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Author Anyone had a new shape Audi S3???
big eck

Registered: 20th Apr 03
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11th Apr 13 at 14:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm on the look out for a new car and have a budget of £12.5k. I was set on a mk2 Leon cupra but I've noticed that the new shape S3s have dropped a bit on prices (57 plate ones) and found a rather nice one on PH.

Anyone know what there like to drive etc???
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11th Apr 13 at 14:24   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Think the Munch has one

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11th Apr 13 at 14:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I've driven one, they're nice but the seats leave little to be desired, they're not too comfy.
Daimo B

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11th Apr 13 at 14:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Wifeys got one.

Its not a "drivers" car IMO, the VXR was far more fun. But that said, its better in every other way.

Its faster, has better brakes, a better gearbox, better interior, better seats, and its got all the toys. Bluetooth, heated leather seats, good audi, sat nav (that one hasn't though). As far as im aware, a remap alone takes it from 265-310bhp.

Compared to a Cupra, absolutely wouldn't even consider the seat. Thats just on looks, interior quality. Can't comment on a Cupra drive though.

As a track car, I wouldn't buy one. As a daily car, its bloody great. Returns better MPG than the Astra did too, and the throttle is very smooth and refined.
Daimo B

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11th Apr 13 at 14:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Oh, and fake 4wd system gets you through the snow with no problems
Nic Barnes

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11th Apr 13 at 14:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

They just look plain. Like a regular a3. Like most modern audis will be dull to drive I'd imagine.

[Edited on 11-04-2013 by Nic Barnes]

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11th Apr 13 at 14:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Nic Barnes
They just look plain. Like a regular a3. Like most modern audis will be dull to drive I'd imagine.

[Edited on 11-04-2013 by Nic Barnes]

IMO they're the nicest looking hatchback available and one of the nicest for years. I love them, if I was after a car that size for that money I wouldn't even look elsewhere. Would have to be a black one though, not keen on that red.
Daimo B

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11th Apr 13 at 14:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Less is more, I like the quiet sleeper looks. Big f**k off brakes on it though, and the S3 badge is the only major external difference (and the wheels).

Inside though is a nice place to be.

But the front end does feel a bit lifeless compared to other FWD hot hatches I've driven. But for simply getting in, driving every day in comfort and quality, its above every other hot hatch.
big eck

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11th Apr 13 at 14:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

That one I posted is running stage 2+ software with all the add ons so is around the 360bhp mark I'd imagine.

Any particular common faults to look out for??? They expensive to maintain???
Daimo B

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11th Apr 13 at 14:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Oh, ours hasn't missed a single beat at all. General Audi servicing costs really, which I guess could be done at home. Its not stupid though. Can't comment on common faults as we've had to do nothing with it at all bar drive it. Coming on 3 years now and about 40k+ miles.

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11th Apr 13 at 14:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'd have one. Always found tyres very expensive when I had my A3 plus with the S3 being quattro the rear tyres won't last as long. Then there's the extra expense of having the haldex system serviced too.
Daimo B

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11th Apr 13 at 14:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Tyres are cheaper than the Astras were. Quattro only works when its needed, otherwise its FWD. Think ours has gone through 2 fronts, 1 set of rears.

Haldex hasn't costed at all so far, just part of the servicing at Audi, although im unsure if its needed servicing yet.

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11th Apr 13 at 14:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

What tyres do you put on? Mine were in the region of £180 each. Not too bad when you were replacing worn tyres and knew it was coming but twice I had a nail in the shoulder of a rear tyre and it's quite a lot of money to have to unexpectedly pay out
big eck

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11th Apr 13 at 14:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Tyres ain't really an issue. I have a 270bhp fwd car so know the costs lol. As for the haldex them that's done every 40k miles (at least that's what it was on the golf).
Daimo B

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11th Apr 13 at 14:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It'll be on the next service then probably.

Dunno what rubbers on it, but I'm sure they were around the £180 mark too. But we were spending £230 on the Astra fronts each.

Depends what you want from a car, if you want a crazy drivers car, I wouldn't get it. If you want essentially, the "older grown up" hot hatch, where you can pretty much dust anything normal on the road, but do it in comfort, then get one deffo. Its better inside than the golf (we looked at a R).

Registered: 13th Apr 08
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11th Apr 13 at 14:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

What about this Eck.....
big eck

Registered: 20th Apr 03
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11th Apr 13 at 14:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm just looking at something a but classier now. Done the raw car thing. Plus they seem to hold there value a bit better as well. I can get a 2010 60 plate mk2 Cupra on 26k miles with the same spec for the same money. Its just deciding on which one to go for.
big eck

Registered: 20th Apr 03
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11th Apr 13 at 14:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Corsa_Sport21
What about this Eck.....

I've spotted that as well but its a bit pricey IMO. Those new wheels he's got for it are horrid as well lol.

Registered: 13th Apr 08
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11th Apr 13 at 14:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ask him when he wants his £10k lol.

Aye he's went a bit far and tried to be "scene" and it hasn't worked.

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11th Apr 13 at 15:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Always wanted one of these

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11th Apr 13 at 21:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I have one... running stage 1 remap so pushing 310bhp or so but got an intake to go on it as well. Ill reply properly tomorrow

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11th Apr 13 at 22:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote
Daimo B

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12th Apr 13 at 09:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Only thing I find annoying is the sat nav/Radio etc controls. Takes your eye off the road fiddling for buttons, it should have controls on the stearing wheel. Actually, thats where the Astra VXR's sat nav was better. Audi's tries to give you too much information. Screens much better, but I preferred the simplicity of the Astras Nav.


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12th Apr 13 at 10:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Hello. Personally I wouldnt touch a car that has been mapped etc unless it is properly accounted for.

I bought my 2007 Audi S3 with 62k on the clock and I have the following story to tell.

After about 2 weeks or so I discovered that the power was sometimes not in the turbo was not kicking in properly! As the car is under an external warranty, I decided to book it into an Audi specalist.

Diagnosed (using VCDS- A MUST have tool for Audis etc) that the DV valve had failed and that they suspect the car had been remapped due to it being a bit "happy"

DV valve was replaced with a Forge one at a cost of £265 (covered under warranty).

Then.....My rear washer jet stopped working and i spilt cider in my boot so thought i would investigate.....I cleaned the washer jet and all was fine but the leak was really really annoying me and I had the car in bits looking for this leak......Guess what it was?!? A battery compartment for the 3.2 Audi A3's was full of water so I had to remove a top cover to remove the bin below the car full of water!!

Next up....Brake servo and fuel sender issue to be sorted for next week and covered by a warranty!

There are some pretty common faults but can be resolved for not much money as parts are all shared.

I contacted previous owner and told me the car was mapped and had a performance clutch......Needs to be done if you are going for stage 1 at least (£700 or so for clutch, £300 or so for map)

Mine has Bose, flat bottom wheel, bluetooth (no satnav as its about £400!), full leather, tinted wheels and windows.

Fitted so far- Led Day glows, LED number plate lights, updated 2009 rear lights, S3 tax disc holder

Future plans:-
Purchased ITG Intake system
PCV delete
Spacers all round
Interior leather retrim on a few little bits

Using VCDS on a weekly basis to change things around etc! Its superb

Good luck in your search! Expect many looks and alot of police attention!

[Edited on 12-04-2013 by Munchie]
Daimo B

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12th Apr 13 at 10:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Sounds like its been abused in a previous life. Ours is maintained at Audi, and honestly, not a single problem with it at all. Maybe it was the earlier versions?

Doesn't get looks or police attention at all, thats why I like it, subtle looks that blends into the crowd. In fact, putting Donnas plate on it makes it stand out, and I dont like it

Leather comes as standard in them, but you can get upgraded seats with better leather, reaaaaaally nice, but £3k :S You can get a Black edition, comes with black grill, Bose stereo etc. Wasn't worth the additional cost for what you got.

Sounds quite good as standard as well, use it hard an the standard system will even pop and bang a little

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