Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
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seen a 4 bed semi house with triple drive, up and down toilets, fair size back garden in a farly decent area go for 35k up here.
its wasn't a great postcode area but it was the best part of that area, close motorway access aswell if that makes a difference
i only rent because i cant afford to put a deposit down on a house and i never will if i keep renting, stuck in a rut in that sense
Registered: 1st Jun 02
Location: Surrey
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quote: Originally posted by Jed D
seen a 4 bed semi house with triple drive, up and down toilets, fair size back garden in a farly decent area go for 35k up here.
its wasn't a great postcode area but it was the best part of that area, close motorway access aswell if that makes a difference
i only rent because i cant afford to put a deposit down on a house and i never will if i keep renting, stuck in a rut in that sense
How can you not afford to put a deposit down if houses are £35k That's a £3.5k deposit. I've spent more than that on furniture
Registered: 15th Dec 07
Location: Derbyshire
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quote: Originally posted by Jed D
seen a 4 bed semi house with triple drive, up and down toilets, fair size back garden in a farly decent area go for 35k up here.
its wasn't a great postcode area but it was the best part of that area, close motorway access aswell if that makes a difference
i only rent because i cant afford to put a deposit down on a house and i never will if i keep renting, stuck in a rut in that sense
How many times do you mention this house?
It will be without a doubt a shit hole in a shit area
random dav
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Registered: 7th Jan 04
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27 and still at home (has helped to set my garage up) not wasting my money on houses over here so just trying to find a new unit to kove my business too then moving to Australia in Feb-ish and sort a house over there.
Project cars
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Registered: 14th Oct 08
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quote: Originally posted by Eck It's like an argument when you're a child. If a point isn't being heard loud enough, then it gets personal "I'm right, and btw naebdy likes you!"
I am almost certain in my last big argument with my brother, few months ago, that is more or less exactly what I said to him  
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Registered: 17th Apr 06
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I could easily believe that
Registered: 9th Aug 06
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quote: Originally posted by James
quote: Originally posted by Jed D
seen a 4 bed semi house with triple drive, up and down toilets, fair size back garden in a farly decent area go for 35k up here.
its wasn't a great postcode area but it was the best part of that area, close motorway access aswell if that makes a difference
i only rent because i cant afford to put a deposit down on a house and i never will if i keep renting, stuck in a rut in that sense
How can you not afford to put a deposit down ifhouses are £35k That's a £3.5k deposit. I've spent more than that on furniture
I think lynny confirmed (with rightmove link) that it indeed was in a shit hole
Registered: 11th Aug 02
Location: York
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quote: Originally posted by Tiger
Thats pretty cool.
Registered: 12th Jun 01
Location: Leicestershire Drives:Astra VXR
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Its a bit cold in the winter. The hall goes right up to the roof through the beams, and the stairs split and go to either ends of the upper floor. I think its dated at 1740.
Registered: 19th Apr 03
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I moved out at 19 with a mate. At time we both halved everything and that was rented . To be honest even paying half still cost alot but we could of cut down .my main reason for moving out was because I enjoyed party life and single life. Worked all week and had various lasses round and up drinking all weekend. This I simply couldn't do at home. It took years to get enough money to buy I house but am glad I did. But I totally agree on the fact it's fairly impossible for the normal person to save a deposit now banks want so much and the cost of basic living is so high . I want a bigger place but at moment it's a no go. Plus with all uncertainty of people's jobs it's too much of a gamble . It's the way it is and I don't think it's likely to change in next 10 years IMO
Registered: 4th Mar 08
Location: Dartford, Kent Car: Turbo'd Fabia vRS
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I could move out and rent somewhere but I wouldn't be as happy as I am here. I've lived in this house all my life, barely ever stay away from here really. I just don't wanna move... I'm sure I'll eventually buy somewhere but until then I'm happy paying next to fuck all and spending my money on whatever I want.
Registered: 12th Apr 07
Location: Wigan Drives:Integra DC5
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What a brilliant thread this is  
Nath's reply saying his bedroom was full of expensive shit made me LOL at the internet 
I moved out when i was 22, was lucky enough for my mum and dad to put a 25% deposit down on my place, the bills kill me every month but i like the fact i am on the ladder.
I loved living at home and only moved out as it seemed like a good price.
Registered: 31st May 06
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When I moved back in with my parents to save the final part of my deposit I felt like a right looser when people asked where I lived
Registered: 16th Apr 07
Location: South East Kent Drives: E46 M3
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How did I get bought into it? 
I am happy to be at home and save a decent sized deposit to move into a house I want rather than something that's a 'go between'. I think some people imagine living at home as everything being done (maybe some people do, I don't know), I do help around the house and clean stuff if it needs cleaning like bathroom etc, helps my Mum out.
Registered: 16th Apr 07
Location: South East Kent Drives: E46 M3
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quote: Originally posted by Baskey
When I moved back in with my parents to save the final part of my deposit I felt like a right looser when people asked where I lived
See I don't understand this, maybe it's something you feel once you've had your own place.
I'd feel like a loser if I said I drove an Astra because I couldn't afford a better car as I have my own place, but I guess everyone's different.
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: Essex
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because you are a man who is on similar money to me 
helping out around the house is fine, quite a few people seem to do that and also contribute to the mortgage, which is an investment in itself.
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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Nothing wrong with driving an Astra
Registered: 19th Feb 04
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My parents don't have a mortgage. I pay a bit of rent to help towards food and bills though.
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: Essex
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how much, out of interest?
i used to pay £120 a month which is peanuts for all my clothes washed, all bills paid for, nice huge bedroom and food aswell.
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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My parents don't have a mortgage either, I pay them £250 a month
(which is cheap considering what cost of living was when I lived in my flat)
[Edited on 16-11-2011 by Paul_J]
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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I think its better for parents when children move out and come back, the generally pay more in
Ben J
Registered: 31st Jan 05
Location: Cheshire
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I moved out when I went to Uni. Then when I left uni I rented in Lincoln and Milton Keynes (Grad scheme took me to these places), on my own at first, until Jen left uni then we rented together in MK.
We then moved back up North and bought our current house.
Paid £30k deposit on a £155k new build, 3 bed semi, and pay £750 mortgage a month, which is only £100 more than the rent we were paying in Milton Keynes.
[Edited on 16-11-2011 by Ben J]
Registered: 16th Apr 07
Location: South East Kent Drives: E46 M3
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quote: Originally posted by Ian
Nothing wrong with driving an Astra
Was the first car I could think of, sorry 
It's just the kind of car I think I would own if I had to go 'sensible', but considering the cars I have had I see it as such a big downgrade it would embarrass me to say so, if that makes sense. Similar to Baskey seeing living at home as a downgrade
I pay £211 a month rent. Not much really but then I'm not always here, stay at my gf's house too. Actually saying that, that's what makes me want to move, then there is no hassle of deciding who's staying where on what nights etc and having spare clothes at each house then wanting to wear the clothes that are at the other persons house 
[Edited on 16-11-2011 by Graham88]
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: Essex
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iirc when we were looking at buying a place, rent on the same style 2 bed houses around here was around £850-£900 a month which is a bit silly really, considering for another 50 quid on top, we can own the property.
Registered: 1st Jun 02
Location: Surrey
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quote: Originally posted by Graham88
quote: Originally posted by Baskey
When I moved back in with my parents to save the final part of my deposit I felt like a right looser when people asked where I lived
See I don't understand this, maybe it's something you feel once you've had your own place.
I'd feel like a loser if I said I drove an Astra because I couldn't afford a better car as I have my own place, but I guess everyone's different.
That's madness, I can guarantee if you surveyed 100 people and asked what is more impressive; driving an Astra and owning a property or driving a BMW and living with your parents, I suspect over 90% would say the former.