Chris F
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Immobiliser is fucked and the EML light is flashing!
Looking at new ECU, anyone got any other ideas!
Has been wired via DaveyLC's wire diagram!
HELP ME - Looks like it wont make Combe atall
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Warren G? Sorry to here that bud
Registered: 28th Jan 09
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Have you tried another ECU then?
just looked davey's wiring is not the same as mine 
you wired like this?
Corsa Loom -> X18XE1 loom
Thick Red -> 2x Thin Blacks (+12v)
Thick Black -> Thick Black (IGN 12v)
Green -> Green (Revs)
Blue -> Blue (Temp)
Blue Red -> Brown / White (Immo)
Brown / Blue -> Brown / Blue (Immo)
Brown / Yellow -> Brown / Yellow (Diag)
your missing a wire....
ill go write mine down for you
[Edited on 27-07-2011 by .Matt]
[Edited on 27-07-2011 by .Matt]
Chris F
Show Staff Organiser: East Anglia Premium Member
Registered: 26th Dec 05
Location: Newmarket Drives: Escort Van 1.8
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quote: Originally posted by .Matt
Have you tried another ECU then?
just looked davey's wiring is not the same as mine 
you wired like this?
Corsa Loom -> X18XE1 loom
Thick Red -> 2x Thin Blacks (+12v)
Thick Black -> Thick Black (IGN 12v)
Green -> Green (Revs)
Blue -> Blue (Temp)
Blue Red -> Brown / White (Immo)
Brown / Blue -> Brown / Blue (Immo)
Brown / Yellow -> Brown / Yellow (Diag)
your missing a wire....
ill go write mine down for you
[Edited on 27-07-2011 by .Matt]
[Edited on 27-07-2011 by .Matt]
Cheers mate, any helps better than none!
Registered: 28th Jan 09
Location: Kent
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you should have this
Blue Red -> Brown / White (Immo)
but you also need this
Brown White -> Brown / White (Immo)
2 wires from the corsa into the xe1's loom
all 9 wires from the plug should now be connected up to something
[Edited on 27-07-2011 by .Matt]
Chris F
Show Staff Organiser: East Anglia Premium Member
Registered: 26th Dec 05
Location: Newmarket Drives: Escort Van 1.8
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Alex said thats how it is!

I need a ECU ASAP
Registered: 28th Jan 09
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if i had the money mate id drive over and let you try mine before you go buying something like that as they can be expensive
So you have 9 Wired connected into 8?
[Edited on 27-07-2011 by .Matt]
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No ideas to help - sure the ECU kit is all matched?
Wonder if the supplier of the engine sent the wrong key chip or something?..
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We had this on Mikes after the loom chop and it turned out the transponder box wasn't earthed.
Chris F
Show Staff Organiser: East Anglia Premium Member
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Location: Newmarket Drives: Escort Van 1.8
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quote: Originally posted by Ian
We had this on Mikes after the loom chop and it turned out the transponder box wasn't earthed.
Right thats something to look at!
Also could be security code missing?
Registered: 25th Oct 08
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Security code is just to program it chris.
Transponder has earth, along with ign live and perm live (And it is full voltage!).
Matt - That is how it is at the mo, Yours is basically the same as daveys no? Other than the perm lives going onto ign. Its the imob ones that matter.
I'm completely out of ideas, I've tried everything I know.
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chip definately in the key?
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I've done all this before.
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Did think you would check that but was worth a punt.
not a clue on these conversions so im no help
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You are using the transponder and chip from the x18XE1 car aren't you?
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Yes, I'm not thick.
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sure you have the battery wired up?
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My old astra mk4 had the same problem by the sound of it, my ecu was shagged and i was getting the eml flashing its face off. i changed the ecu and transponder and all was good. according to aoc its a common problem that the ecu's get hot and break due to where they are in the engine bay.
Warren G
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put perment 12volts to both igntion and perment lives to test something....
see what codes your getting
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quote: Originally posted by Chris F
Immobiliser is fucked and the EML light is flashing!
Looking at new ECU, anyone got any other ideas!
Has been wired via DaveyLC's wire diagram!
HELP ME - Looks like it wont make Combe atall
Are you SURE everything matches up and its wired up correctly?
You've DEFINTELY got the key chip, transponder and ECU from the SAME actual car?
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As for the brake pedal issue can you screw the brake light switch in anymore? So it meets the pedal?
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Chris F
Show Staff Organiser: East Anglia Premium Member
Registered: 26th Dec 05
Location: Newmarket Drives: Escort Van 1.8
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quote: Originally posted by willay
Few ending tonight, still no chance it will be done for sat!
Registered: 31st Oct 04
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Ah shit maybe for the best tho mate rushing things out doesnt tend to work in the long run
Chris F
Show Staff Organiser: East Anglia Premium Member
Registered: 26th Dec 05
Location: Newmarket Drives: Escort Van 1.8
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quote: Originally posted by RCoughtrie
Ah shit maybe for the best tho mate rushing things out doesnt tend to work in the long run
Had a shit few weekends really aint i