Registered: 28th Jan 09
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Was bored and surfing youtube, came across this...
What do people make of it?
[Edited on 26-08-2012 by .Matt]
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Its an interesting concept. In fact listening to him talking about being responsible for damaging stuff, I'd probably rather be in the system.
Registered: 14th Mar 10
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I dont really get it. Surely if you got pulled over some sort of action would be taken?
Registered: 28th Jan 09
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Indeed it is, if you read the link in his description from the DVLA, it refers to "Driver" where as he stats that he is not a "Driver" and therefor the law does not apply to him.
I'm curious to find if this is infact a loop hole in there system.
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awkwrd bastard 
im sure if it caught on everything would be reworded to avoid the "loophole"
not convinced
Registered: 28th Jan 09
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quote: Originally posted by JordyCarter
I dont really get it. Surely if you got pulled over some sort of action would be taken?
They could not really do anything..
As far as my understanding off common law, you would have to be doing something illegal for them to seize his private property. Where as the car would not be registered by the dvla and he is not a driver, they can't in force the laws against him.
They couldn't take or remove his car as it would be theft.
Registered: 18th Mar 03
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A load of old rubbish, he would be arrested, thrown In Front of the courts and be royally bummed.
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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I got bored of that after a couple of minutes, what a lot of shite.
Registered: 7th Oct 09
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I bet he always uses "its cos im black'" in arguments with people in authority aswell
Registered: 14th Nov 04
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Like his way of thinking.
Makes me wander how many things nowadays are worded wrongly, As in everyday things tat nearly all of the public do?
Registered: 16th Oct 10
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watching a video of him when he has been pulled over... saying he has no name or address and saying he does not know his date of birth
basicaly saying so much that it just confuses the police oficers
Registered: 23rd Jul 05
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same guy
Registered: 16th Oct 10
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quote: Originally posted by midlandvauxhalls
same guy
ecactly what i am watching lol
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So as suspected, he still gets dealt with in the same way, car seized, arrested etc. but he won't be able to get his car back (due to lack of documents) until he goes to court and is proven innocent, at which point the car will have most likely been crushed, then he'd have to go to court again over the matter of the police 'stealing' and crushing his car.
Oh, plus the third court appearance to try and get his 20 grand payment for getting out of his car 
I don't know, maybe the numbers do actually work in the end but as I am a 'driver' in the legal sense anyway, I'll stick with the seemingly much more hassle free option.
Welsh Dan
Registered: 23rd Mar 00
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Its not a loophole, this freeman of the land nonsense is bollocks.
He's basically relying on his interpretation of common law, and assuming that common law is the only law that applies. The RTA and various other acts and statutes still apply, so he'd still get his car taken, still get reported and when they wind up the judge by asking who appointed them, get a few weeks for their trouble.
Registered: 24th Aug 03
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I've watched a few of these types of video's over the past year where "Common law" is used to defend their understanding of written law.
Although he has found a loophole, and he is technically right, if everyone did this then we would be fucked over.
These people are so two faced it's unreal, they will spout shit to police about their indepth knowledge of the law and how and why it doesn't apply to them however as soon as they have a confrontation from someone who is going to hurt them, they cry away and ask for help from such things as the police.
Systems are created to cater for the majority, E.G the DVLA, it won't suit or be popular with some people but it does the best possible job for the greater good of the public.
In response to his "I accept full liability" when involved in a crash, this would only be worth anything in a written contract which I would bet my last £1 he hasn't got prewritten in the event of a crash. So these slippery kinds would tel you to take them to court and then as it's Common Law and the public own the common laws as they agree for them to be enforce, he would simply say he doesn't agree with the aledged accident.
Registered: 24th Aug 03
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there are 3 parts to the below video, but number two shows just the lengths of how much they have read and interpreted "Law"
Registered: 4th Dec 06
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I like where he says the authority agrees with what he has sent them, then later on he says when i say they agree with me they have not come back and denied, they have just stayed silent
Registered: 24th Aug 03
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for me, it's the cockyness of the approach, but when the police decide enough is enough then he become sheepish.
Welsh Dan
Registered: 23rd Mar 00
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Its not a loophole though. Stupidity is not a defence.
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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You can't just pick and choose what laws you want to abide just because you can word something in your favour. I'm sure when he ends up in court he wont be feeling so smart.
Registered: 19th Apr 03
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I like the idea but couldn't be bothered with the agro if anything was to happen. Although I do think the cost of motoring is ridiculous , from the stupidly high fuel tax to increasing cost of insurance and so on. Basically the only choice we have is if we want to drive is to pay it . I do like the idea of being able to go alone and do your own thing but you would soon get financially punished
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£20,000 for stepping out the car
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Cunt should be thrown in prision for wasting police time. Stupid idiot
Andy Stocker
Registered: 31st Aug 00
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Would he still have to mot his car?