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quote: Originally posted by Brett
People up their own asses on a private estate? Never, can you confirm Ben? haha
when i moved away it opened my eyes, the place i came from seemed like an absoloute shithole now i live somewhere nicer. people generaly have more respect for their homes, environment in general and each other. i can leave my car and garage unlocked and no one will do anything, where i used to live they would be straight in i know this as my cars been broken into before.
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Wow, look at this, mixed opinions based on circumstances and preference, varying depending on areas. God this is a weird concept.
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doesnt work with dole/jobs
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quote: Originally posted by Brett
OMFG you're funny, what has a council estates bad rep got to do anything?
If you actually knew anything or had been on an estate, their spirit and compassion for their community is massively higher than a typical new build estate where nobody speaks to each other.
This is verging on idiotic mindless bullshit now, almost not worth continuing. I mean, referencing council estates now? So nobody works on a council estate, no? Retarded and know not a lot, clearly.
[Edited on 17-02-2012 by Brett]
My new build estate isn't covered in graffiti, there's no groups of trackied up chavs, no broken bottles in the road, and no boarded up doors or windows. I've also never seen a burned out car or moped in my estate and it's safe for my grandma to walk round in the dark.
Also I always have a chat to the neighbours when we pass
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Medal's in the post mate. Relevance?
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quote: Originally posted by LeeM
quote: Originally posted by Brett
OMFG you're funny, what has a council estates bad rep got to do anything?
If you actually knew anything or had been on an estate, their spirit and compassion for their community is massively higher than a typical new build estate where nobody speaks to each other.
This is verging on idiotic mindless bullshit now, almost not worth continuing. I mean, referencing council estates now? So nobody works on a council estate, no? Retarded and know not a lot, clearly.
[Edited on 17-02-2012 by Brett]
My new build estate isn't covered in graffiti, there's no groups of trackied up chavs, no broken bottles in the road, and no boarded up doors or windows. I've also never seen a burned out car or moped in my estate and it's safe for my grandma to walk round in the dark.
Also I always have a chat to the neighbours when we pass
wierd, my mams councill estate is like this too
Registered: 26th Sep 05
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Just contributing. Council estates are full of doleys, but everyone round me has a job.
If you're surrounded by people who can't be arsed working and insist there no jobs, you believe it too and it becomes an acceptable way to live your life
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quote: Originally posted by john-d
if i was at my mams house working on it id have people coming over lending a hand...FACT
Good old distraction tactic, ones distracting you and another ones nicking tools
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So, from this 11page discussion, I'm walking away with
- All council estates/people are scum
- Endless jobs
- Easy to get
- Better off working for min wage under any circumstances
- Pride pays the bills
- Lee's gran can walk around fear free
I'm out.
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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quote: Originally posted by Brett
So, from this 11page discussion, I'm walking away with
- All council estates/people are scum
- Endless jobs
- Easy to get
- Better off working for min wage under any circumstances
- Pride pays the bills
- Lee's gran can walk around fear free
I'm out.
- Brett wishes he had no job
Registered: 26th Sep 05
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Spot on Brett.
I seriously can't think of any scenario where being a dosser is better than having a job. I've got a few doley mates and I can't stand them or their lifestyle, moaning on Facebook that they "just woke up at 6pm, won't be able to sleep tonight "
[Edited on 17-02-2012 by LeeM]
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quote: Originally posted by LeeM
Spot on Brett.
I seriously can't think of any scenario where being a dosser is better than having a job. I've got a few doley mates and I can't stand them or their lifestyle, moaning on Facebook that they "just woke up at 6pm, won't be able to sleep tonight "
[Edited on 17-02-2012 by LeeM]
Well, their lifestyle is their personal preference, and yours is yours. If they choose to get up at 6pm then so be it. You unfortunately don't have that choice because you have to report to work promptly each morning.
John - I'd gladly sit at home all day, unfortunately in my personal scenario I wouldn't be able to afford my lifestyle on the dole alone. Again, circumstance.
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thats the opposite of what bretts saying.... he thinks its ok for them to do that
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John, you are the spawn of scum therefore you are scum. The thread dictates that fact.
Registered: 26th Sep 05
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I don't work either but I don't lie in bed all day.
So is that what you're trying to say, you're not better of financially to be on the dole but if your goal in life is to sit in bed all day and achieve fuck all then you're better off because that's how to do it?
Registered: 12th Jan 07
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Fact is that 100% of people on the dole live in council housing and are all scum bags.
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quote: Originally posted by Sunz
Fact is that 100% of people on the dole live in council housing and are all scum bags.

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quote: Originally posted by LeeM
So is that what you're trying to say, you're not better of financially to be on the dole but if your goal in life is to sit in bed all day and achieve fuck all then you're better off because that's how to do it?
I'm not trying to say, condoning or advising to do anything, I'm more concerned about my own life and others should be too from the looks of it. No point having a one-sided debate is there? You lot can jump on me with your naive idiocy all you like.
Nic Barnes
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Too many employed people commenting on things thy don't understand.
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quote: Originally posted by Brett
Fact is, if all the unemployed wanted a job right now, there wouldn't be enough jobs
That's not his point though is it, he said that if someone wants one that can get one, which on the most part is true.
Also relies on the fact that not everyone wants one, which reduces the figure of 2.67m somewhat.
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quote: Originally posted by DaveyLC
I dont have to statistics to hand but I'll be willing to bet the future is brighter for a child who's parent(s) worked over one who's parents were scroungers.
The correlation is flawed, too many other factors.
What you suggest sounds like it might hold water but if you consider that the non-working family are probably just worse at raising children, it looks different.
The stats would probably play out what you're talking about but it's not the exposure to work that differentiates the two groups.
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quote: Originally posted by Ian
quote: Originally posted by Brett
Fact is, if all the unemployed wanted a job right now, there wouldn't be enough jobs
That's not his point though is it, he said that if someone wants one that can get one, which on the most part is true.
Also relies on the fact that not everyone wants one, which reduces the figure of 2.67m somewhat.
Lets face it, john doesn't really have a point, never does. I understand what he's saying, I'm not thick, but you're relying on assumptions and guesses as to how many people actually want jobs out of that figure. You also have no idea how many unskilled jobs are available for the taking to back the point up. You can't make bold statements like "it's easy to get a job" when it simply isn't true. Some areas maybe, other areas definitely not. Run it's course now anyway, this'll go no where.
Reality in all of this is, I have a job, I couldn't really give a fuck about the unemployed, but since it's CS vs Brett obviously I've felt the need to continue the saga.
[Edited on 17-02-2012 by Brett]
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It is easy to get a job...
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