Registered: 22nd Feb 01
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I'm not one to usually rant but feel the need to a bit...
Started seeing some lass last week, all was going fine. Anyhoo, she tells me the other day that she's been getting some grief off of her ex-boyfriend - he's been prank calling her mobile and house phone, and kinda stalking her a bit too He text'd her saying he was going to make her life hell, etc...
Anyway, she told me all this and I didn't really worry about it too much TBH, just assumed he'd be a bit gobby for awhile, and eventually bugger off - sadly not.
He turned up at her house last night while I was there to pick up all the stuff he'd given her in the past She'd already put it all in bags and left it by the door so when he came round, her Dad could just give it to him and that would be that. Anyhoo, he came round, picked this stuff up and asked to see her - her old man said she wasn't available. This bloke grunted that is she 'upstairs with him' and he said yeah. Then he buggers off. Once I knew about it we kept an eye out the window incase he wanted to come back. There was nothing for awhile so we went back to her room. Next thing I know her folks come running in saying he's come back and had a go at my car I ran downstairs and out the door ready to lamp the twat but he'd already run off by now. There wasn't any really major damage, but he'd kicked the shit out of the drivers side wing mirror, and because they're heated and electric that's cost me £135 this morning to get a replacement 
We called the police, but they said outright that they weren't going to do much... 
Now I'm stuck...
I've found out where he lives, and could quite happily pop round for a visit However, if I do I can see it just going on and on... 
If I stop seeing the missus that'd probably be the end of it, as this is on the other side of town to me anyway, but why should I stop cause of this?
If I do nothing, whats to stop him doing it again 
Pissed off, and fookin' fed up basically 
(Sorry for the essay)
Registered: 11th May 02
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get the plolice to sort it if they do nowt
then id bide my time till he wasnt expecting it and do sommit
Registered: 27th Sep 01
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threaten him good so he wont come back for anymore
Registered: 28th Oct 02
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dont leave the girl trotty dude not if u like her.
will be a big mistake. u or ur lass needs to have a word with this fella tell him to fook off.
Registered: 1st May 01
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mash him up with a combine harvester 
seriously tho, don't stop seeing her because of him, I'm sure we could organise a SW meet if needs be
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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Either have a quiet word (wouldn't bother starting a war u'll just regret it) or see if there's any way u can get him to pay up 9small claims court or something) obviously you'd have to get something from the police first, he needs scaring/to pay for it otherwise he'll just do it again.
I'd go with the 'quiet word' approach, get a few mates together (big n hard looking ) and pay him a visit demand the money back or tell him you'll see him in court.
Registered: 22nd Feb 01
Location: Bristol
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Well it's a bitch, she's told him enough times to leave her alone, but he keeps appearing 
Her folks even called his dad last night and said what had happened, and he didn't give a shit 
The easiet option is to stop seeing her, but I don't really wanna do that TBH.
It's also very tempting to get hold of him and... Well, you know...
But is that just gonna cause more repurcussions Seems like the sorta bloke that isn't gonna give up too easily
Registered: 22nd Nov 02
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Take a fcuking bat to his head.
Craig W
Registered: 31st Oct 00
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With the right methods, he'd leave you both alone.
If he was anything to worry about, he'd have pushed passed the dad and tried to drag you out of her house. The fact that he dammaged your mirror and ran off proves he's a wuss.
Hey i know, i'll go knocking on his door, say im your brother and that we share the car (i have no hair also lol), and that i want the dammage costs back. If he does not co-operate, i'll tie him to a tree, drench him in petrol and flick matches around him 
Don't split up with the lass - please. These sort of people are so easily dealt with, 99% of the time with no violence needed - you just have to use your noggin. The fear from them not knowing what your going to do after a freindly visit will get to them, leave them guessing.
[Edited on 29-01-2004 by Craig W]
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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craig'll help u ace
Craig W
Registered: 31st Oct 00
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A little example of how using your head works...
Quite a while ago someone owed me quite alot of money, i'd been fobbed off and lied to and in the end decided to pay him a home visit.
I had no intentions of using violence at his home whatsoever - i believe that is wrong, especially if they have a family. I knew he had a feisty missus so used my intelligence and picked a time to visit when i knew she'd be there also.
I was as polite as could be, but calmy explained that if i didn't get my money i'd come back, and keep coming back, which would in the end lead to violence.
By the time i'd finished my little speech his missus was screaming at him, because he'd messed me about so much it'd lead to me coming into their home. Obviously not a nice thing.
I bet after i left she kicked the crap out of him. But it proves my point about the fear factor.
In my experience, talking to people calm and politley, but letting them know what you're capable of and what you will actually do to them if needed is far more worrying for them, rather than just shouting and screaming threats.
It's like at the club, if i chuck someone out for something, i hope they'll scream at me and threaten me, because i know they're empty threats. If someone just walks off after being ejected, i think to myself 'what are they upto?'.
Registered: 10th Aug 02
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Bit like that with my x but didnt touch car as it wasnt round her house 
Stick with her - if she is worth it ad put up with his shit - if he touched the car tho i wouldnt leave it at that, GET ROUND TO HIS AND MAKE HIM KNOW WHO U R - FOR THE 2 MINS HE WILL BE CONCIOUS
Registered: 14th Nov 00
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Excellent tips Craig, I shall remember that
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
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When it comes to things like this i'd take any advice from Craig. He knows how to handle these situations
Registered: 13th Jan 03
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sorry trotty didn't mean to break ur mirror 
only joking lets get the yate masiiiiiive on him!
Stone Cold Rattlesnake
Registered: 12th Jun 02
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Good advice there Craig
Stick at it Trotty
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Don't split up, hell no.
I assume the police are not acting because its not proven? Did her folks not see anything? Did the the police not even fancy going round for a word themselves in the hope he'd come clean?
It sounds very spare of the moment and red mist so he's probably going tok play ball when faced with the bill.
I had a similar thing happen to me some years ago. I was going out with a girl from the year below me in school - different circle of friends etc. and lads on the scene who didn't know me and saw me as a bit of a threat (I had a brand new 1200 B on 15s ). It came to a head outside a nightclub and he threw a few punches. I got a bit of a bloody nose but still drove off smiling out of the window. She was with me and he was walking home alone very bothered. I thought that was the last of it except he paid me a visit on his way home and kicked the crap out of the Corsa outside my house. Unfortunately for him I was still at the girlfriends and he'd kicked my brothers car.
I'm not sure what he'd been drinking as his was silver and mine was green but nevertheless, my family all saw him do it so we made a few enquiries as to where he lived etc. (luckily he had friends who weren't quite so firey and wanted to smooth it) and went round with the bill for 1600.
His dad paid it. I'm not sure he went out much for a while after that.....
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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quote: If he was anything to worry about, he'd have pushed passed the dad and tried to drag you out of her house. The fact that he dammaged your mirror and ran off proves he's a wuss.
Hey i know, i'll go knocking on his door, say im your brother and that we share the car (i have no hair also lol), and that i want the dammage costs back. If he does not co-operate, i'll tie him to a tree, drench him in petrol and flick matches around him
haha craig you nutter. 
Though craig does have a valid point, if the guy was anything to worry about he'd have tried to barge past and start on you. He didn't, he just kicked your wing mirror and did a runner.
Thats more like something a 15 year old would do.
If I was in your shoes, I'd be pretty pissed off, if people even touch my car I get annoyed - I had someone nick my keys before and although he may have thought he was joking about at the time, I didn't treat it that way when I went to get my keys back.
If I knew where he lived, I'd go do something to his car.
Eye for an Eye and all that.
Then when he comes back to do something to my car have your video camera handy and try catching him on film doing it - take it to the police.
police can't do anything without evidence. He may say 'But he smashed my mirror first?' or whatever - just deny it and say he's obviously trying to dig himself out of shit throwing accusations.
(after all he won't have proof unlike you)
Get the police to make him pay you for all damages, i.e. mirror, and whatever else he does - and the police will warn him if he does anything else he'll be in the shit.
If he is stupid enough to do anything else, tell the pigs and sorted.
Don't leave the bird, thats what the guy wants to happen.
If worst comes to worst, get craig to sort him out (wonders whether craig would seriously come down and get the guy for you )
Paul J
Registered: 6th Jan 03
Location: Blackburn . Drove: Dimma Saxo VTR
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think i could do with craig for my problems 
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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Make sure you settle the bill quickly Lee
Registered: 12th Sep 02
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punk ass, id go round and do the same , and let him know that if anything else happens to your car tyou will do exactly the same to hie (or next of kins) untill he stops 
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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I don't agree the score should be settled like for like. Trotty will not only criminalise himself but also potentially suffer a lot more damage.
A chat may sort it. Failing that witnesses and a formal chat by our friends in blue.
Its not without hope.
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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I do agree with you Ian, but it just pisses me off that he can get away with that, I had to replace a electric, heated, mirror a while ago - £135 is not nice for someone elses stupidity.
If trotty does nothing, the guy may keep returning and vandlising his car regardless...
Something should be done to make him think 'oh hang on, maybe this isn't such a good idea' when he decides to take a baseball bat to your windows and bonnet.
Registered: 28th Jul 00
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Pay Craig to take a visit !
Craig W
Registered: 31st Oct 00
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quote: Originally posted by Paul_J
If I knew where he lived, I'd go do something to his car.
Eye for an Eye and all that.
Then when he comes back to do something to my car have your video camera handy and try catching him on film doing it - take it to the police.
Paul J
Nice idea but i wouldn't. It'd be like playing ping pong - he hits, you hit etc. No point in putting you, your car or home/family etc just to catch him on video.
Honestly Trott, i'm confident you could sort this out with no violence at all, not required