Registered: 11th Jun 02
Location: Milton Keynes
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i went out with some girls from work tonight, told the other half where i was going and what time i'd be back. he said he might be going out but he'd let me know by text if he did. so not having heard from him i get home looking forward to seeing him cos i havent really seen him at all today, looking forward to snuggling up together and having a lie in as i have tomorrow morning booked off as holiday, when i get home to an empty house. the bastards gone to oceana without texting me. git
R Lee
Registered: 15th Aug 03
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thats men for you
R Lee
Registered: 15th Aug 03
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oi, shelly im a man (i think) and im a good 'un
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you think?!
R Lee
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Registered: 12th Sep 02
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well if you hadnt of gone out with your mates you could have seen him , typical women allways out on the piss 
Registered: 26th Apr 03
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Hmm, first rule of thumb, let women think, and then just do what they want.
Men don't think they just do,
Men need a place, women need a reason.
Registered: 11th Jun 02
Location: Milton Keynes
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i wasnt out on the piss i was driving. but now i'm sitting on me own, wanting to go to sleep but i know he'll want a lift home as he is obviously drinking as his car is at home
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i'm a man
Registered: 11th Jun 02
Location: Milton Keynes
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and now i've got a text from him (eventually) saying not only is he out but luke his mate he's out with is staying here. things couldn't get worse
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I never go out No one to go with
Registered: 11th Jun 02
Location: Milton Keynes
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i'll go out with you shelly, we can go out and not tell the other half where we're going or what time we'll be back
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Registered: 15th Nov 00
Location: Lancashire Drives: Astra H VXR
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no give them a taste of their own medicine eh?!
Registered: 5th Mar 03
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Registered: 11th Jun 02
Location: Milton Keynes
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yeah, see how they like it. us against the world (well part of it)
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anyway im off to bed
good luck with the fella 
nighty nite
Registered: 11th Jun 02
Location: Milton Keynes
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see ya shelly
Registered: 26th Apr 03
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go out alone, come home with two people.

R Lee
Registered: 15th Aug 03
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just coz your fella is a git, doesn't mean you have to become one.
be a good gal
Registered: 11th Jun 02
Location: Milton Keynes
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i try to be but i texted him two times to see if he needed a lift home, he didnt reply so i eang him and he just hung up on me!! hardly him being nice i am trying to be a good gal
Registered: 26th Apr 03
Location: Cheshire
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Ahh, u want shot of 'im !
He has to be daft not to see the seduction potential in u darlin.
R Lee
Registered: 15th Aug 03
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leave it be then. he obviously doesn't want to be disturbed. don't pick him up or anything, do not give in now.
Registered: 11th Jun 02
Location: Milton Keynes
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quote: Originally posted by blackula
Ahh, u want shot of 'im !
He has to be daft not to see the seduction potential in u darlin.
what seduction potential is that then
Registered: 26th Apr 03
Location: Cheshire
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instead of thinking u might had needed a night out and to come home to him, he got pissed off at u going out, and went out himself,
the whole idea of relationships is getting over what u want, and putting the other person first, and this is like a two way thing.
relationships which last are always involving people who can see the needs of the other and act accordingly