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Author • PORTUGUESE 1.5TD • 135Kw • [ Update 26.01.05 - BadVIDEO ]

Registered: 25th Nov 01
Location: PORTUGAL
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22nd Nov 03 at 02:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

...translate this from PORTUGUESE to ENGLISH:


Em relação a certas questões colocadas passo a responder..

Quanto à questão colocada em relação aos objectivos desta “preparação”, se fiabilidade ou o seu “limite” a resposta é ambas, por mais contraditório que possa parecer.. Quando tal não for minimamente possível passo para a aplicação de uma nova mecânica no carro. Passo a explicar:
Repare-se que conseguir obter uma determinada cavalagem e depois não poder usufruir dela é sempre, no mínimo frustrante, penso eu… Pretendo sim explorar ainda mais o motor, mas de modo a poder utilizá-lo diariamente, pois faço cerca de 150Km por dia com o mesmo. É certo que devo ter certos cuidados, mas o tipo de condução que faço é o mesmo, quer seja neste ou noutro carro… e gosto de andar depressa.

Se repararem a maioria dos possuidores de corsas TD’s (alterados) têm problemas de aquecimento.. E é sempre tendo em conta isso mesmo, que parto para novas alterações, ou seja, se a temperatura interna dos componentes for diminuída ou estabilizada alcançamos um maior nível de fiabilidade.. Em 1997 já com intercooler a água subia para os 95º-98ºC rapidamente – em dias quentes, quando o termoestato estava regulado para 85ºC. Ora isto quer dizer que o motor não está a “suportar” mt bem o aumento de potência.. O óleo disparava dos 80ºC para os 150-160ºC também rapidamente. Com este aumento térmico o carro começava a perder rendimento e a deitar fumo… Não avancei enquanto não resolvi esta situação… Um cárter de óleo diferente e um radiador de óleo vieram melhorar a questão. O óleo subia dos 80 para os 120ºC e muito lentamente, baixando também a temp da água. E isto é só um exemplo… Até que consegui (com mts alterações e testes) estabilizar a água nos 90ºC e o óleo nos 95ºC (em percursos tipo Porto-Lisboa a velocidades de 180-210Km/h). Apesar da força da combustão ser superior, as temperaturas de funcionamento eram bem inferiores e estáveis, originando a que todo o material sofra um menor desgaste devido a menores variações térmicas e consequente expansão das peças (dilatações).
Qd alcancei os 124KW as temperaturas voltaram a subir. Era compreensível, mas mais delicado.. O óleo subia para os 110ºC e a água mt raramente ia ao 95ºC – ainda assim temperaturas inferiores às de origem nas mesmas condições..
E foi assim que parti para novas modificações mas apenas a nível do sistema de injecção, permanecendo tudo o resto igual… o resultado foram mais 14cv à custa de ajustes muito mais precisos (ainda não concluídos), e apesar da quantidade de combustível a injectar ser “enorme” – pois torna-se necessário o auxilio de uma bomba eléctrica – as temperaturas voltaram a descer.. Agua sempre a 90ºC e o óleo sempre nos 80-85ºC… Agora temos os fluidos estabilizados, para os mais diversos estilos de condução…
Desta forma, podemos concluir que por vezes nem só radiadores maiores é que interessam, ou são a solução, pois conseguiu-se aumentar a potência em toda a faixa útil e ao mesmo tempo baixar a temperatura de todos os elementos sujeitos a cargas… O carro com um radiador de água de origem consegue suportar melhor as cargas térmicas a que está sujeito com 135KW do que com 50KW original… Não quero com isto dizer que o carro é mais fiável que de origem (entenda-se), mas serve de exemplo de que por vezes é possível realmente melhorar/optimizar uma mecânica por forma a trabalhar com o incremento de potência..

Em relação à questão da manutenção, posso garantir que o motor pára de 10 em 10mil para mudar óleo e filtros (gasóleo incluído) e duas vezes por ano passa por uma inspecção muito rigorosa com o objectivo de procurar verificar o desgaste de todos os componentes mecânicos e possíveis anomalias que possam surgir… Só assim é possível prevenir certos azares.
Neste momento e aproveitando que o carro parou devido a mais uma caixa de velocidades que se reformou, este está a ser verificado. A inspecção passa pelos seguintes componentes:
turbo e colectores, injectores, bomba injectora, compressão do motor, folga de válvulas, termoestatos, bomba de óleo e os canais de admissão e escape, entre outros de menor importância..
O turbo com 50mil Km após ter sido modificado, apresenta um equilíbrio abaixo de 0.5g’s, das 0 às 100000rpm. Mas, os parafusos que suportam o sistema da geometria estavam desapertados, o que iria originar a que o mesmo se danificasse a qualquer momento (iria partir mas não por desgaste)…
A bomba injectora vai sofrer novas e importantes alterações mecânicas. Os injectores estão em muito bom estado e dentro da pressão de funcionamento de origem. A bomba de óleo vai tb sofrer alterações, assim como o circuito de óleo e lubrificação ao turbo. Já que a caixa está fora, vou proceder a alterações a nível da embraiagem e volante de motor.. os restantes elementos encontram-se em ordem…

Para responder a certos comentários, posso também garantir que nunca danifiquei nenhum turbo (entre IHI RHB3 e 4, e 2 Garrett que testei). Um IHI circula ainda num Land Cruiser VX40 em todo o terreno, o outro num Corsa e o de rolamentos tenho guardado assim como o da Garrett original. O outro (híbrido) circula no carro.

Em relação a certas curiosidades, já o referi, e ao contrário do que geralmente sucede, a taxa de compressão foi diminuída e não aumentada como muitos referem. Tal foi executado na altura da junta de colaça e nas sedes de válvulas, por forma a suportar melhor o aumento de pressão de turbo e respectiva força da combustão. Colaças nunca danifiquei nenhuma… As pré câmaras estaladas que tanto se fala, ainda circulam no motor dado que a fractura presente é característica das mesmas após algum tempo.

Quanto a consumos, desde a última modificação o carro ficou a gastar um pouco mais, mas a média que tem feito é entre 7 a 9lts/100Km por um depósito de combustível. A diferença é que antes era possível fazer consumos de 4.5/5lts em andamentos leves e agora é de todo impossível, mas isso está-se a tratar com a introdução de um limitador de débito em baixas, na bomba injectora.

Quanto a problemas mecânicos, só mesmo as caixas de velocidades para estragar a “festa” e pequenos azares comuns a muitos… (ficar sem gasóleo, um furo,etc)…

No mês que vem, se tudo correr bem, podem ter aqui no fórum as impressões de condução de duas pessoas conhecidas por todos vós, uma do Sul e outra do Norte, para equilibrarmos as coisas…. Estas poderão confirmar a maioria das minhas afirmações para que todos possam acreditar….

Espero ter conseguido com estas palavras ser mais acessível e claro, por forma a que todos possam entender, fugindo às “provas teóricas” recorrendo a formulas para tentar provar o que atrás foi dito…

Desculpem os que queriam descrições técnicas pormenorizadas, mas essas irão ser tratadas pelo Rui Augusto um destes dias aqui no fórum…
Espero também poder dar novidades e resultados agradáveis - para certas pessoas aqui do fórum - de certos projectos em que estou a trabalhar de momento relativo a outros carros e mecânicas..


Registered: 25th Nov 01
Location: PORTUGAL
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22nd Nov 03 at 02:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

...its not all the information
but for now is what the owner shared.

Registered: 28th Feb 01
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22nd Nov 03 at 09:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm thinking bigger turbo, intercooler, fuel pump, throttle maybe either that or NOS

here is a crap translation

Regarding certain questions put pace it answer.

As regards the question put regarding the objectivos of this “preparation”, if fiabilidade or its “limit” the answer is both, for more more contradictory than being able to look. When such it will not go minimamente possible I pass for the application of a mechanical news in the car. I pass he explain it: he Repairs he obtain Himself that obtain a determined one cavalagem and afterwards do not he be able to usufruir of her he is always, at least frustrating, I think I… Pretendo yes exploit still more the motor, but of way to power utilize-read daily, therefore I do around 150km daily with the even. He
is certain that I should have certain take care, but the kind of conduction that I do is the even, want be in this or noutro car… and I like of walk fast.

If they will repair the majority of the possuidores of corsas TD’s (altered) they have problems of heating. And it is always having in count that even, that I depart for news alterations, or be, if the internal temperature of the components will go diminished or stabilized we achieve a bigger level of fiabilidade. In 1997 already with intercooler the water went up for the 95º-98ºC quick – in hot days, when the termoestato was regular for 85ºC. Now this it want say that the motor is not to “bear” mt well the increase of power. The oil shot of the 80ºC for the 150-160ºC also quick. With this MYSELF increase thermal the car began lose it performance and it put to bed I smoke… do Not advance while did not I resolve this situation… A peculiar sump of oil and a radiator of oil came improve the question. The oil rose from the 80 for the 120ºC and very slowly, lowering also to temp from the water. And this it is alone an example… To that I obtained (with mts alterations and you quiz) stabilize the water in the 90ºC and the oil in the 95ºC (in journeys kind Port-Lisbon the speeds of 180-210Km/h). Despite from the force from the combustion be superior, the temperatures of operation were well lower and stable, originating to that all the stuff suffer a minor erodes due to consequent and thermal minors variations expansion of the pieces (enlargements). Qd I reach the 124KW the temperatures come back it go up. Was understandable, but more more delicate. The oil went up for the 110ºC and the water mt rarely went to the 95ºC – nevertheless lower temperatures to the of origin in the same conditions. And this it went like that resorted to news modifications but barely in terms of the system of injecção, remaining everything the equal remainder… the result they were more 14cv to the cost of you adjust a lot more more necessary (still not concluded), and despite from the quantity of fuel to injectar be “huge” – therefore becomes-itself necessary I help of a bomb eléctrica – the temperatures come back it alight. Water always the 90ºC and the oil always in the 80-85ºC… Now we have them flowed stabilized, for the most most diverse styles of conduction… in this way, we be able to conclude that for times neither alone bigger radiators is that they interest, or healthy the solution, therefore obtained the power in all be increased the helpful streak and at the same time lower the temperature of all of the elements subjects the shipments… THE car withOf origin obtains bear better the thermal shipments to that is subject with 135KW than with original 50KW… do Not I want with this say that the car is more fiável than of origin (understand-itself), but serves of example of that for times is possible really improve/optimizar a mechanics by form it work with the development of power.

Regarding the question from the maintenance, I can guarantee that the motor pára of 10 in 10mil to move oil and screens (gasóleo included) and twice yearly passes for an inspecção very rigorous with the objectivo of find verify erodes him of all of the possible and mechanical components anomalies that can arise… Alone like this is possible prevent certain azares. In this moment and taking advantage of that the equal car due to more a box of speeds that was reformed, this is it to be verified. To inspecção passes for the following components: turbo and colectores, injectores, bomb injectora, compression of the motor, rest of valves, termoestatos, bomb of oil and the conduits of admission and escape, between others of minor importance. The turbo with 50mil Km after to have been modified,
presents a down the equilibrium of 0.5g’s, from the 0 to the 100000rpm. But, the bolts that bear the system from the geometry were loosened, what would go originate to that the even itself damaged to any moment (he would go he leave but not by he erodes)… THE bomb injectora is going to suffer news and mechanical important things alterations. The injectores they are in very good state and inside the origin operation pressure. The bomb of oil goes tb suffer alterations, as well as the circuit of oil and lubrication to the turbo. Since the box is outside, I am going to proceed the alterations in terms of the embraiagem and steering wheel of motor.. the remaining elements find themselves in order…

To answer certain comments, also I can guarantee that never damage no turbo (between IHI RHB3 and 4, and 2 Garrett that I quizzed). An IHI circulates still in a Land Cruiser VX40 in all the land, another in a Corsa and the of rolamentos I have guarded as well as the from the Garrett original. Another (hybrid) circulates in the car.

Regarding certain curiosities, already I referred, and to the contrary one than generally happens, the rate of compression was diminished and done not increase as many refer. Such it was performed in the height from the joint of colaça and in the headquarters of valves, by form it bear better the increase of pressure of turbo and respective forces from the combustion. Colaças never damage nenhuma… The pré chambers cracked that so much is spoken, still they circulate in the given motor that to fractura present is characteristic of the same after some time.

As regards consumption, since to last modification the car stayed spend it a little more, but on average that has done is between 7 to 9lts/100Km by a deposit of fuel. The difference is that before possible era do consumption of 4.5/5lts in light courses and now is completely impossible, but that is-itself it treat with the introduction of a limitador of debit in decrease, in the bomb injectora.

As regards alone, mechanical problems even the boxes of speeds to bungle to “party” and small azares common to many… (stayed without gasóleo, an I penetrate, etc)…

In the month that comes, if everything run well, they can have here in the forum the impressions of conduction of two known persons by everybody you, an of the South and another one of the North, to will balance the things…. These they will be able to confirm the majority of the my assertions for that everybody can believe….

I expect to have obtained with these words be more more accessible and clear, by form to that everybody can understand, fleeing to the “tests theoretical” appealing it you formulate to try try what behind was said…

Excuse the that will want descriptions technical pormenorizadas, but those will go be treaties by the Rui Augusto an of these days here in the forum… Expect also be able to give.

Registered: 1st May 01
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16th Dec 03 at 13:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


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16th Dec 03 at 13:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


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16th Dec 03 at 13:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Kris TD
180 bhp i very much doubt it


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16th Dec 03 at 13:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

and its good that some people can say that (unlike others)

Registered: 22nd Sep 02
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16th Dec 03 at 13:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

White flash could you please change your avatar to "no longer the Fastest Corsa TD on Corsa Sport!"

Registered: 25th Nov 01
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16th Dec 03 at 13:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

...this TD makes 150bhp TDi GOLFs cry!

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16th Dec 03 at 13:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

air > oil cooler as well i think

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16th Dec 03 at 13:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by White Flash
hehe, but he is not a member


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16th Dec 03 at 13:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by White Flash
hehe, but he is not a member



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16th Dec 03 at 13:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Cybermonkey24
Originally posted by White Flash
hehe, but he is not a member



The car is not mine!

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16th Dec 03 at 13:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Akeemkings was faster than yours is

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16th Dec 03 at 13:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Adam
Akeemkings was faster than yours is

Adam that makes no sense

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16th Dec 03 at 13:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Akeemking
Originally posted by Cybermonkey24
Originally posted by White Flash
hehe, but he is not a member



The car is not mine!


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16th Dec 03 at 13:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Akeemking has/had a TD and it is faster than Mr Flash's Corsa

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16th Dec 03 at 13:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Adam
Akeemking has/had a TD and it is faster than Mr Flash's Corsa


Dunno if it was faster then someonelses, but it was fast...

Registered: 25th Nov 01
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16th Dec 03 at 13:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

...and, WHAT IS FAST!?

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16th Dec 03 at 13:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

how many bhp is 67kw?

Registered: 25th Nov 01
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16th Dec 03 at 13:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote getting to the limit fast, or going fast, or bouth?

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16th Dec 03 at 13:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

67kw = 89.85hp

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16th Dec 03 at 13:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm guessing

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16th Dec 03 at 13:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

its from a m8
of the webmaster...

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16th Dec 03 at 14:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

in the translation Vibs did it mentions a T3 and T4 turbo, might be using one of those, it appears the most gains came from everything being a lot colder than normal

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » General Chat » • PORTUGUESE 1.5TD • 135Kw • [ Update 26.01.05 - BadVIDEO ] 22 database queries in 0.0228610 seconds