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Author How does a new inlet manifold increase power?

Registered: 29th Nov 02
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6th Jan 04 at 10:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Paul_J

1) The power is gonna be pretty much the same so no differences there

The 1600 lump then has the potential to be tuned, I very much doubt the 1200 would go any more than 100bhp, or be reliable at this power

2) If you have low mileage like a lot of 1.2 16v owners do (especially corsa C owners) most will not want to dump their 20,000 mile engine for a 70,000 + mile 1.6 16v unit. This is not only for losing value on the car as a whole, but the 1.6 16v might be a bit fucked

very good point

I've raced 3 Gsi's - 1 down santa pod, I beat, 1 down dual carriage way near me I beat and 1 I was just following but was pretty much sat on its ass.

This tells you one thing, either my cars super fast, or all these 1.6 16v's aren't running at their best!!

no comment

(ok so just one comment....... 75 vs 109...... it doesnt take a genius, but yes i get your point about running conditions)

3) Following on from the value of your car thing, some people who are looking for a new car, may be scared away when buying because its a 'engine conversion', the 1.2 16v could be set back to standard and the inlet / chip combo sold onto someone else - I know I'd definately be interested in a second hand package!!

same as no 2, a valid reason for choosing to tune the 1200

4) Insurance. Some insurance companies won't like the fact its a engine converted car, even if they do - your premium will now be the 1.6 16v group - however, with the inlet manifold most insurance companies only add 10% to insurance - so you have your existing 1.2 16v group 3 insurance with 10% added (use the corsasport Adrian Flux discount and its no increase). Or you could do what James (essexracer) has done, and ring up your insurance company saying that your inlet manifold was cracked and you replaced it with a cheaper improved one.

If you can afford to spend a grand on a 1.2, you can afford to insure a GSi providing your not 17 with a claim or summit. Oh yeah, James your a sneaky bastid, and insurance is cheap as chips for you, go back to Gurnsey!!

5) It's just the fact that at the end of the day its still a 1.2 - If a 1.6 Gsi beats a VTR - so what? If a 1.2 beats a VTR thats pretty cool.

seeing your point, but still think its pissing money down the pan!

Of course this is only if your happy with 110 bhp - if your planning on having a really fast car - your pretty much hitting the limit around 110 bhp for not too much money on the 1.2 16v - If you want anymore, drop a 1.6 16v in and then get a inlet for that etc - or drop a 2.0 in.

im sorry, but i cannot see a reliable 110bhp coming from a 1200cc engine which originally had 75, without any kind of forced induction. Its just gona go pop


Paul J


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6th Jan 04 at 10:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If ya spend over a grand on 1.2 to get it up to a GSI kind of performance, yeah its great that a 1.2 can catch a GSi but if you spend just a few hundred on a GSI you aint ever gonna catch him not without spending big bucks, I got a GSI and spend getting on for 3grand on the engine and got 140+BHP you will never catch a GSI with that power get a 1.6 to start with it makes sence

Registered: 29th Nov 02
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6th Jan 04 at 14:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

full stop

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6th Jan 04 at 15:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I think some of you missed what I've written...

Of course this is only if your happy with 110 bhp - if your planning on having a really fast car - your pretty much hitting the limit around 110 bhp for not too much money on the 1.2 16v - If you want anymore, drop a 1.6 16v in and then get a inlet for that etc - or drop a 2.0 in.

this is only for people which would be happy at the 110 bhp that this would give (blackula proved it 105 bhp with standard exhaust) - as I said, no point tuning it further. If your wanting more than 110 get a bigger engine.

Also its not a grand, its more like £750 ... basically if u had £750 to spend and was only looking for around 110 bhp - I'm just saying the 1.2 16v with this package would be better than dropping a 1.6 16v in (both same cost but different plus + minus points) - i.e. spend no more. e.g. drop a 1.6 16v in and not tweak it. As you've already spent your budget of £750.

As well as my points previously, about the insurane, the fact you keep your low mileage 1.2 and the honour of beating bigger things in a low CC car - there's one thing I forgot about.

the weight. The actual 1.2 block is smaller and weighs less than a 1.6 block - this could mean better handling as less weight up front and less understeer, but also less weight will sometimes mean faster acceleration - so both cars may have the same sorta power, but the lighter car will still accelerate faster.

Greasemonkey says:
get a 1.6 to start with it makes sence

read what I've said, most people chose to have a 1.2 16v because they could not get insured on a 1.6 16v! literally the insurance company would either laugh down the phone or quote well over £2000!

So basically we're talking either engine converting or using this package. And if your only looking for around 110 bhp max - the package wins hands down from all my 'advantage points'.

If you want more - then either go for bigger engine straight away (providing you can insure it) or do this as a stop gap, then sell the manifold and go for the conversion.

The thing which a lot of people do forget - is that a lot of 1.2 16v owners cars are relatively new. The Sxi only came out like in 1998/1999? so most owners will only have 30-40,000 miles or less (if its newer) - so a lot of people feel they're pissing money away by simply dropping a bigger engine in as the car (1.2 16v) cost more than a 2nd hand Gsi or whatever in the first place!

When I bought my Sxi most were around £4500, I got mine for £3900 - I saw several 1.6's for £2500 - In effect dropping a 1.6 in is like pissing away £1400 (in a sense)


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6th Jan 04 at 15:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

ditch says:
If you can afford to spend a grand on a 1.2, you can afford to insure a GSi providing your not 17 with a claim or summit. Oh yeah, James your a sneaky bastid, and insurance is cheap as chips for you, go back to Gurnsey!!

£750 I was talking about spending, and to insure a 1.6 16v you'd have to convert your car first anyway! So thats £750 there, leaving no money to insure it!!!
Fraser Young

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6th Jan 04 at 16:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Regal get round to E-mails eventually, holiday season too so backed up.
Why not give em a Call?
Premium Member


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6th Jan 04 at 16:26   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

"the weight. The actual 1.2 block is smaller and weighs less than a 1.6 block - this could mean better handling as less weight up front and less understeer, but also less weight will sometimes mean faster acceleration - so both cars may have the same sorta power, but the lighter car will still accelerate faster."

but the bigger engine has more torque to pull it so itll still be faster!

Registered: 29th Nov 02
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6th Jan 04 at 16:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i very much doubt that there is anything between the two engines in terms of weight, maybe a couple of kilograms?

any extra weight will come from a bigger rad, bigger fuel pump etc. and will be minimal.

ie. bugger all effect on handling

i have no facts here so by all means prove the difference in wieght


Registered: 29th Nov 02
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6th Jan 04 at 16:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Paul_J
ditch says:
If you can afford to spend a grand on a 1.2, you can afford to insure a GSi providing your not 17 with a claim or summit. Oh yeah, James your a sneaky bastid, and insurance is cheap as chips for you, go back to Gurnsey!!

£750 I was talking about spending, and to insure a 1.6 16v you'd have to convert your car first anyway! So thats £750 there, leaving no money to insure it!!!

so spending the money on an inlet manifold means you then magically have money to insure the car

The thing with insurance companies is they dont like modified cars!

If you got a quote on a standard 1.6 sport, then one for a 110bhp heavily engine modded SXi.... i bet there is no huge difference between the two for say a 19year old with 1 years NCB

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6th Jan 04 at 16:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

as I said a lot of companies simply say 10% for engine mods in general... thats how people we're getting away with having whole engine conversions cheap at first - claiming the engine conversion was simply a 1.2 8v with engine mods

but I don't think you can do that anymore, where as this is geniunely 'engine mods'.


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6th Jan 04 at 23:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

oh yeh - also, this is only talking about this product when its £750!

the velo's torque tube and stuff for 1.4 / 1.6's are only around £300-£400!!!

If this manifold for the 1.2 16v was that sorta price it'd be cheaper than dropping a 1.6 16v in!

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6th Jan 04 at 23:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Velos dont do the tourqe tube for the 1.2 it would be good if they did though cos like you said cheaper than a conversion, Dbilas is so expensive because of the make and because it includes a lower inlet manifold, I got a Mantzel and that was £585!!!! thats quite a bit, maybe there is an opening in the market for a cheap power box for the 1.2 16V

Registered: 29th Nov 02
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7th Jan 04 at 11:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

im not saying it would not sell, in fact it would probably sell exrtemely well due to the sheer number of people who have a 1.2 16v and want it to be quicker.

just saying personally i think its a rip-off.

out of interest, were there ever any graphs for this blackulas 100bhp SXi....? and if so just how accurate was the RR?

Im still finding it very hard to see how he got a 33% power increase by changing the inlet manifold!!

Whats the expected increase on a corsa sport with a lexmaul or similar maniflold?

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7th Jan 04 at 11:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Lexmaul 15BHP Velos 20BHP Mantzel up to 22BHP

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7th Jan 04 at 11:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

these gains seem alot more realistic, am i missing something with the 1.2 deal here????

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7th Jan 04 at 11:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I could beat my mate's VTR with one of these torque tubes on my SRi. Gonna get one soon and see if somebody can fit it cheaper.
haha all for under £300. Pinch me.

Registered: 29th Nov 02
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7th Jan 04 at 11:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

VTRs are slow

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7th Jan 04 at 11:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I used to keep up Vtr's b4 i got my alloys on

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7th Jan 04 at 11:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If ya get a Mantzel of similar i will fit it cheap for ya, never had a problem with mine, a standard GSI will only just beat a VTR they are French so made of practacally nothing ie. light

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7th Jan 04 at 11:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

yeah alloys slow ya down so much, cos i have spent so much on my engine i am gonna go back to 15's to reap the benifits

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7th Jan 04 at 11:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

saxo are very light! thats y a Vts is so quick!!! 1.6 16v in a car that weighs so little, add to that some power gaining mods and some weight saving seats...bobs ur uncle!

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7th Jan 04 at 12:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Well my theory to beat these is simple make my 1.6 16V C16XE engine a shit load more powerful

Registered: 29th Nov 02
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7th Jan 04 at 12:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

VTRs are slow

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7th Jan 04 at 12:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Is there a parrot in here?

Registered: 29th Nov 02
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7th Jan 04 at 13:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

VTRs are slow

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