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quote: Originally posted by Robbo
Looper - 8/10
JGL's ridic face prosthetics that made him look no more similar to Willis than his normal face aside.
Thats the main reason I didn't enjoy the film as much as I could had. Still a good film though.
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Looper - 8/10
Now first of all, I can easily understand why this will be a 5/10 film for many people. The trailer portrais it as a fast-paced action sci-fi.
It's not. At all!
The film is fairly narrow in it's story line and it doesn't do much to try and explain the time travel loop holes (sorry for the pun), of which there are many.
What it relies on are characters. Everyone is perfectly cast and have a unique footprint and impact on the story.
What struck me when it was over was how light the scenery was. The world is dirty and gritty, but mostly shown in bright daylight, something that sets it apart from its peers and something that creates a fantastic contrast to the dark story and somewhat bleak ending.
Two bad points I have to highlight:
1. I have to agree regarding JGL's make up. It's pointless at the best of times and plain stupid at the worst. The moments where it looks the most unrealistic draws you out of the magic, and that's a real shame.
2. The movie is actually pretty philosophical in it's story, but presents far more questions than it answers. It gets away with it by not dwelling on these matters and keeping your focus elsewhere, but I suspect a second watch will be ruined by this.
Still, I have to say that I truly enjoyed it.
Registered: 11th Aug 02
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Dragon : The Bruce Lee Story - 7/10
Felt a bit cheesy/cheap in parts, but once it got going it became very interesting. Would have given it 8 had it not been for the fact it looks quite dated in a bad way.
Registered: 11th Feb 04
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quote: Originally posted by Bart
quote: Originally posted by Hammer
Life of Pi 3D - visually stunning and much, much better than Avatar.
Works on a number of levels but at face value it's a good story and enjoyable to watch. Especially if you like animals. 8/10
Hmmm, this interests me.
Visually more stunning than avatar?
For me, yeah.
But then that could possible be biased as I thought Avatar was absolutely horrendous.
Registered: 26th Sep 05
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quote: Originally posted by Balling
Looper - 8/10
Now first of all, I can easily understand why this will be a 5/10 film for many people. The trailer portrais it as a fast-paced action sci-fi.
It's not. At all!
The film is fairly narrow in it's story line and it doesn't do much to try and explain the time travel loop holes (sorry for the pun), of which there are many.
What it relies on are characters. Everyone is perfectly cast and have a unique footprint and impact on the story.
What struck me when it was over was how light the scenery was. The world is dirty and gritty, but mostly shown in bright daylight, something that sets it apart from its peers and something that creates a fantastic contrast to the dark story and somewhat bleak ending.
Two bad points I have to highlight:
1. I have to agree regarding JGL's make up. It's pointless at the best of times and plain stupid at the worst. The moments where it looks the most unrealistic draws you out of the magic, and that's a real shame.
2. The movie is actually pretty philosophical in it's story, but presents far more questions than it answers. It gets away with it by not dwelling on these matters and keeping your focus elsewhere, but I suspect a second watch will be ruined by this.
Still, I have to say that I truly enjoyed it.
i loved it, what are the issues with jgl's makeup? didnt notice anything
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Jack Reacher 8/10
Didn't know the story line going into it, guess that helped add to the uncertainty of what was going to happen.
IMO it was a bit Lincoln Lawyer-ish but nonetheless a good watch.
Marcy Marc 
White Sport Progress Thread
Registered: 6th Aug 02
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halfway thru 21 JS fuckin hilarious! when not john cena jumps through the gong
Registered: 28th Mar 02
Location: Redcliffe, QLD
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great film that Rob, must have seen it half a dozen times and it's still funny as fuck!
love all the subtle bits of humour like the teacher when he says "don't make a... that...that is a baton penis!"
never really seen that channing tatum in anything but he's actually pretty good. Jonah Hill looks weird after losing so much weight.
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Registered: 12th Nov 10
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I've also watched it a few times now and is just as funny as the first time round Really good film.
Registered: 28th Mar 02
Location: Redcliffe, QLD
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the sequel has been announced and i actually think it might be good. most comedy sequels are a bit turd like the hangover part 2. i reckon 21JS will be good for a trilogy.
Registered: 6th Aug 02
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so so good 
didnt realise that was brie larson either, fuck me she put a lot of weight on for the part
Registered: 9th May 04
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quote: Originally posted by Seany
Lawless 9/10 excellent film, started a bit slow but soon picked up and got right into it.
Great storyline and good cast.
Watched it last night and I was lookig what others had rated it before posting and my thoughts are;
9/10? this film is never a 9/10, it's a 7 imo. It's not bad at all but in the same way it's nowhere near epic. It's an easy watch, nothing really happens.
Pitch Perfect - 7/10 comedy that takes the piss out of glee etc, it's a chick flick but actually quite funny in parts, not something I chose to watch but didn't mind I had after.
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The Bourne Legacy - 6/10
Although there was alot of story telling during the film, ermmmmm not much actually happened!
I like the Bourne films and how they are filmed, but I think its time to call it quits. He's starting to become a more recent version of....

pew pew pew pewwwww
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The Whilst blower - 8.5/10
Dodgy start - I dont think its needed (i.e. background to the main character's current situation, job and losing her kid to the dad.... no need), however.... wow... it built up soon after and turned out to be a very good and educational film. Kind of opens up your eyes and makes you realise who truly fooked up the world is!
[Edited on 03-01-2013 by Gavin]
pew pew pew pewwwww
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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quote: Originally posted by Robbo
halfway thru 21 JS fuckin hilarious! when not john cena jumps through the gong
Loved it! When they're tripping talking to the p.e. teacher may have to even rewatch it tonight now!
Registered: 23rd Sep 05
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The Imposter: 7/10, its basically just a feature length documentary but still a good watch and pretty well shot.
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Just about to tuck into the hunger games
Registered: 11th Nov 02
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quote: Originally posted by Robbo
Just about to tuck into the hunger games
don't expect much and you might enjoy it
Registered: 6th Aug 02
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ive no idea at all what its about so hopign that will help
Registered: 6th Aug 02
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8/10 Loved it! No clue about it at all goign into it but felt completely drawn into it. PLot is, lets be honest, beyond ridiculous and a little hard to come tot erms with being so unrealistic but once she entered the arena, i was genuinely nervous etc very very good
Registered: 11th Aug 02
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The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel - 6/10
Womans film, but quite funny in parts.
Welsh Dan
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Jack Reacher - 8/10. Not read the books, but decent enough film. I am aware he's supposed to be a 6'4 monster though, not a 5' nothing Tom Cruise
Registered: 11th Feb 04
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Flight - 9/10.
Thought it was a quality film, I think Denzel is the man though so again may be biased. The 2 hours+ flew by as well, pardon the pun.
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
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We're you on the side of denzel in the film hammer? I was.