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Author My new screen :D

Registered: 25th May 01
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8th Aug 03 at 13:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


dan please read this thread before getting ripped off mate....

Registered: 25th May 01
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8th Aug 03 at 13:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

More and more people are using the internet to buy there ICE equipment and as usual when there is a high demand there will be people faking products. I made the mistake of buying a TFT Tuner labelled as TFT but when I received it and took it apart it had a very low quality Citizen STN screen ( I originally took it apart to reduce the high brightness)

Be Very wary of screens forsale on auction sites and shops that state are TFT. The internet is being flooded with low quality STN Dual Scan (they use the same screens as the first colour laptops)screens labelled up as TFT and the picture quality of these Citizen/Sharp screens are terrible. The people that are deceiving people with these low quality screens are even copying reputable manufactures like Roadstar/Toshiba and as more people realize how bad these screens are, expect them to copy even more familiar makes. Low quality STN screens badged up as TFT Screens are: Lilliiput, Hagonda and Mistar (there are more but they are easy to spot) and come as TV monitors and mount in dashboards, headrest and roof. Thankfully it is quite easy to tell STN and TFT apart although I have found traders are quite evasive asking the following question (because they know they are basically rubbish)

1) When the monitor is switched on do the edges of the screen illumuminate more than in the centre?
2) Are the colours solid? I.E. when you see a block of black does it look a solid black or washed out? (cloudy)
3) Is it harder to see darker objects when the screen is receiving a picture?
4) Does the picture look very bright even when you have turned it right down?
5) Does it have 2 inbuilt games? (Cheap screens do because they use the same IC boards)

If you have answered yes to all or most of the questions above you most likely have a STN Dual Scan screen that is labelled TFT but it is not so you could possibley return it for a refund. Don't always assume that because it is from a reputable dealer that it is what they say because I have been told a very big ICE retailer is selling STN monitors as TFT.

One last thing is to make sure that if you are buying on an auction site (or some web sites) you make sure the item you are buying is shipped from the UK as less reputable traders state "Uk Equipment" as their location but in the small print it says "dispatched from our warehouse in Japan/Hong Kong/Singapore" which means you could be liable to import tax when you receive it (roughly about £25 per £100) Also make sure they are not adding on unnecessary postage as some charge upto £30 to make more money out of you (then they send at £7 standard rate)

Registered: 21st Nov 01
Location: gwent, south wales
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8th Aug 03 at 13:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

cheers buddy

Registered: 26th Jan 03
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8th Aug 03 at 14:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

get the joytech screen for the ps2! 5.6"tft screen but u have to clip it onto the back of the ps2 itself so ud have to sit the ps2 on the dash as well as the screen etc! Ive got it and its top notch picture quailty..3d surround sound aswell!

Registered: 1st Mar 04
Location: aberdeen
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17th Apr 04 at 10:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i am waiting for this screen to arrive anyone had one or got any info on it

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