Y869 SRA
Registered: 22nd Jul 12
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Played every CoD since MW.
Nothing wrong with my ISP. Got good speed and ping rate. Don't have problems playing other games online.
Stupid game rarely seems to match me up with UK people, mainly french and americans alot which doesn't help.
The hit detection on this game is awful. 7 or 8 shots in the head to get a headshot on someone who isn't
[Edited on 30-11-2012 by V931_FEF]
Registered: 26th Feb 01
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So you'll remember all the people getting under the maps on WAW, the care package and Javelin glitches on MW2 that took ages to patch, the shotgun sniper rifles from MW2, not to mention the stupid lightweight/marathon/commando perk set up. Even my personal favourite COD4 wasn't without it's problems, 3 frags, juggernaut, martyrdom etc.
Just because you have a good broadband connection doesn't mean it's good for gaming either, sometimes the superfast connections have the most problems as the game tries to level the playing field. I have heard of people purposely downloading whilst playing to throttle their connection, seems a lot of faffing about though.
Y869 SRA
Registered: 22nd Jul 12
User status: Offline
I've heard that too. Its stupid but then again so is punishing the people with good connections with the lag compensation.
I wasn't talking about glitches, I was talking about the game overall. This game has its glitches, its just very few seem to use them.
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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Why do you still play it? 
[Edited on 30-11-2012 by Nath]
Y869 SRA
Registered: 22nd Jul 12
User status: Offline
Getting to 55 then not playing it no more.
On 54 now.
I've given it a good enuff chance. Got over a day of playtime, played many different gametypes, many different weapons and its all the same.
Maybe I'll come back to this game when you're not forced to use a SMG.
Registered: 14th Apr 06
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Can you not accept that some games if you do well you had a good game, and other games you do bad you had a bad game? It's not the game 9/10 times it's the player.
Y869 SRA
Registered: 22nd Jul 12
User status: Offline
Nah, its not good game bad game. I'm used to that from all the other CoD games.
Its good round bad round in this one.
I never do well overall is my problem.
Shit k/d ratio, shit points, usually bottom of my team even though I do go for the objective.
Like I said, I'll do well one round, next round no matter how many bullets I put in someone, they don't drop yet I had no problems dropping people the first round.
The only time I do well overall is when I camp and I hate doing that.
[Edited on 30-11-2012 by V931_FEF]
Registered: 8th Oct 03
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I thought that they may do something to the people with fast connections!! Any links to info about it?
Registered: 8th Oct 03
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Im going on now. I will set a couple iPlayers streaming. See how that works!
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Registered: 17th Apr 06
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V931, no offence mate but you sound like a petulant child. If you don't like the game, don't play it. What does getting to level 55 achieve? I knew from the off that I didn't like this one and tbh, I've not been a cod fan for a while due to Battlefield, so I got rid, job done. If it's making you as moany and miserable as you look in here; fucking bin it!
Y869 SRA
Registered: 22nd Jul 12
User status: Offline
I will be 
Like I've said before... I'm competitive.
Why do we play video games? For fun... and I'm not having much fun playing this one hence why I'm not gonna play it anymore. Hopefully Gheyarch will fix a few things and make this a much better game.
[Edited on 30-11-2012 by V931_FEF]
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Location: Lundin Links, Fife
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I'm fiercely competitive as well I cannot stand losing games. Thing is, I didn't do badly at all when playing BO2 for the couple of games that I did; even though I had no damn well clue where to run or fuckall But as you said, there's no point if it isn't fun.
Registered: 14th Sep 04
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This shit is so much easier at 120 inch, everyone's massive 
Temporary setup in the living room...
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I don't actually like playing COD on my 60" TV, I feel like it's too much to take in. Much prefer it on my 19" monitor.
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Location: Stoke
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Really liking the Scar, starting to make the game bearable, just need to unlock Claymore now.
Y869 SRA
Registered: 22nd Jul 12
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Thats pretty cool.
I gotta 22 inch TV, don't think I'd wanna play on one any bigger.
I never tried the Scar, heard good things though.
The only gun I tried that could mow down SMG users was the LSW LMG but thats no good for playing CTF since it really slows you down.
[Edited on 01-12-2012 by V931_FEF]
Registered: 14th Sep 04
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Managed 30-3 on free for all, first match today which is pretty much unheard of for me
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Have you guys tried changing your game search preferences to "best" rather than "normal"?
Y869 SRA
Registered: 22nd Jul 12
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Thats what I have it set to Brett.
@ASH I could only dream of getting 30 kills!
Used to all the time on the other CoDs, this one the most I've had is 22 I think but I average less than 15 a match.
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Played this last night at a mates house, and downloaded the NukeTown 2025 map, that's really strange
Must say it's better than I thought it was going to be. So I must get another Xbox after Xmas :/ lol
Registered: 14th Sep 04
Location: Stoke
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Just flicked it to best connection.
Seem to be getting lots of matches ending due to connection errors, not just me though as everyone ends up back in the lobby.
Y869 SRA
Registered: 22nd Jul 12
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MW3 was the same. Thats just CoD.
Registered: 14th Sep 04
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That Kap-40 is ridiculous.
Y869 SRA
Registered: 22nd Jul 12
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Only used the burst fire one, that was lethal.
EDIT : Just picked one up, know what you mean Wish I could ditch the launcher for one.
[Edited on 01-12-2012 by V931_FEF]
Y869 SRA
Registered: 22nd Jul 12
User status: Offline
UAV's are gonnabe a higher scorestreak after the next update they've announced.