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Does anyone here have an o2 joggler? If so have you hacked it yet? What have you got it to do? Seems a powerful little device for only 50pounds now!
Registered: 11th Aug 04
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I love gadgets but I just cant get my head around these?
I cant understand what I'd do with ubuntu on a glorified virtual photoframe.
Registered: 11th Aug 02
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Surely it can't compete with Blackberry, iiPhone etc which can do all the things Joggler can?
Registered: 11th Aug 06
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Read the first 3 replies without googling WTF a joggler is 
Registered: 9th Aug 06
Location: Doddington, Lincolnshire
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I was just about to post a topic like this, I assume you bought one this week after the HUKD post? 
Apparently you can boot off a USB stick into Linux and still keep the O2 software on the thing for warranty issues, although Ive yet to find any concrete info on that
Registered: 27th Oct 03
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quote: Originally posted by Whittie
Read the first 3 replies without googling WTF a joggler is 
haha me too..
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Registered: 6th Dec 02
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Lots of info on doing ubuntu etc. Brought one on impulse when getting the wife an iPhone! Not I want to
make the joggler useful!
Registered: 9th Aug 06
Location: Doddington, Lincolnshire
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They are trying to do Android for it as well
Registered: 30th Jun 02
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quote: Originally posted by luciaadr
I love gadgets but I just cant get my head around these?
I cant understand what I'd do with ubuntu on a glorified virtual photoframe.
Same here... seems pretty useless to me due to the lack of mobility.
Quite bulky too, with no easy way to remove the stand.
Registered: 19th Jun 06
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Is this the calender like thing?
Registered: 19th Nov 08
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Aren't they designed to be sat in your kitchen, living room or similar? I.e. not to be moved around (stubs).
I'd pick one up over a digital photo frame - for a bit extra you can do a lot more.
Registered: 30th Jun 02
Location: Bolton
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quote: Originally posted by noshua
Aren't they designed to be sat in your kitchen, living room or similar? I.e. not to be moved around (stubs).
I'd pick one up over a digital photo frame - for a bit extra you can do a lot more.
Yeah I get that they're supposed to be sat somewhere... but then why go about loading Ubuntu onto it etc?
Even as standard, they have the option of loading youtube and facebook etc.. or can watch BBC iplayer with a USB based update to the standard OS.
However, I just can't see it being very practical to me.. I'd prefer to just use a laptop and sit on the sofa with no wires trailing about.
I suppose it would be ok for using in the garage to stream music to, but I've already got some old hifi gear in there and an ipod.
Registered: 30th Jun 02
Location: Bolton
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Infact, I'll just wait for the OpenTablet 7... looks like it suits my requirments and is made by the same company that make the Joggler.
Rumour is that BT will be releasing it very soon as an iPad alternative.
Registered: 11th Mar 06
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I bought three, excellent little devices. I have put ubuntu netbook remix on them all and have one on my bedside table connected to my house's webcam security / browse internet / watch videos and is a squeezebox player. Another given to my parents to replace there old ipods and have it as a squeezebox player / internet tv rigged up to some speakers and another for me to mess about on and use as a little netbook device. Ive only had them 4 days so there purpose may change when i find out other things about them!
[Edited on 18-05-2010 by moka]
Registered: 11th Mar 06
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The original software is OK... you can hack it with something called PMJ (pimp my joggler) which adds a few bbc channels, facebook (doesnt work for me) and other things but you are still very limited. Once you chuck ubuntu on it the possibilities are endless as you basically turn it into a touch screen netbook.
It has a 1.3ghz atom processor, 512mb ram and 1gb internal memory.
With a hub you can attach a mouse / keyboard + any other device you can think of.
Make sure you have previous linux experience if you want to chuck ubuntu on it though.
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
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Shame it doens't sync up with google apps calandar, i'd have one if it did!
Registered: 9th Aug 06
Location: Doddington, Lincolnshire
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Molasses I want to go the ubuntu route but don't want to void my warranty, thought there was a way of booting from usb? Also I'm good at installing Windows but have never touched Linux before, am I going to struggle?
Registered: 11th Mar 06
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USB stick is currently the way to really boot Ubuntu. If you install on the internal memory you will probably lose your IMEI number etc. Instead of installing ubuntu yourself etc you could always use disca's image.
This will basically just allow you to write an already installed operating system to your usb drive (takes about 7mins). Then pop that into your joggler and reboot. Your now in ubuntu fully working all setup to work with the joggler (to date). Its still being worked on. 
[Edited on 20-05-2010 by moka]
Registered: 9th Aug 06
Location: Doddington, Lincolnshire
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And it doesn't wreck your jogglers correct firmware / software? I know there Is always a risk but is it fairly well tested so far?
Registered: 11th Mar 06
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Nah your be fine. It doesnt touch internal memory when you boot from USB. You technically would be able to access it once in ubuntu but the image above secures the area the o2 software is on preventing you from writing to it or something (your have to double check).
Registered: 9th Aug 06
Location: Doddington, Lincolnshire
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Sounds good im on 600mb so far (can only DL at 180kb/s here ) but am going to put it on one of those £8 160GB HDD thats powered from USB, can use it to download and store all my music files in one place then and it should run faster than a pen drive
Registered: 11th Mar 06
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If you using a hard drive you might want to setup a swap. I believe the image your are downloading has disabled the swap to avoid wasting usb drive write cycles (which they only have a certain amount of). Swap will act as an extention to your memory which will improve performance. Your going to have to read up on it though if your not sure wtf im talking about
Registered: 11th Mar 06
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Also the image is setup to use exactly 4gb so will leave the other 156 as unpartitioned space. You will need to format this to make it visible to ubuntu.
Registered: 9th Aug 06
Location: Doddington, Lincolnshire
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He does say on the .org site you linked above how to make it a usable space, something like fstep or something like that....I am a Linux / Ubuntu virgin, any good links you can show me that you know of?
Registered: 9th Aug 06
Location: Doddington, Lincolnshire
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Got bored trying to do it on the hard drives, nipped out to Asda and bought a £8 flash drive. All written and working fine, but after all that effort it doesn't seem worth it now! The touch screen isn't responsive enough compared to my phone and its very slow at processing something like iplayer. Might wait and give Android a go when they get it sorted