Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: west mids, corsa C20LET
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an ex missus of mine, one first tru love u cud say, from skool was wiv her bout 3 years. has just popped into the shop to talk to me, i was upstairs and daz sent her up.
anyway, we ok wiv each other, no arseyness at all still friends i guess.
and b4 BR4VO, EVISU and SAM say anything, no i didnt shag her on the table( yet ) lol anyway.
i asked her wot she was doin there, and she sed she thought i shud be the first one to know that shes getting married and aving a baby,
i was like   ok, congrats, she was ere a while, and we got chatting bout everything, past present and futurebrought bak memories, think wot made it worse was wen she got up to leave and gave me a cuddle bye bye, she sed:
"deep down i wish it was wiv u" and left.
took me absolutly ages to get over her, but the feelings ave never gone away completely for her, i still feel summat for her,
here cums the H E A D F U K again by the looks of things, we exchanged numbers,
dunno whether this was a good thing or not?????
btw shes one quality fuk    
Registered: 15th May 02
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i dont think it was fair of her to tell u that - had u seen her before she came into shop???
I know how u feel with that m8 about not letting go of the feelings - really does yer head in
Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: west mids, corsa C20LET
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i wish she hadnt told me that,
id not seen her in over a year, although my best m8 lives next door to her, and over the last month or so, hes kept telling me that shes been asking bout me loads,
then bout 11am, i was upstairs, and got buzzed by daz telling me this bird was down stairs,
i cant get over how long it took me to get over her.
must of been gettin on for 2 years, it wasnt as if i was pining over her, but it was like everyday i thought bout her
Registered: 3rd Feb 03
Location: Milton Keynes
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U shag her over the table??? LMAO
1st Loves feelings never totally go away.... I know the feeling but mine has never told me shes is preggers and getting married!!
Don't contact her just wait c if she does you - Swapping numbers was just a way of showing no hard feelings!!!
[Edited on 29-07-2003 by B4RVO]
Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: west mids, corsa C20LET
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she looked really guilty as tho shed cheated on me, she cudnt look me in the eye till she went, and told me that    
in a way i feel as tho she had only really came here to tell me that she wished it was me.
her bloke doesnt even know shes preggers, she came stragiht from the doctors.
Registered: 3rd Feb 03
Location: Milton Keynes
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Oops ok thats a bit odd... surely he should be the 1st to know!!
Mate this is gonna be a headfcuk for a couple of days.... even if you had just seen her out you'd be thinking about her again, this is different...
Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: west mids, corsa C20LET
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it was weird cos wen she came up stairs i was like. sorry to sound like a prik lau but why the fuk r u ere,
i dont c or hear from u for over a yr then this. wtf
i cud understand if we were still good friends
Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: west mids, corsa C20LET
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cum on sam, need ur opinion m8,
Registered: 3rd Feb 03
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Tis the strange mind of a women.
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Registered: 24th Dec 99
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Mate just stay away from her! She is fucking with your head!
She probably doesn't know what to do/how to feel etc. and so thought she could come and talk to you innit.
Maybe things aren't rosy with her bloke hence her coming out with the "wish it was you" line?
Registered: 19th May 03
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Girls like to mess with mens heads just
Registered: 15th Apr 02
Location: Ayrshire
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sorry to hear your story mate.
Kinda hard on ya i guess 
Women will always be women.
Am guessing its kinda that way that u think evrythings all done n dusted, out the window as such, then BANG another slap in the dish for some reason or another. Imagining you feeling fair chuffed n all to see her, but kinda fucked off with situation shes in or whatever. Oh, and she'll probably be in your heed for that wee bit longer now... Sorry mate, got to hold off or so for now. If she contacts you, then thats a different situation, but otherwise wait n see what develops. At the end of the day, i dont honestly think you want her back in THAT situatin (god love me for saying it like that but you know what i mean). Good luck mate. Dont let weemen fuck about your nutt again
Registered: 21st Oct 02
Location: Rickmansworth
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I feel some Deviance coming on here! Stormy affair wiv a married woman!
Chris is the kid yours??
U got her numba???? Text it!!!!
Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: west mids, corsa C20LET
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cheers guys, i dont want her wiv a kid that aint mine,
the bloke shes wiv now, is a sound bloke, really like him, buys a fair bit off me to be honest, and has no probs wiv me at all, even tho i did bang her a few times while she has been wiv him but that was wen we first split up,
wot makes it worse is we used to talk bout this stuff,
aswell as owning a tiger and a lion in the shed but that goin off the subject,
really dunno wot to do, as kerrys friends wiv her aswell,
but if she wants to be friends, thats acei just dont want her head fuking me again
Registered: 25th May 01
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mate listen up..........
i was in EXACTLY the same possition as u (besides the baby), aint seen my ex (VERY first love) for 4 years, she gets my number somehow, after a few months of texting we meet up and ive never been so fucked up in the head in all my life as i know i still want her bad
one thing - she has a b/f for over a year and living with him/works with him etc and i live 100 mile away at uni
a week later after meeting she told me she is comming to mine to stay for a week as she cant get me out of her head. after the week at mine she leaves her b/f and finally gets back with me
and for those who say it wont last - its been 6 months now and we are the happiest couple ever - shes got a new job and moved bk home, and ive moved back home to work for a year from uni
was a VERY long shot but i finally got the one who i love back
4 years, thats a long time!
Registered: 9th Nov 01
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id stay away mate headfuck is definatly the word for it...... leave the past in the past and move on...
Registered: 21st Oct 02
Location: Rickmansworth
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Dont let her head fcuk ya! Never let a bird do that mate as much as you HAD feelings for her you got yourself a topbird by the sounds of it, isit worth fcuking all that off for somebird who wants to get married and have your kid???
Still u will shag her in the future i gaurentee 3months i'll give it!!
Registered: 19th May 03
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Maybe i am just selfish but I wouldnt take a year out or move anywhere for a girl over my career when i was at uni or now i am working..... maybe i just aint met the right one
Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: west mids, corsa C20LET
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well done marv, happy for ya    
to be quite honest, ive thought bout her everyday since we've split up, even tho im very happy wiv kez,
i think maybe i just wanna be friends wiv her adn be there for her, cos we didnt spk for ages even tho we didnt leave on bad circumstances.
i think thats wot hurt most, cos i lost a friend aswell as my first love,
just dunno wot to do, i wanna txt her but dunno if i shud, wot happens if i giv her the rong impression. i just dont wanna lose her as a friend again   
Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: west mids, corsa C20LET
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quote: Originally posted by Evisu
Dont let her head fcuk ya! Never let a bird do that mate as much as you HAD feelings for her you got yourself a topbird by the sounds of it, isit worth fcuking all that off for somebird who wants to get married and have your kid???
Still u will shag her in the future i gaurentee 3months i'll give it!!
 u know me to well its scary
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Registered: 24th Dec 99
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Chris - just forget about her man. She obviously knows you are weak when it comes to ladies! 
Registered: 17th Jul 01
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i had good sex with her
Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: west mids, corsa C20LET
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wen it cums to them im like twig, very weak
i dont want her bak, i just dont wanna lose a friend but dont wanna giv her the rong impression
Registered: 21st Oct 02
Location: Rickmansworth
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"i'd rather have u as a friend than not have u in my life at all darlin, I just want u 2 no that if u eva need a shoulder to cry on im here u can always talk to me. Make sure we stay in touch this time"
Text her that, then she'll reply saying something like "thats really sweet thank you etc. etc." Then you say We should go for a drink to catch up and chat abit! then one thing leads to another, you shag her then both agree that it was a mistake and dont tell anyone - xcept me of course mate!!
Registered: 15th Apr 02
Location: Ayrshire
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Well done marv, takes some balls to try that believe me 
Fair be mate. At least your honest. If your going to be txtn her, just say something like sorry for being so surprised or annoyed at her turning up, or that it was good to see her again. But i would certainly avoid any "forward gestures" if u know what i mean. Oh, and leave out all the "x x x x x" bullshit at the end of the txt.