Registered: 9th Feb 03
Location: Bromley Common, Greater London
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Went to our local BP this morning to put 10 quid in the corsa. Went in and paid, came out and the display said we had less miles than we went in with. It showed 18 when we went in, 15 when we started up again. Went back in and explained and they told us to put another ten in at a different pump. We did this and it registered so i went in, told them all was good and they let us go on our way. Now getting back in the car and it shows that we have indeed gone up again so its obvious we did actually get the fuel from the first pump and that it was the car that was incorrect. Should i go back and pay or let it be? Dont want to get done for not paying for fuel. Cameras would show mme going back in at the time i guess and i cant find a BP phone number anywhere to call them about it. Run the risk or go back and be honest?
Registered: 15th Sep 08
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Are they really ever going to find out if you managed to get the fuel or not?
Registered: 9th Feb 03
Location: Bromley Common, Greater London
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its not that, its the fact a second pump now has no payment showing from it and it will show our car reg on cameras.
SXI - Matt
Registered: 8th Jul 07
Location: Leicestershire Drives: Corsa C SRI
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Not to dig but this used to wind me up so much when I worked at a PFS, the amount of people that would come in and say I've put a tenner in and my digital gauge is saying the same as before or the fuel light is still on. £10 gives next to no fuel in the grand scheme of things especially if your showing 15 miles on the gauge. Normally I'd say it's fine and they'd go off in a hump then next time they came in would end up saying it did go in just took a while to register, that or I'd tell them to put another £10 and you'll have double then you thought and low and behold it register and would show the whole amount. Any way rant over I'd leave it they won't chase £10 trust me we used to write off £300 - £500 + a week
[Edited on 03-06-2012 by SXI - Matt]
XE Col
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They will have cleared that, I wouldn't worry
But if you are go give them another tenner,
Registered: 24th Aug 03
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I think BP(and the government for that matter) will have made much more than a tenner off you in previous years mate. Chalk it up as a small victory
Registered: 9th Feb 03
Location: Bromley Common, Greater London
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Im not worried too much, they told me it was ok, its more the wife panicking she will get pulled for non payment. Like said above, it wasnt the pump, it was our guage that just didnt register it increasing.
SXI - Matt
Registered: 8th Jul 07
Location: Leicestershire Drives: Corsa C SRI
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Am I right in saying that it works it out by the amount left and the driving conditions e.f if you thrash the shit out of it it will obviously show a lot less then if you drive normally it will increase so takes a few miles to re set (obviously of you put a lot in it will register straight away) Or is this utter bullshit 
[Edited on 03-06-2012 by SXI - Matt]
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Registered: 4th Jul 09
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If your range was like 15 miles, maybe you've about a gallon in the tank, the tank will have a ridge in the middle. With you only putting just over a gallon in the tank, I doudt it's enough to go into the second section of the tank, so the sensor can register the amount.
Doesn't it piss you off, needing to go to the petrol station every time you go out in the car?
Also it's a right waste of time, and fuel going to get a little bit of fuel all the time.
Registered: 16th Apr 07
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Also used to get this all the time when I worked in a petrol station. Can see both sides of the argument, but it wouldn't happen if people didn't put tenners in. At least when I worked there it was 79.9 a tenner gave you a decent amount, it's pointless now
Registered: 29th Aug 04
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Tenner does me 3 1/2 days commuting.
Registered: 13th Apr 08
Location: Leven, Fife. Drives : 205 GTi
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Im the same, i normally just put a tenner in. Its an old habit and i see no need to change it. Petrol station is next to work, so i go straight after if i need fuel. The other half puts £20 in if she goes though.
Is it true that petrol is more denser when its cold, so you get more for your money??
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Tenners, it'd piss me off being there every other day.
Can't believe they believed the car and let you off. Most unreliable thing in the world. I've driven around with it reading zero and ran out with it on 7 miles before now, and putting little amounts of fuel in just fills the contours of the tank, gone well for you.
Registered: 8th Sep 01
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In our Clio if you leave the key in the ignition, fill up and get back in and start the petrol gauge wont move so I.e if light was on and you put a full tank in it would still show light being on.
Remove key lock it and get back in it will register. Also range computers are too variable to go in and tell the petrol station your car hasn't filled up IMO
Registered: 8th Oct 08
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I once filled up while the tanker was filling the forecourt. It must have foamed up pretty bad because I managed to put nearly £100 of unleaded into an Omega which at the time would have nearly filled the tank twice!
I dont normally look at the screen as I just brim everything but when I went to pay I nearly shit my pants! I moaned to the bloke serving but he had an IQ of about 7 and there was a bit of a language barrier so I was just wasting my time.
I wrote a letter to Q8 fuels and they politely told me to fuck off
Registered: 20th Jun 06
Location: Rainham, Essex Drives: A3 2.0TDi Sport
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A3's do that as well apparently Jambo.
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Registered: 20th May 06
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If they cleared the sale, they won't be able to charge you anyway. I had one a while back, filled up, I think it was £46-something, went to pay and he asked for a tenner, told him the pump number again and he yeah, £10. Told him I'd put £40-odd in, he played about with the till for a bit then just said, it's only showing a tenner so that's all I can charge so even though I'd told him I'd took more, he couldn't charge for it.
[Edited on 04-06-2012 by Mike]
Registered: 12th Nov 10
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I work in a petrol station and it annoys the fcuk out of me when customers say that nothing has gone in because the gauge isnt showing it. I always tell them politely to stop chatting shit and leave, no idea why a garage would actually believe it and let you off.
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Registered: 21st Sep 99
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How is the pump not not going to deliver the fuel, each vain on the impeller will hold so many ml so evert turn will be 100ml or something.
You have done will get to get 10 quid free.
Registered: 13th Apr 08
Location: Leven, Fife. Drives : 205 GTi
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I put fuel in my car today, and it was pretty obvious that it was pumping fuel through, you can feel it coming through the nozzle. Can also hear it. Im pretty sure you would know there and then if it wasn't pumping fuel through.
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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My car seems to fill itself up on its own sometimes. The gauges are stupid and the miles to empty mean fuck all too. More fool them for listening to you TBH.
I was filling my car up once and the meter on the pump wasn't moving at all for a while, it was just pumping air. I'd hazard a guess that they're pretty well tested due to th value of the product they're measuring.
Registered: 14th Nov 04
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I had a similar thing happen with a van where I used to work. Pulled up at the pump, started to use it and at about £15 in to filling up the pump started to slow right down, I just left it running then it took about 2 minutes to get to £17 where it just slowed riht down, Pulled it out and nothing was coming out!
Went in and told the woman behind the counter and she said just move to another pump where i filled it up with £50 quids worth (What i was given to fill the van up with) and ended up with a full tank from empty!
Registered: 19th Oct 06
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
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Friend of mine went to tesco garage in the morning on way to work and filled the tank
Be bought a sandwich to have for his lunch and went to the counter to pay.
He paid for the sandwich and left the garage with a full tank of fuel.
He realised later that day but said nothing.
He didn't get any comeback.........
Registered: 12th Feb 06
Location: Horsforth, West Yorkshire
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Few courtesy cars at work do this.
Although doesnt help as most times ill be putting £6 or £7 in
Myself I put £30 in, will last me a week usually.
Registered: 12th Nov 10
Location: Lancashire
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quote: Originally posted by johnhara1
Friend of mine went to tesco garage in the morning on way to work and filled the tank
Be bought a sandwich to have for his lunch and went to the counter to pay.
He paid for the sandwich and left the garage with a full tank of fuel.
He realised later that day but said nothing.
He didn't get any comeback.........
We used to get this all the time at work, nothing was ever done because the cameras wernt good enough to read the reg However they have been changed since then and are much better, but the police dont want to know about it if the customer has come in to buy something as it's not classed as a drive off so nothing can be done.