Registered: 4th Jun 03
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
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did a 40 year old thought a bit of milf would be quality. HOWEVER I know undersatand the term "rattling a stick in a bucket"
Registered: 2nd Jul 03
Location: Pontypool Drives: a Skoda
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my first, thats the only one i regret.
Registered: 9th Dec 03
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people from wrk is never a good idea in my experience!! Alwasy leads to trouble....also i know some1 else has said it but your mates younger sister is a huge mistake!!!
Registered: 27th Sep 01
Location: south wales Drives: astra sri ecoflex
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a mte of mine did another mates older sister. on their sofa. while the rest of the family were asleep upstairs. i dont think he regrets is tho
Registered: 15th Jun 03
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lol dont really regret it but---- losing my virginity was fun!
Was dared to pull this fat girl in a club, took me ages to do it she was so fat and minging. Anyways one fing led to another and i ended up shaggin her in her hotel room about 2hours later. Woke up at 6am reliesed wot id dun. She woke up went to c if her mates had more condoms, i locked the door. Checked through her stuff for money or anything, then legged it. Took an orange juice from the breakfest buffet on the way out. Then had to cross country across lanes and fields to our caravan. Was well funny. This was in newquay first nite, neva been there b4. Good story to tell the grandkids i fink.
Registered: 26th May 02
Location: Maidstone, Kent
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quote: Originally posted by koolkorsa
lol dont really regret it but---- losing my virginity was fun!
Was dared to pull this fat girl in a club, took me ages to do it she was so fat and minging. Anyways one fing led to another and i ended up shaggin her in her hotel room about 2hours later. Woke up at 6am reliesed wot id dun. She woke up went to c if her mates had more condoms, i locked the door. Checked through her stuff for money or anything, then legged it. Took an orange juice from the breakfest buffet on the way out. Then had to cross country across lanes and fields to our caravan. Was well funny. This was in newquay first nite, neva been there b4. Good story to tell the grandkids i fink.
lol legend
erm i shaged 1 of my mates 1 night, was well pissed n so was she on my sofa, but it was such shit sex after 20mins of me humping away i just stoped and said lets stop yer it aint going anywhere lol
and again with the same lass, well pissed again, but shaged her with out a rubber, biggest mistake ive ever done, day after straight down the family planning clinic lol, made sure she took the morning after pill
and yes b4 any1 asks, she did have big bobbies!
Registered: 3rd Jan 03
Location: oop north! Where people talk properly
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i REALLY regret sleeping with an old mate, we'd been mates for a while and id just came out of a relationship then one night it just kinda happened! we got close then he started to hit me 
[Edited on 13-01-2004 by Blode]
Registered: 3rd Feb 03
Location: Milton Keynes
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quote: Originally posted by Melville
did a 40 year old thought a bit of milf would be quality. HOWEVER I know undersatand the term "rattling a stick in a bucket"
FPMSL hahahahaha!
Registered: 7th Jul 03
Location: Cambridgeshire
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I shagged a bird in a field at an after school party, and loads of people caught us, aparently my mate was talking about football to me through the trees and a was talking back whilst shaggin this girl 
Cant remember any of it though was hammered!!!
Registered: 18th Dec 00
Location: Milk 'n' Beans
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I regret spleeping with the last bloke i skept ith before me bf
he was a bit small and didnt know what to do with it so i faked to get him off me!
Registered: 9th Apr 02
Location: maidenhead,berkshire
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i cant stop gettinwith this fat bird i was pissed one night and ever since i havnt pulled a nice bird!just end up gettin with her most nights. but i tell u one thing i think fat ugly girls suck better than anything! my god she's like a dyson n just wont stop till ive cum in her throat!neway i needed to get that in the open...
Registered: 15th Oct 03
Location: Kirkintilloch, Glasgow
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wot is it with guys n boobies???
Registered: 14th Oct 03
Location: glasgow, scotland
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quote: Originally posted by SXi_Tim
when i fingered a fat bird in the maths lesson at school
How many fingers? I got 4 b4! 
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: West Yorkshire
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last 4 ppl i have shagged lol , 1, outside -she wa a virgin , i wa on ma way down to a party and sum how ended up banging her , which i got loads of shite off her ect after
2. wa a slapper
3. found out she had a bf AFTER , but then still fucked her agen at another date but i wunt do it agen
then last one , wa out in town , pissed to fuck , banged this lass outside club, and she knows my cuzan and shes asking for my address and last name ect and number.
but since i made my new yrs resolution to not have sex wi anymore slags i have turned 1 away so far! i am proud coz when its just there any lad will know its hard to say no , my mate wa like wtf . erm can i shag her then lol
Registered: 28th Dec 00
Location: rotherham
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quote: Originally posted by VenomTurbo
quote: Originally posted by Sam
quote: Originally posted by VenomTurbo
ok im gunna get sum right stick for this but i might aswell share this with ya anyway
when i was 18 i went out down town by 12 i was hammered,pulled this bird took her back to mine and had sex with her, a few days after me n my mate 3 balled her, she was suckin me off and my mate was bangin her from behind
i had a day off work and me n my mate arranged to mess about with the cars in his garage at about 8.45 in the mornin anyway i saw the lass we boned walkin up the street in a school uniform AARRRRRRRGHHHHHHHH shocker!!! luckily she was just 16 but it was still embarassing, she run off
One question... Did she have big boobies?
yeah she looked older than she was, her DD's were swingin about allover
Haha the slags of rotherham eh
Registered: 8th Dec 03
Location: Reading - Berkshire
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quote: Originally posted by Nismo
mates younger sister , didnt go down to well.
Been there......Done that.....Got the beatings from the bigger brothers too 
Premium Member
Registered: 24th Apr 02
Location: Bexhill, East Sussex
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when i was 17 i shagged my mates mum after we got home from the pub she was 39.
Registered: 1st May 01
Location: Hurstbourne Tarrant
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quote: Originally posted by Sam
quote: Originally posted by michelle
Was he a bit of a minger?
J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
Location: The FACTory
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Haha the slags of rotherham eh
yesh typical rotherham slag
Registered: 14th Jun 03
Location: Bristol
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quote: Originally posted by AdamF
when i was 17 i shagged my mates mum after we got home from the pub she was 39.
Registered: 7th Feb 03
Location: Hereford Drives: Audi R8 V8
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my older sisters best m8 fancies me, and i really like her, but she wont do anything cos of my sister My sister didnt talk to me for 2 weeks when i got off with one of her mates about 18 months ago.
Registered: 15th Apr 02
Location: Ayrshire
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quote: Originally posted by drunkenfool
my older sisters best m8 fancies me, and i really like her, but she wont do anything cos of my sister My sister didnt talk to me for 2 weeks when i got off with one of her mates about 18 months ago.
Should try it more often then
Registered: 5th Mar 03
Location: Sheffield UK Drives: VW Golf
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I regret shagging my next door neighbour.. she had a party round at hers one night n her parents had gone away n i ended up staying with her to help tidy the house, ne way after sitting on her sofa in the living room talkin for a few hours i leant over n kissed her.. one fing led to anuva n i ended up staying over in her room...
now when i see her i can't stop thinkin why did i do my neighbour?? i gotta live next door to her forever until sum1 moves out PLUS she told her best mate n she came round questionin me bout it all.
Registered: 5th Mar 03
Location: Sheffield UK Drives: VW Golf
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she had big boobs tho
Registered: 7th Feb 03
Location: Hereford Drives: Audi R8 V8
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hahahah. im looking 4 pic of my sistersmate who fancies me. She has big boobies!