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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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Took a while but I bought a projector off Aj. some time ago, got it mounted now and a computer for it in the room. Still need to do something with the wires (power and VGA are going through the ceiling via the loft when I get a minute) but its ready for use now.

Went a bit old school on the system. Only a P4 2.4Ghz but I've thrown more RAM in it and a bigger drive. Its quick enough for the purpose. Looks OK as well I reckon.

Projector mount is an Ikea hack. Those metal things are supposed to go in your cupboards so you can stand glasses on them. I mounted the bottom inside the frame which introduced the angle instead of on the outside bottom the brackets. Usually the shelf would be on top of course. Wires need work.

Result! Its a bit sqashed as I've deliberately zoomed it too far. That desktop is using the projectors 16:9 function. For films I can set the projector to 4:3 and you get the film full height between the ceiling and top of the speaker.
Things I've learnt which I didn't know before -
Its crap in sunlight. Need night time to watch anything. Not a big problem of course as thats when it will get most use, but something to bear in mind if it's to replace a TV. I'm not having a tuner though so again, no biggie for me.
The projector is designed to be sat on a desk, so the pattern looking sideways at the projector has a flat base and points upwards to the top of the picture, hence the angle required on the mount. This in turn means that you get a trapezoid image on the wall which needs adjusting out, which in turn reduces the sharpness of the image. Normally you would solve this problem by finding a projector which can be mounted up-side down but this one doesn't recommend it and I would rather squash the picture than overheat the unit.
Registered: 28th Feb 04
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Awesome. My mate has one and he lives something that resembles a war shelter with only one small window near the ceiling and it's ideal!
Whats the quality of the screen like in real life when looking at the desktop from where you're standing and not through a camera? It looks quite good quality to me. How would you rate it?
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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Its not sharp there because its adjusted for keystone. You can have it sharp but then its fat at the bottom.
Registered: 19th Aug 02
Location: Midsomer Norton, Bristol Avon
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looks very nice.
i assume you dont sit on that sofa to watch the image behind
Registered: 9th Aug 04
Location: Cottingham, East Riding
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Very nice ian, i'm glad to see the projector put to good use
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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You finally got a TV 
Are you going to put your sofas on stands to make them cinema style too still?
Matt H
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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Yeah the media sofa is underneath the projector - that other one becomes a bit redundant
Registered: 13th Oct 04
Location: Mid Wales
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Stunning! Id love something like that! unfortunate for me, it costs a fair amount
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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I'm still the right side of £500 for everything you see there. Thats with the computer upgrades, all cables etc. More inch per pound than a plasma
Registered: 7th Feb 03
Location: Hereford Drives: Audi R8 V8
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get a proper screen for it Ian, makes a big difference 

Registered: 18th Apr 05
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I've got a media centre keyboard and IF reciever and remote going if anyone wants it? £30 + whatever postage is. Bought it when my PC was downstairs but its back in the attic now.
Registered: 13th Oct 04
Location: Mid Wales
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quote: Originally posted by Ian
I'm still the right side of £500 for everything you see there. Thats with the computer upgrades, all cables etc. More inch per pound than a plasma
really il give you £500 for that set up! think thats the route il be taking before plasma etc
Registered: 13th Oct 04
Location: Mid Wales
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although matt has said i can have his when he moves to spain
Registered: 7th Feb 03
Location: Hereford Drives: Audi R8 V8
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quote: Originally posted by Jas
although matt has said i can have his when he moves to spain
Im thinking about taking it with me, im gonna miss it otherwise!
Registered: 13th Oct 04
Location: Mid Wales
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nah dont mate, you need to move on ....................................
text me when you want me to pick it up
but on a serious note, any pc goodies you want rid of let me know
Registered: 5th May 04
Location: Skoda Octavia Estate, Ford Puma
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I want one now 
I can't move in my flat, got too much stuff I still want one though
Registered: 24th Jan 05
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i'm honestly gealous ian
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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quote: Originally posted by Jas
really il give you £500 for that set up!
Projector 250
Computer was 90
RAM and the HDD 65
Shelf 2.50
Wireless keyboard and mouse, mine is a fancy one but you'll get one for 20-30
Cables I had in stock but you've 60 quid left over for that.
Cheaper if you've already a computer you can use. I bought one that would suit the existing hi-fi cab but doesn't need to be that quick. I was using a P3 500Mhz laptop which still played DivX DVD rips completely fine. You could pick up an equivalent desktop system for very little money indeed.
Registered: 20th Jun 04
Location: Hesketh Bank, Lancashire
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I have the same keyboard as you Ian
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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[Edited on 15-05-2007 by Ian]
Registered: 25th Sep 06
Location: Wigan
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LOL @ the bridge game .
love the set up mate. what speakers are those by the way, look like castle severns but different. i got a pair of rega alya's for sale if your interested, cherry finish aswell so would look good with that piano stool
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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Mission 702e
Few years old now but they're loud enough for a flat
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
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ian cant you mount the projector at same height as its meant to be projected onto?
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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also if you start to experience slight stuttering in your videos, especially panning shots, download a excellent bit of software called reclock, its sits in your task tray and synchronises the computers refresh rate to the device your using