dig dave2811
Registered: 6th Jan 03
Location: newport sout wales WCM
User status: Offline
just put 17's on my car, what problems would i get if i dont get the tracking sorted?
Registered: 15th Apr 03
Location: Bristol
User status: Offline
Your tyres will wear uneven and you'll steering will pull like crazy to one side or the other....
for the sake of a £20 supertrack at your local tyre garage it will save a pair of tyres every 3-4 months...
dig dave2811
Registered: 6th Jan 03
Location: newport sout wales WCM
User status: Offline
i havnt had mine done, but its not pulling at all to anyside of the car
Registered: 24th Aug 02
Location: Rob Cheshire
User status: Offline
You should get it done if put new wheels on. ATS will check it for free first before charging if needs doing, for £20 its worth it. They reccomend you get it done every 6months or so!