Registered: 30th Jun 03
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They should literally sack every single one of these people.
If I got £100 every time my break was interrupted I'd happily have every break interrupted every day, I've not seen a break for the past 2 years.
It's unbelievable they are even allowed to argue over that.
Registered: 26th Feb 01
Location: Lancs
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This is a perfect example of everything that is wrong with unions.
Matt L
Registered: 17th Apr 06
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didnt read much of it but seriously do they not realise the nature of the job when they apply/take it
i cant believe they get paid anything for having a break interupted what a waste of money its their job to respond to calls.
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Registered: 16th Dec 02
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Hazard of the job. Twats should shut up or find another job.
Registered: 6th Aug 02
Location: London
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never mind sacking them, stab the cunts and attend to them once youre finished having a brak, utter shitcunts!
Registered: 28th Mar 02
Location: Redcliffe, QLD
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i always thought that the people who choose to become a paramedic were all about helping people etc. cheeky fucking bastards.
Registered: 26th Sep 05
Location: Liverpool
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That's fucking ridiculous, another example of unions causing more trouble than they solve. One hundred actual English pounds to take some time out of your precious break to go and save someone's fucking life? I'd be docking them £100 if they didn't.
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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Public sector workers 
They should experience real business and quit whinging like school kids.
More interested in the money in their pockets than being valuable to a company.
They should get a real job or do a job because you have a passion for it, don't just work in public sector because your too useless to be employed by a real business, its a cop out imo
Registered: 26th Sep 05
Location: Liverpool
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Actually no, if someone didn't go on a call because they were on a break they'd be sacked if I was in charge. If that person then died I'd be looking into how the ambulance driver could be charged for contributing to death through negligence.
Imagine if someone came into a&e with a stab wound and the attending doctor stood there with a brew in hand going "just on a break, be with you in 20"
[Edited on 06-01-2012 by LeeM]
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
Location: Newport
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I don't agree with that, nature of the job at the end of the day! Fact is by law aren't you allowed 20mins uninterupted break?
Registered: 26th Sep 05
Location: Liverpool
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quote: Originally posted by AlunJ
I don't agree with that, nature of the job at the end of the day! Fact is by law aren't you allowed 20mins uninterupted break?
At the potential cost of someone's life?!
Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Norwich
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So you expect them to work 12 hour shifts without a break? Surely that would increase risk on loosing peoples lives?
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
Location: Newport
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That's not what I'm saying! Like I said I think they're in the wrong.
Registered: 26th Sep 05
Location: Liverpool
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quote: Originally posted by Kerry
So you expect them to work 12 hour shifts without a break? Surely that would increase risk on loosing peoples lives?
But the £100 makes them less of a risk? Either allow it or don't, there should be no financial reward.
Go and attend to the dying person, finish your break after that. Not hard is it.
Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Norwich
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I dont agree with the money
Im just talking about the having a break thing
The technician having the break probably thought someone else would answer the call, its common practice
Matt L
Registered: 17th Apr 06
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quote: Originally posted by Kerry
So you expect them to work 12 hour shifts without a break? Surely that would increase risk on loosing peoples lives?
no its not that they arent allowed a break its just the fact that they are moaning about the breaks being interupted just take the rest of the break/time you missed when you get back.
put it this way... would you be happy if you/someone you knew needed an ambulance and they didnt turn up because they werent getting paid enough to interupt their break?
ffs its the job, deal with it.
i dont get paid for working through my dinner if its needed.
Registered: 7th Jun 06
Location: Yate, Bristol
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quote: Originally posted by Kerry
So you expect them to work 12 hour shifts without a break? Surely that would increase risk on loosing peoples lives?
What are they doing when they aren't attending a call?
Registered: 26th Sep 05
Location: Liverpool
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They should either be allowed to answer a call on their break or not.
If it was me they would be required to or they'd be out the door.
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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Just read it on the BBC site and just laughed. You don't see firemen getting pissy about their breaks getting interrupted because someone's house is burning down 
Kerry - Don't think anyone is suggesting that they should 'work 12 hour shifts without a break', rather that the workers should expect breaks to be interrupted with emergency calls.
Registered: 26th Sep 05
Location: Liverpool
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quote: Originally posted by Conway563
quote: Originally posted by Kerry
So you expect them to work 12 hour shifts without a break? Surely that would increase risk on loosing peoples lives?
What are they doing when they aren't attending a call?
Trying to guess when the next call will be so they can take a break and get paid to interrupt it
Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Norwich
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quote: Originally posted by Conway563
quote: Originally posted by Kerry
So you expect them to work 12 hour shifts without a break? Surely that would increase risk on loosing peoples lives?
What are they doing when they aren't attending a call?
usually standing down which means parked up sat in the ambulance waiting for a call
Not having an uninterrupted break which means being able to eat and take a shit in peace
Dont agree with being paid for being interrupted, but you can flame me all you like, i agree they should be allowed atleast 20 minutes uninterrupted in a 12 hour shift of saving lives! Id be pissed also if one made a mistake because they had been over worked
Also if they take an uninterrupted break there should be another crew covering them, its not like they are the only ambulance on the road that day! There are several!
[Edited on 06-01-2012 by Kerry]
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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Ambulance staff are only doing it because it was a easy job to get, they don't care about people, just themselves.
this is the problem with all of the public sector, governments, local councils, all in it for themselves and put themselves first.
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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its always someone in the public sector who goes mad and kills everyone
Registered: 26th Sep 05
Location: Liverpool
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All these public sector workers seem surprised and outraged when they're asked to do their job.
"I applied to be an ambulance driver, no one told me I'd have to be driving any bloody ambulances. ALERT THE UNION"
Registered: 12th Jan 10
Location: Hertfordshire
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I always thought they sat on their arses until they got a call anyway?
[Edited on 06-01-2012 by Eddx14xe]