Registered: 16th May 02
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Im fucking sick of these scunners, they have nothing better to do that to rome the streets looking for things to steal.
They broke into my car about 2 months ago from my work place and stole everything, now they have go into it again outside my house and took the lot again.
Its the same people who did if before, Police have been and took fingerprints so i hope they catch the fuckers who did it. chances are they wont tho because the police never seem intrested anyway.
I wouldnt mind 10 minutes alone with them, but most likley if i did i'd be the one spending a prison sentance.
My friends dads mate has wired up his alarm so that when its armed, the whole car is electrified, so if its touched you get an electric shock !!! i dunno how its done, but i wouldnt mind finding out. hes got WARNING HIGH VOLTAGE stickers on his windows.
Registered: 27th Nov 00
Location: preston,Lancashire
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quote: Originally posted by 5doormodder
My friends dads mate has wired up his alarm so that when its armed, the whole car is electrified, so if its touched you get an electric shock !!! i dunno how its done, but i wouldnt mind finding out. hes got WARNING HIGH VOLTAGE stickers on his windows.
but the scary thing is about that is if some 1 trys to break in and they are injured by the electric shock,your dad can end up in serious trouble(its illegal),i know its stupid,but this is why they do it cos they know the practically un-touchable ,cops ain't interested,if you touch em you get done,so bassically they can do what they want stupid laws,this country is ran by a cock who is more interested in motoring offense than real crime
but i'm gutted for ya mate,hope they find em
Registered: 16th May 02
User status: Offline
i know, i didnt think it was legal myself. Its my friends dads mate's car......he's a bit of a nutter anyway....but surley if the car in on my property (my driveway) and some cunt came and tried to break in (or even touch it) and got electricuted......they shoudltn have been on my property. I'd like to find if its illegal that way.....i can undrstand if your parked up in the highstreet where epople walk past your car.
Ive got plans anyway to catch them, they've come back for another go....i just have to lear them into comming back a third time........and i'll be waiting for them !!!
The police are not intrested, i cant beat the shit out of them.....i supose i tell them to stand there and wait for 3 hours while the police finish of their coffee and eventually arrive ???
Registered: 14th Sep 01
Location: Bath Avon
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what did they actually steal? is it items you can take out?
[Edited on 17-08-2003 by paul_spurrell]
Registered: 6th May 03
Location: Leeds
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I had mine broken into again aswell. I left it overnight outside the garage for its MOT, and the fuckers had a go.
They didn't actually knick anything, but they bent the door open and knackered my whole steering column.
The alarm and immobilser actually did its just, but 
£350 I didn't want to spend 
I'm thinking of getting a snap-off wheel next time
Registered: 11th Apr 01
Location: Liverpool
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quote: Originally posted by 5doormodder
i know, i didnt think it was legal myself. Its my friends dads mate's car......he's a bit of a nutter anyway....but surley if the car in on my property (my driveway) and some cunt came and tried to break in (or even touch it) and got electricuted......they shoudltn have been on my property. I'd like to find if its illegal that way.....i can undrstand if your parked up in the highstreet where epople walk past your car.
Ive got plans anyway to catch them, they've come back for another go....i just have to lear them into comming back a third time........and i'll be waiting for them !!!
The police are not intrested, i cant beat the shit out of them.....i supose i tell them to stand there and wait for 3 hours while the police finish of their coffee and eventually arrive ???
It is illegal...uses same principal as if you cement glass into the top of your walls to prevent theives climbing over..if they attempt it and cut themselves you are liable for there injuries...bit of a w@nk law but thats the way things are!
Been like that for years...
Registered: 13th Dec 00
Location: Lancashire
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Tony Martin i think his name is, that farmer that shot them theiving jipos for breaking into his house, then he got put away for manslaught. Fucking stupid.
Registered: 3rd Dec 02
Location: Newport, Wales
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You can make a disclaimer to stick on yer window:
Touch this car while armed and you could be at risk of suffering an electric shock. In the event that blah bah i cannot be held liable for your actions blah bah
Im sure a copper said to me as long as anything like that was made clearly visable then you should be ok
Registered: 22nd Sep 02
Location: Sydney, Australia
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Im sure a clearly visible disclaimer would work. But you may attract attention from the spaccos who want to get electrocuted anyway.
Registered: 16th May 02
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hahahah ! yeah they got my mobile phone and my brand new clarion mp3 head unit.
wankers i tell ya
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: West Yorkshire
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my garage at home has bars on windows with a healthy 240v current flowing through it
that will giv the pikey cunts a shock if they try and have a go!
Lucky B
Registered: 7th Apr 02
Location: Lunatic asylum. Drives: Hard & Fast.
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Get cctv from Maplin eletronics and get it all on videothen you'll know who it is.