Registered: 19th Jan 03
Location: Southampton
User status: Offline
Anyone up for a meet next week maybe sunday? I know a pretty good location for this no police trouble close to motorway and resonably big if anyones interested?
Mattss Corsa
Registered: 11th Jan 03
Location: Milton Keynes (BUCKS)
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If People Will Reply And Let Him Know It Wud Be A Great Help. I Wud Be Up For It Mate, Just Trying 2 Get More People B4, I Make My Way Up 2 Southampton
Registered: 19th Jan 03
Location: Southampton
User status: Offline
nice one mate it doesnt have to be this weekend coul do next weekend maybe the 14th? anyone up 4 this should u2u me for details!
Registered: 14th Jul 02
Location: Winchester, Hants or Bournemouth @ Uni
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Yeah up 4 it mate. Sam (Juni0r), Luke (C3 LJG), and Neil should be as well as we're only in Winchester- thats another 4 of us. Sunday is good.
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
Location: Waterhouses, Staffordshire
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Im in southampton - would love to meet up - I mat uni there and havnt yet found ne other cruisers. Ive got a white corsa modified predator front, modified combat2 rear, ccm karnage sides, smooth tailgate, smooth handles, smooth filler cap, bad boy and extended bonnet, lexus gen.3 clusters, dare x1s and mostly blue interior. Im leaving for stoek on the 13the, but I'll be back after new year - woudl definately meet up then if ur up for it.... pics of my car are in stubbsys garage ( thats with old wheels and lights)
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
Location: Waterhouses, Staffordshire
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wheres the location - might wander up on thursday/friday nite maybe
Registered: 19th Jan 03
Location: Southampton
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well my car's in the shop at the end of the week but hopefully will be back by sunday so it would have to be sunday or another time?
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
Location: Waterhouses, Staffordshire
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Ive left by then - but could meet up in the new year - bout the 6th I think onwards - wheres this location - I might go up on thursday have a gander - and whats the craic at hedge end - not found ne other cruisers newhere yet - but I dont know my way round too well
Registered: 19th Jan 03
Location: Southampton
User status: Offline
hedge end is dead mate used to get a few up there but not any more the location i had in mind is the comet/homebase car park in millbrook. Its not huge but its ok and theres never police trouble there coz i dont think anyone else uses it as a cruise location!
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
Location: Waterhouses, Staffordshire
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yeah I know it, Im only a couple of mins away - u mean near the 24 hour shirley tesco, I live in Shirley mate - whereabout are u?
Registered: 19th Jan 03
Location: Southampton
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yeah thats the one mate i'm in millbrook
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
Location: Waterhouses, Staffordshire
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just noticed u got u v front too - mines a bit diff tho
with stubbsy

Ive got new wheels and lights and few other bits now as well
Registered: 19th Jan 03
Location: Southampton
User status: Offline
very nice mate
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
Location: Waterhouses, Staffordshire
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Im back in southampton now mate - so netime u fancy a meet just put a post up - I wont normally get them at weekends tho....with being at uni during the week and too lazy to go in at weekends
Registered: 19th Jan 03
Location: Southampton
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hi mate, my car's back in bodyshop but should be back by the weekend so if we get enough interest we should organise something!
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
Location: Waterhouses, Staffordshire
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yeah - Im happy to do that -- got some know having a go the other day when I was on tescos, loading the car up with shopping - some prat in a reddish 306 with neon white washer jets - just laughed at him
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
Location: Waterhouses, Staffordshire
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what u having done at the shop - mines going back in in about a month
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
Location: Waterhouses, Staffordshire
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uve been to southampton - that makes it legal for u to come in here
Registered: 19th Jan 03
Location: Southampton
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its having a furious 2 spoiler fitterd/blended in flush boot relocated number plate and repairs to my front bumper. what happened with the twat in the pug then?! Stubbsy your welcome to come mate! how many people can u bring?
Registered: 5th Jun 01
Location: stoke-on-trent
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abit far to come just for a meet mate, think its nearly 200 miles
Registered: 19th Jan 03
Location: Southampton
User status: Offline
lol! fair enuff mate!
Registered: 1st Dec 02
Location: reading, berks
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mite cum, wen is it and is it worth cumin from reading
Registered: 31st Dec 03
Location: Isle of Lewis
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think ill take a wee spin down aswell, this sunday is it??? (10th)
N933 SVC, green corsa gsi, standard lookin, keep an eye out if i come :-)
[Edited on 10-01-2004 by Keithie]
Registered: 3rd Dec 03
Location: Woodley, Berkshire
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antz1 lemme know if you are going and we can cruise together.. not to sure if i will go but may do
Registered: 19th Jan 03
Location: Southampton
User status: Offline
this sunday is a bit soon, if we wanna make it fairly big we shoul aim for maybe next sunday??