Jake McNally
Registered: 28th Nov 12
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Looking for a cheap place to insure my Corsa 1.0 litre iv just bought, can anyone help?
Registered: 17th May 08
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a 1.0 corsa, should be cheap anyway lol
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Registered: 22nd Nov 06
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Prob a different country
Jake McNally
Registered: 28th Nov 12
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Not when your 19 and a lad lol, £3000 is the cheapest I can find.
Registered: 26th Sep 05
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nowhere tbh. you tried all the comparison sites? add your mum/gran, drop your annual mileage and increase your excess.
my policies have always been set at 3000 miles p/a because its an easy one to never get caught out on
Registered: 24th Jun 12
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i got insured on my 1.2 16v sxi and it was 2300 fully comp mate , go onto the RAC and put the excesse up lol
Registered: 19th Nov 08
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Y869 SRA
Registered: 22nd Jul 12
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I paid £600 the first year I drove my 12v.
I was 25 at the time though.
Registered: 13th Apr 08
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quote: Originally posted by LeeM
nowhere tbh. you tried all the comparison sites? add your mum/gran, drop your annual mileage and increase your excess.
my policies have always been set at 3000 miles p/a because its an easy one to never get caught out on
This tbh. Pretty much all you can do. Also try 3rd party only if you havn't already.
Are Quinn Direct still trading?? They used to be the best by far for young drivers, but vaguely remember something happening with them.
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Registered: 21st Nov 11
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Take it you've just passed? I'm only 18 but insurance on a 1L for me is £900, but i've had my license a year.
Y869 SRA
Registered: 22nd Jul 12
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quote: Originally posted by Corsa_Sport21
Are Quinn Direct still trading?? They used to be the best by far for young drivers, but vaguely remember something happening with them.
Didn't they go under?
Registered: 22nd Jan 12
Location: Wrexham
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i am 18, paying just over £3100 on my 1.0, i started the policy a few months ago when i was 17 and only just passed my test. total joke! but was the cheapest i could find and i spent about 3 weeks after passing my test ringing up various insurance companies, online quotes wernt much help and i ended up going with Adrian Flux for the above price. i remember getting quoted £11,000 by one place
Registered: 22nd Aug 11
Location: Upton, Cheshire
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should've gone premium on here don't you get a discount with flux
[Edited on 29-11-2012 by corsajay88]
Y869 SRA
Registered: 22nd Jul 12
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quote: Originally posted by ArdenAndy
i remember getting quoted £11,000 by one place
Think thats bad?

Thats for a Mondeo iirc.
[Edited on 29-11-2012 by V931_FEF]
Registered: 26th May 03
Location: Farnborough Drives: Thurlby 888 CDTi No.98
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Tbh be honest nowadays its just one of them things having to pay sky high insurance as a new young driver.
Yes it sucks big time, but you've got to pay it.
I really feel sorry for youngsters now. It was bad enough 16 years ago with my Nova SR paying £1200 a year at 18.
You can see why there is probably quite a lot of young uninsured drivers on the road.
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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Get a black box fitted? Guy at work has one and it saved him quite a few quids.
Registered: 28th Jan 09
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quote: Originally posted by ed
Get a black box fitted? Guy at work has one and it saved him quite a few quids.
You have to be careful with them, some say you can't drive between 11pm - 5 am, and if you do you get charged £100 an hour.
Id try Elephant and Admiral, they are the same company, but one is always lower.
Only other advice is get a car no young driver has.
The less crash statistics for your age on a vehicle will decrease the rate.
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Registered: 13th Sep 08
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churchill was cheapest my first year
Registered: 24th Jun 12
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i think im with aviva , 2300 for my own policey and fully comp
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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Jesus it was bad enough paying £1500 on my corsa 1.5td fuck paying 3k!
Registered: 14th Sep 12
Location: Lancashire
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Go with insurethebox. They fit a gps tracker inside, you can drive whenever you want, no limits. They don't chase you either for driving around like a lunatic which you shouldn't be doing anyway lol. Only thing is you have a 6K driving limit. Actually it's more becasue no1, you can top up extra 2000 miles and no2, they give you free bonus miles of upto 100 a month.
If I was you I'd go with them for first year, I'm paying 2.2K for first year. Then I will jump with someone else once I've got my years NCB.
insurethebox. They're pretty decent IMO. People say "I'd never get a tracker fitted in my car" but tbh it's actually a good thing in case of theft!
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I'd have a tracker tbh. So long as you stay within the conditions, its cheaper.
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Just one of those things as said. Gotta get the vaseline out for the first year or two. My first year on a 1.2 8v corsa was £1600 and that's going back 10yrs.
Registered: 14th Sep 12
Location: Lancashire
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1.2 8V are cheaper to insure compared to a 1.0. for me anyway lol.
Just drive carefully and not stupidly for the first year or two as no1, 6 points max on license (I don't know how long you've had it tbf) when you're first year or two years have gone, it drops massively and so you can get a better car or just have your money saved up Time flys lol. (or flies i dunno haha)
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Probs cause they're slower and shit.