Registered: 7th Jul 03
Location: Cambridgeshire
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A) Purchasing Cigarettes - 18
B) Purchasing Alcohol -18
C) Driving -17 but with age restrictions to power of the car.
D) Having Sex - 15
E) Riding a Moped -16
Andy Stocker
Registered: 31st Aug 00
Location: Herts Drives: Porsche 911
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quote: Originally posted by Tiger
What do you think they should be?
A) Purchasing Cigarettes 16
B) Purchasing Alcohol 21 ( like America, everywhere i went I was i.d.'d & i'm 23)
C) Driving 18
D) Having Sex 16
E) Riding a Moped 18
Be funny to raise all the ages of the above to 21 as then 1/2 the people on t his board would be fcuked
Registered: 11th Aug 02
Location: York
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Be funny to raise all the ages of the above to 21 as then 1/2 the people on t his board would be fcuked
or not as it were!!!! pmsl
Registered: 25th Oct 03
Location: Carmarthenshire
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quote: Originally posted by Mav 3000
21 for the lot.
no boy racers, more money put into public transport - ie quieter roads, no pi$$ed up kids, no teenage pregnacies (well in theory) less fights, better atmospheres in bars and clubs, safer roads, cheaper car insurance.
lol, ille probably agree with u when im 21
but untill then, get rid of chicken chasers and leave everything else as it is
Andy Stocker
Registered: 31st Aug 00
Location: Herts Drives: Porsche 911
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Andy Stocker
Registered: 31st Aug 00
Location: Herts Drives: Porsche 911
User status: Offline
I think you should also only ne allowed to drive to a certain age too.
Most the old people driving on the roads nowadays are accidents waiting t o happen
Registered: 12th Jun 01
Location: Leicestershire Drives:Astra VXR
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quote: Originally posted by Andy Stocker
Most the old people driving on the roads nowadays are accidents waiting t o happen
hit the nail on the head.
Should have to take a test every 3 years after 65.
Registered: 9th Mar 03
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I am 19, I dont consider myself a boyracer, I have no points or convictions... I think its a bit unfair to generalize to everyone under 21 is automatically likely to be boyracer genre
Andy Stocker
Registered: 31st Aug 00
Location: Herts Drives: Porsche 911
User status: Offline

(preferably everyday ( their memories aren't toog ood & forget what they've learnt))
Wolf In Welsh Clothing
Registered: 31st Mar 03
Location: North Wales...... Cooper S on order
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Drinking in pubs cost more so brats dont get drunk on 2l of cider.
Also kids wouldn't be as likely to get wrecked as they'd be supervised and wouldnt get served when wrecked.
Thats common sense though like having age related power of car so it wont happen in this country!
How can canabis still be illegal, if canabis and alcohol were only discovered today alcohol would be classed as the illegal one!
And id be breaking the law all the time! LOL!
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
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quote: Originally posted by Tiger
What do you think they should be?
A) Purchasing Cigarettes 18
B) Purchasing Alcohol 18
C) Driving 18
D) Having Sex 16
E) Riding a Moped 17
Craig W
Registered: 31st Oct 00
User status: Offline
To drive a car in Saudi Arabia you have to be 12+
Registered: 7th Sep 03
Location: Wigan
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A) Purchasing Cigarettes - 18
B) Purchasing Alcohol - 18
C) Driving -18
D) Having Sex - no age
E) Riding a Moped - 20, coz all the little dicks on scooters now really piss me off, they wouldnt dick about if they was 20
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
User status: Offline
Pff, im 22 and still dick about on my scoota 
Kids are safer on a bike than behiend the wheel of a car. Usually if they fall off its there own fault and they know not to do it again