Danny H
Registered: 10th Feb 05
Location: Gilberdyke, E Riding of Yorkshire
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Off to pick up my new car later. Its a Paxo vtr 
Anyway was wanting a few pics of some decent ones if anyone has any. Had a quick look round ssc.co.uk and most of the cars are total chavved up wank.
Could do with a bit of inspiration for it.
Registered: 23rd Feb 05
Location: Tyne and Wear
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What colour?
Leave it standard looking!
Maybe drop it a bit... and get some new alloys? like Pug 306 GTI 6 alloys? exhaust system/engine mods.
Smoked headlights...dimma grill.. some engine mods/etc
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Registered: 9th Feb 06
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I dont mind saxo's.....so long as there not max poor wannabes 
Keep it standard except lowered 60mm with some ph2 vts alloys & subtle exhaust 
Danny H
Registered: 10th Feb 05
Location: Gilberdyke, E Riding of Yorkshire
User status: Offline
Its silver.
Yea not doing much to it, no daft wheels or kits.
Gona lower it about 60mm, just need to find a good setup.
Dimma grill? never seen one.
p4uls corsa
Registered: 2nd May 05
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is it a mk1 or mk2
Registered: 6th Aug 05
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quote: Originally posted by JadeM
Keep it standard except lowered 60mm with some ph2 vts alloys & subtle exhaust 
Danny H
Registered: 10th Feb 05
Location: Gilberdyke, E Riding of Yorkshire
User status: Offline
Its a mk2, probably wont change exhaust, standard ones look smart enough.
Registered: 8th Apr 02
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This is my bro's old saxo.
No wild bodykits or anything.
Just lowered 3 clicks at the back, and 60mm at the front.

p4uls corsa
Registered: 2nd May 05
Location: BRADFORD
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the dimma kit looks smart on the mk2's
Danny H
Registered: 10th Feb 05
Location: Gilberdyke, E Riding of Yorkshire
User status: Offline
How are they lowered at the back? What sort of setup should i be looking at getting to drop 60mm?
Registered: 8th Apr 02
Location: Stonehaven (Scotland)
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It was a torsion bar @ the rear, and i think 60mm is the equivilant of 2 clicks.
Registered: 4th Oct 04
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A local guys saxo. I hate them but you asked for non chavvy un-kitted ones so there you go 
The corsa is K5-KYL's mate, not sure if he's on here or not.
Registered: 1st Nov 03
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have a look on www.sax-p.co.uk suome nice 1's on there
p4uls corsa
Registered: 2nd May 05
Location: BRADFORD
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heres a few pics of my dimma kitted vtr

Registered: 1st Nov 03
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that looks nice that saxo
Registered: 21st Oct 02
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Anyone host for me? got a vts
Danny H
Registered: 10th Feb 05
Location: Gilberdyke, E Riding of Yorkshire
User status: Offline
I like the silver one, they black vts wheels?
[Edited on 04-03-2006 by Danny H]
Premium Member
Registered: 9th Feb 06
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17's on a saxo are too big imo!!
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Registered: 9th Feb 06
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quote: Originally posted by Danny H
I like the silver one, they black vts wheels?
[Edited on 04-03-2006 by Danny H]
yes phase 2 vts alloys
p4uls corsa
Registered: 2nd May 05
Location: BRADFORD
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quote: Originally posted by JadeM
quote: Originally posted by Danny H
I like the silver one, they black vts wheels?
[Edited on 04-03-2006 by Danny H]
yes phase 2 vts alloys
the phase one alloys are the same as the phase two alloys
Registered: 21st Oct 02
Location: Rickmansworth
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I have black Mk2 alloys on my silver vts
Its a mk2 though so slightly diff to that one ^^^
Danny H
Registered: 10th Feb 05
Location: Gilberdyke, E Riding of Yorkshire
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Evisu's. How much is it lowered?
Registered: 25th Jun 05
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1 click is 35mm
Registered: 21st Oct 02
Location: Rickmansworth
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Thats 45m front with rear torsion bar adjusted to match mate 
Excuse the poor quality camera phone pics
[Edited on 04-03-2006 by Evisu]
Danny H
Registered: 10th Feb 05
Location: Gilberdyke, E Riding of Yorkshire
User status: Offline
So do you not need new springs/shocks when lowering at the back?
How hard is it to do?