Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
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Well, this is the car that kinda helped with the splitting on the red sleeper. Drove it back from the city today and its quite nice, this is quite a basic Mini Cooper, only extras are the white bits, pepper pack (aircon and trims) and darkened rear glass which is quite a treat. I'm already getting nods from other Mini owners, but this could possibly be a double take because its a bloke driving it .
I'll be offering haircuts from tomorrow onwards 

The car is a company car, so i pay some sort of extra tax every month which isnt too bad. The seats are a let down I must say, not sure what I can do about that but meh, lets see how I get along, thanks for reading.
Registered: 20th Feb 07
Location: Essex
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Very nice...bet you can't wait to get it on some country roads 
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Registered: 7th Jan 04
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What's wrong with the seats? sit on rather than in?
Looks good anyway, nice colour
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
User status: Offline
I've already taken it for a spirited drive as I live in the middle of fucking nowhere, I must say its quite interesting! The power is okay aswell, but I'm use to mooooooree.
Registered: 28th Feb 04
Location: Howden
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its very 'you' willay
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
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you're not the first person to say that jon !!!
Robin - just not as supportive as i'd like, but yeah they are comfy.
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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quote: Originally posted by Robin
Quick, to the Office-mobile Office Boy!

See what I did there?
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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How is it in the congestion charge? Handle well? Good coin holder?
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: Kent
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nice mate, still cant belive you have a company car to drive to the train station though
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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quote: Originally posted by jr
nice mate, still cant belive you have a company car to drive to the train station though
avin a babble barf aint he?
Registered: 20th Jun 04
Location: Hesketh Bank, Lancashire
User status: Offline
Looks nice Will, I prefer the pre-facelift ones to look at though. How long do you keep it for?
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: Kent
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quote: Originally posted by Matt H
quote: Originally posted by jr
nice mate, still cant belive you have a company car to drive to the train station though
[quote: All northerners think its like eastenders here]
avin a babble barf aint he?
[Edited on 24-07-2007 by jr]
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
User status: Offline
PS I like the car, but im running a bath (barf....or baff where I come from) & I want to see how much cockney I can talk
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: Kent
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Registered: 3rd Sep 05
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Love the outside - looks good.
But whats with the mahoosive speedo
Premium Member
Registered: 8th May 05
Location: Nottingham Drives: Corsa B
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looks nice one thing ive always wondered with mini's though, how on earth do you manage with the speedo where it is 
Marcy Marc 
White Sport Progress Thread
Registered: 4th Apr 02
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Very camp 
Let me know if/when the seats start giving your back grief
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by joe6886
Looks nice Will, I prefer the pre-facelift ones to look at though. How long do you keep it for?
3 years then a new one i think, or i quit
Dave A
Registered: 10th Dec 03
Location: County Durham
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you will look so good (old) driving that with your special hat on
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
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quote: Originally posted by Haimsey
looks nice one thing ive always wondered with mini's though, how on earth do you manage with the speedo where it is
where the rev counter is (in front of you) there is a digital miles per hour read out which can be changed for MPG/petrol left etc
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Dave A
you will look so good (old) driving that with your special hat on
just think about it, me in my special hat and crocs, and you in a flowery dress and a wig. We can drive into that field/dirt track where you tested out the HID's.
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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its no worse than the speedos in them yaris's
All Torque
Registered: 17th Nov 05
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quote: Originally posted by Matt H
How is it in the congestion charge? Handle well? Good coin holder?
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
User status: Offline
We got the car delivered to a NCP carpark so they couldnt charge me, and the charge is lifted at 6pm (when I end work) so didnt have to pay Came with 7 miles on it!
Registered: 20th Jun 04
Location: Hesketh Bank, Lancashire
User status: Offline
I'd love to see you mincing around London in it William, would really make me happy.