Registered: 6th Mar 03
Location: London/Essex
User status: Offline
can sum1 explain this 2 me. im 19 and i drive a corsa b sxi (1.2 16v)
for me 2 get insured on it on my own is £3500!!!
im currently insured on it under my dads name and im a named driver and its still £1750.
why the hell is it so expensive, i mean its only a 1.2!!!
Registered: 28th May 02
Location: Cheshire
User status: Offline
coz ur in london mate thats the main reason especially if its inner city london, its because of the crime rates an the chances of your car gettin done over.....Try Liverpool Victoria for ur nxt quote alot of people on here use them including myself i have a 1.4 16v sport an its jus over 800 notes fully comp in my own name but i'm up north in cheshire, which is also a high risk area coz of fuckin liverpool an manchester.......0800 514 514 give them a call an see how u get on
Registered: 6th Mar 03
Location: London/Essex
User status: Offline
cheers mate