

WTAF is the world order trying to do? feminise and turn everyone into cucks?

Testosterone levels dropping in men, obesity epidemic (which the government loves, its harder to control a fit and strong population) its a crime to be masculine, fucking rainbows everywhere.
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13th Jun 21 at 23:40   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

They're not everywhere, they're not in the middle east

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14th Jun 21 at 11:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I watched the England game yesterday, funny how awkward and 'brief' the england taking the knee was

logged on to work laptop this morning and greeted by some microsoft diversity login screen background.

open my inbox (currently doing some stuff for a university) and there is an all staff email about rainbow lanyards being distributed.

WTAF is happening

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17th Jun 21 at 17:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by SetH
I watched the England game yesterday, funny how awkward and 'brief' the england taking the knee was

logged on to work laptop this morning and greeted by some microsoft diversity login screen background.

open my inbox (currently doing some stuff for a university) and there is an all staff email about rainbow lanyards being distributed.

WTAF is happening

So did you get a rainbow lanyard then?

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26th Jun 21 at 14:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

fuck no, I am not one of their employees I consult for them.

A man that wears one of these needs to reclassify his gender.

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7th Aug 21 at 23:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by SetH
I watched the England game yesterday, funny how awkward and 'brief' the england taking the knee was

logged on to work laptop this morning and greeted by some microsoft diversity login screen background.

open my inbox (currently doing some stuff for a university) and there is an all staff email about rainbow lanyards being distributed.

WTAF is happening

And the Premier League will continue it this season. I still have no words for this. I was AS stunned when it started to as I am now. What in the actual jumping jehoshaphats has/did this have to do with football? Why did we let it happen? Why did we start this shit we seemingly can’t get rid of. Sure that black fella/criminal?! dying as he did was pretty shocking, but it’s America, so not so much a shock, yet what the fuck had it got to do with us? The fuck it has to do with our football? The can of worms this has all opened is extraordinary really. Everyone wanting to be politically correct. Hardly any truly give a shit, but major companies and organisations can’t be seen to ‘not be doing something’ purely for fear of a fall or profit. A gay fella was killed in Germany recently for being gay, I believe? So by such logic, why aren’t the Premier League clubs, for example, so why aren’t they doing one knee down one arm up, or something?! Oh wait. Of course I’m being facetious, but the point is a little valid, isn’t it? The same sort of principle? Plus, was it even proven the fella in America being killed in how he was killed was due to the fact the man was black? Was this even actually proven, has it been? I don’t know. It does my head in. How we allowed this shit to flow over here how it has I really don’t know.
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8th Aug 21 at 15:51   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Don't forget booing it is also racist.

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