Registered: 10th Oct 07
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Hey guys,
Massively fucked up today an actually abit worried.
Got caught speeding...did 76 in a 40, totally unintentionally(thought it was a 50), the car in front was being a dick, booting it then slowing down, he flicked a stone or bolt (something big anyways) hit my windscreen an I got mad also did a pussy flinch an broke my glasses(short sighted), over took him an did some shakey fists.
He slammed on the anchors, I looked ahead an saw a copper with a dreaded speed gun an waved me in.
Now I wasn't pissed that he got me as fair enough I fucked up an put my hands up to it.
The copper said I would be lucky to not get a ban once the court summons comes through the post.
The problem is I have to travel to work, I run a hire car branch so have to drive their cars and I'm the only one with a driving licence in my household so I'm relied on.
I am full on gutted.
Anyone got any helpfull advise or even just similar story's.
What's done is done an so just gotta hope for the best.
Cheers for reading.
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
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so if it was a 50 then it would have been ok
Registered: 25th Oct 06
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if it goes to court explain it all and your job depends on your licence and just hope they let you keep your licence and give you a hefty fine
Registered: 16th Feb 09
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Dont think the court will care too much about his job.
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Registered: 16th Jan 05
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You might get lucky with no ban if you put your case with the job etc.
That is well over though 
Corsa 2.0 16v Vegas - Sold
Registered: 24th Aug 03
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I wouldn't be worried mate, I would be planning on starting to find other means of transport and possibly a new job.
76 in a 46 is near double your allowed speed. 40 indicates the outskirts of a residential area, I would throw the book at you if I was a judge.
Not taking the moral high ground to be a keyboard warrior but you fucked up and hopefully get punished for what sounds like you wanting a macho ego boost. you should have just let the prick go in front of you and backed off.
[Edited on 31-03-2012 by Gaz]
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Registered: 22nd Nov 06
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Relying on licence for your job is bullshit.
Explain that others (work and family) rely on you driving and you'll have a good chance of getting away without a ban.
This is from actual real life (non internet) so I know what crack is.
Registered: 10th Oct 07
Location: Sheffield
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I didn't mean anything like that Steve.
I get wound up by pricks on the road, an I know I shouldn't have reacted.
I was in a new company car (BMW 320) an only blipped the accelerator an obviously wasn't focused on what was far on front.
Registered: 24th Aug 03
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quote: Originally posted by jrneedo
I was in a new company car
Please video your bosses reaction when you tell him what you have done. Youtube will love it!
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
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righteous pricks in this thread we've all done it, unfortunately he got caught.
just man up, explain to the judge how dependent you are on your driving license and hope he's having a good day.
Registered: 10th Oct 07
Location: Sheffield
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Haha he would just tut really, he couldn't give a flying fuck about anyone but himself.
No macho stuff gaz, if someone pisses me off I tell them.
It was on a duel carregeway on a industrial estate.
j10E W
Registered: 30th Sep 04
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i got caught doin 69 in a 40 wen i was a nipper i shit my self
out come was 5 points instead of the 6(which would have banned me) and a 300 fine
send a arse licking letter to them and if you can get your employer to send a letter too saying how much you are relied on for work driving etc
Rick Draper
Registered: 10th Feb 01
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So a car flicked something up off the road breaking your screen and you then had road rage and sped past shaking your fist?
Registered: 24th Mar 04
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This just wouldn't happen in LA would it Rick?
Rick Draper
Registered: 10th Feb 01
Location: Cheshire
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quote: Originally posted by _Allan_
This just wouldn't happen in LA would it Rick?
No they would be shot. Much the same as would happen on the bath road where I am until tomorrow morning
Registered: 10th Oct 07
Location: Sheffield
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That was puttin it nicely rick draper...or what ever your name is.
He pretty much moved to the dirty gritty part of the road an I then took it as it was on purpose.
Showing off for all his 'manz' in the car with him.
It was on the dual carrigeway from attercliffe to tinsley if anyonne knows it near american golf.
Rick Draper
Registered: 10th Feb 01
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Were you tailgateing or anything like that?
Registered: 14th Mar 04
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he was jay walking
Rick Draper
Registered: 10th Feb 01
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quote: Originally posted by Russ
he was jay walking
Is that what they call it in Norfolk?
Registered: 14th Mar 04
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norfolk virginia?
Registered: 10th Oct 07
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No fella. Think he was just showing off to his friends.
Registered: 16th Feb 09
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Sounds like you were tailgating or trying to show off in a new car behind. If the other car was speeding up and slowing down surely he would have gained some sort of distance unless you were constantly up behind him enough for a stone chip to hit your car.
If you were doing 50 you could have overtook him.
Registered: 7th Oct 09
Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire
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where was the copper mate? i got caught doing 66 in a 40, got a summons and plead guilty by post and wrote a big speech in mitigating circumstances about how much my family rely on me having a car, picking my daughter up from creche, taking my blind nan shopping, telling them how much of a bell i had been etc, i got 6 points and a £184 fine but no ban
you need to concentrate on how other people reply on you having a car, if you write stuff about how its going to affect you personally (job etc) they won't care as you are at fault in the first place for speeding
Registered: 10th Oct 07
Location: Sheffield
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I would say tailgating is being up the guys arse, I was just following over anothers cars length on an empty road.
I was on my way home from work an not really paying a great deal of attention to be honest.
Registered: 10th Oct 07
Location: Sheffield
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Cheers Jaffa.
They were next to American golf, just off the big roundabout near meadowhall.