Registered: 19th Apr 03
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as above, my work are wanting to put gps tracking devices on our vans , they have said its for our safety which is a load of shite. Who is allowed to monitor us ? what arguments can you use against it? do they have to have any sort of qualification to monitor us? we are not hourly paid and on salary , we clock in and out so know where we are and all have mobiles .
prob all clutching at straws but just thought id ask
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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This will put an end to your primary school sex tours
Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
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I'm pretty sure someone I know that works on the railways said his company have started doing that on their vans so they know they aren't abusing the use of them.
If you are doing nothing wrong what is there to worry about... 
[Edited on 04-10-2011 by mwg]
Registered: 25th Feb 06
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So they save fuel when you're bombing round somewhere you shouldn't be. The company can (and will) monitor you. They'd probably argue it's for your safety if you went off route so they could call you to make sure you haven't been carjacked, or some such daft excuse as that.
Registered: 15th Oct 04
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quote: Originally posted by 3CorsaMeal
This will put an end to your primary school sex tours
Registered: 28th Sep 01
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The people at BT said they break them so they can't be tracked.
I wouldn't do a job that did this out of principal
Registered: 20th Feb 07
Location: Essex
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quote: Originally posted by mwg
I'm pretty sure someone I know that works on the railways said his company have started doing that on their vans so they know they aren't abusing the use of them.
If you are doing nothing wrong what is there to worry about... 
[Edited on 04-10-2011 by mwg]
Network Rail are for certain
Registered: 19th Apr 03
Location: yorkshire
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its just typical big brother situation, they wont get no more work out of me all it means is ill sit on a job reading paper and let the time drag on .
my managers all drive there own cars doing the same thing as me but without repairs and they do take piss and claim mileage ive seen them coffee shops on my day off when thier meant to be at work etc . so why cant they take them? these trackers are portable ? its like one rule for them and another for all the lads on tools
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Registered: 8th Jun 10
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Its a company car they can do what they want.
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
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Dad's company motor has one, they know a little too much about me using it for shows
Registered: 19th Apr 03
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i dont have anything to hide they get a very good service for what they pay us, we have already had a cut , yes some days if we get done early we leave or go to cafe but now it all has to stop . i will personally take forever doing repairs now and will go out of my way to make thier life hard
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Registered: 8th Jun 10
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well you do have something to hide if your gonna be an arse for the company putting a tracker in a COMPANY car. Maybe for insurance reasons or someone has been taking the piss.
Registered: 19th Apr 03
Location: yorkshire
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quote: Originally posted by VrsTurbo
well you do have something to hide if your gonna be an arse for the company putting a tracker in a COMPANY car. Maybe for insurance reasons or someone has been taking the piss.
no i do alot more outside my contract, like been on call , for no extra money . So they put the trackers on and none of us will do any more than our contract , and no matter where we are we wont work a minute later than our 4pm finishing time and thats back at depot, so if working 1.5 hour away we will be off site for 2.30
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Registered: 8th Jun 10
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well you'll have to be carefull then as if you all do that they can end your current employment and re-employe you under a different one and its not the best climate to be pissing your work off is it....
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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You're throwing your toys out the pram because the company wants to track it's own vehicle fleet
Registered: 28th Sep 01
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If they don't trust the work force then they shouldn't employ them.
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
Location: Hazlemere, Buckinghamshire
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Bit silly, Dad's lot only check them out in excessive use etc. I've been all over the country of a weekend in Dad's and they've never once told me off. They did tell me to watch my speed once though
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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leave it at the top of snowdon
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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the comment about bt lads breaking them is utter poo, its a sackable offense. we all have them in our openreach vans and its just to make sure you are where your meant to be. managers can track you on thier i-phones ect. its not a problem for me as i do what im supposed to be doing.
Registered: 19th Jun 06
Location: Sunbury, Surrey
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We have them on our vans too. Planning and Dispatch use them to find who is the closest to any priorty jobs that need doing. Also cuts the cost of the insurance, as any stolen vans can be instantly tracked. TBH your company owns the vehicle, they are intitled to know what your doing with it.
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Registered: 22nd Nov 06
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Haha, looks like you'll have to start doing some work
Registered: 26th Feb 01
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The firm I used to work for had them fitted to all the vans. They said it was for tax reasons so they could show the tax man we weren't using them outside of work hours. It wasn't long before they were using them instead of time sheets though.
We found them to be unfair. We did a lot of working away and we'd be given a set amount of time to get to the job which was always impossible then we wouldn't start getting paid hour regular hourly rate until we got on site. Likewise as soon as we left site to travel home we would be off the clock and back onto travel time. Obviously the are ways and means to recoup this but I think it cost them more than it saved in the long run, it was a fairly small firm and a lot of the lads were miffed at the perceived lack of trust, especially when we saw what managers and office staff could get away with.
To sum up, you're fucked and are gonna have to put up with it!
Registered: 28th Sep 01
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quote: Originally posted by john-d
the comment about bt lads breaking them is utter poo, its a sackable offense. we all have them in our openreach vans and its just to make sure you are where your meant to be. managers can track you on thier i-phones ect. its not a problem for me as i do what im supposed to be doing.
had a feeling they were talking bollocks
Registered: 26th Feb 01
Location: Lancs
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When the tracker was first fitted in my van I unplugged it and it was about 3months before anyone noticed.
Later they used to get printed reports at the end of every week and check them against our timesheets. Still used to unplug them from time to time though.
Registered: 24th Apr 04
Location: Kirkliston, Edinburgh
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They can check what speed you are doing too. Lads in the football team are always getting halled up for it. 97 is the record so far