Registered: 21st Nov 02
Location: Zim Zimmer who az the keys to my Bimmer :)
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Right here goes, i went on Lissa Explains and got a frame for my site. And I copyed and pasted the code but when i viewed it the frames appeared but it says page cannont be displayed in the frames     
Y is this?
Cheers Mad
Registered: 17th Jun 01
Location: Essex, Drives a Saxo Furio
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have u put the target html files in the right directories and set the target bits in there?
my site uses frames that i did in note pad so u can rip them off if u want - in echange for a link on yer site of course
Registered: 21st Nov 02
Location: Zim Zimmer who az the keys to my Bimmer :)
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what directories and target bits ?
Registered: 1st Apr 02
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use dreamweaver m8 u can make ur frames in that its even got set templates if u want
Registered: 21st Nov 02
Location: Zim Zimmer who az the keys to my Bimmer :)
User status: Offline
but im only 14yrs old and I find dream weaver very very hard, i dont know how 2 use it
Registered: 17th Jun 01
Location: Essex, Drives a Saxo Furio
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no there isnt a bit about directorise u just have to specify the paths of the htm files u are gonna use correctly in your index.htm file (which i assume is where u have your frames declared) and that the files are actually there - the target bit is used when u want another page to load in a certain frame - if u go into my site - i mean into the actual bit past the enter bit and then go view>source at the top thenit wil show u my index page in which my frames are set up
Registered: 17th Jun 01
Location: Essex, Drives a Saxo Furio
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dreamweaver is for the non hardcore who dont want to have total controll ver thier sites (mmmmm, gotta ove that redundant code)
Registered: 21st Nov 02
Location: Zim Zimmer who az the keys to my Bimmer :)
User status: Offline
this is the Frame code page
I copy the first ever bit of html on that page. Am I missin something?
Registered: 21st Nov 02
Location: Zim Zimmer who az the keys to my Bimmer :)
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cheers Chaz, ur a lot of help Thanks
Registered: 1st Apr 02
Location: luton
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if ur gonna be doin websites m8 u need to learn dreamweaver there aint nothin u cant do in it and it will make ur site look smart not all shity if u want it i got it on cd
Registered: 17th Jun 01
Location: Essex, Drives a Saxo Furio
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hmmm, what are u trying to do? i dont really see what that tutorial is gonna help u with - u need to have left.html and right.html in the same directory as the index for that particular one - which i think its where your errors are coming from - just make a file called right.html containg:
this is the right side
and then copy it and change the contnts to say this is the left side and rename it to left.html
then u shud get two halfs each saying the message u put in in the html file.
personally i always use .htm instead of .html - just quicker
Registered: 17th Jun 01
Location: Essex, Drives a Saxo Furio
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u so dont need dreamweaver - a good tutorial for CSS / HTML and all that stuff is at if u wanna read about it
sorry went to a bloody bible link not the right one
[Edited on 10-05-2003 by LoudCorsa]
Registered: 1st Apr 02
Location: luton
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he will need dreamweaver if he wants to learn how to make good web sites quick otherwise he will have to learn all the code thats the sort of thing u can do in dreamweaver that takes 5min
Registered: 21st Nov 02
Location: Zim Zimmer who az the keys to my Bimmer :)
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thanx man
Registered: 17th Jun 01
Location: Essex, Drives a Saxo Furio
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hardly a revolutionary bit of design mate - learning actual html is valuable and is often a good underpinning - people use dreamweaver coz its a easy way out - u can do anyhting that dreamweaver can do in notepad. (obviously not including flash but i think that u need flash/fireworks or something to do that not dreamweaver)
my site is done in notepad and its ok (it could be better but it to only took a short time and is done totally in notepad and paintshop pro - a much cheaper option if u are just starting off and wanna keep it legal.
and look at the source ode of that site mate - there is a million and one lines of crap that dosnt need to be there - increasing download times etc.
Registered: 21st Nov 02
Location: Zim Zimmer who az the keys to my Bimmer :)
User status: Offline
wow thats a good site . How could i learn to do that?
Registered: 21st Nov 02
Location: Zim Zimmer who az the keys to my Bimmer :)
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gtg lads hope u can help me soon
Registered: 1st Apr 02
Location: luton
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its easy m8 can learn it all in under a week easy flash is a good bit of kit to have to make ur site look well..... flashy and u can get loads of wicked stuff from if u dont wanna make ur own buttons
Registered: 17th Jun 01
Location: Essex, Drives a Saxo Furio
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[Edited on 10-05-2003 by LoudCorsa]
Registered: 6th May 03
Location: Leeds
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If we're getting picky here kids, why don't we tell him to use tables instead of frames.
Frames are just nasty
Registered: 17th Jun 01
Location: Essex, Drives a Saxo Furio
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not one of these anti frames people 
it dosnt really matter how u do it its what it looks like and its all do able in notepad.
as for frames i use them so that the buttons and stuff that dosnt change on the site remains and dosnt need to be reloaded every time a new page is loaded. i use tables for layout and stuff tho.
Registered: 21st Nov 02
Location: Zim Zimmer who az the keys to my Bimmer :)
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ok im back online now.
[Edited on 11-05-2003 by madboutcars]
Registered: 23rd Feb 03
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Its fair enough to say a website can be built in notepad. This is correct, it can be built in any text editor. The problem is, using a text editor to build a website is possibly the oldest form of web design around.
Dreamweaver is not a way out, dreamweaver is simply a modern piece of kit to develop extensive websites which look great.
Take a look at a website im currently developing - - as you can see, without being big headed this is an amazing looking website, with great graphic design & very well constructed.
The problem here is, i did not use any coding, although i know HTML, i simply used dreamweaver, and only went into code to implement scripts.
So to say that you dont need to use dreamweaver is correct, but the fact is, with technology nowadays, you dont even need to learn HTML to build an amazing website. Its all about learning the principles of website design & graphic design for the web.
Its taken me only 4 years to become a professional website designer, and at only 17 im now lead web developer for an award winning international marketing agency working as lead technical director on projects for big names such as Halifax PLC, (HBOS), Standard Life,, Capital One, Royal Mint, British Energy, BT, amongst others.....
So overall. Although LoudCorsa is right in that you dont need to use dreamweaver to build a website. Dreamweaver is the market standard, and once you have mastered that, you have mastered web design. And you can concentrate on getting graphic design right with photoshop etc, and then implementing the two.
Dreamweaver makes lifes a LOT easier in this nature of work....So why you would choose to make things harder by working in notepad, and things taking 20 times longer, and looking 20 times worse, just to be able to say it was hand coded, i have no idea.
Stick to Dreamweaver and Photoshop mate and you wont go far wrong. Maybe even a career in it for you.
As for the frames, no reason not to use frames in this day and age, 97% of browsers support frames so go for it. As has been mentioned, makesure the frames main page is correctly named and placed in the correct directory.
Secondly, the FLASH thing, Macromedia Flash MX is VERY hard to learn, learning actionscripting etc. There is a program called SWISH V2.0 Which makes flash VERY easy.
Download that mate, and enjoy your work!
P.S - Anyone like any webdesign work doing, U2U me for a quotation. Thanks
Registered: 21st Nov 02
Location: Zim Zimmer who az the keys to my Bimmer :)
User status: Offline
ok thanx a lot m8 If I need a bit of help ca n I ask you?
Registered: 21st Nov 02
Location: Zim Zimmer who az the keys to my Bimmer :)
User status: Offline
this SWISH 2 is good