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Author If smoking was banned from clubs...

Registered: 10th Jul 02
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30th Jan 04 at 11:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Evisu
Originally posted by dj_mikey_k
nope they are issuing on the spot fines when it get brought in, kinda like the litter people who issue fines when u drop litter

i would laugh if someone gave me one while im pissed up in a club!

and then probley get beaten down by the bouncers

Registered: 15th Oct 03
Location: Kirkintilloch, Glasgow
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30th Jan 04 at 11:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ojc
Well can I? FFS

no u scare me

Registered: 21st Oct 02
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30th Jan 04 at 11:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by dj_mikey_k
Originally posted by Evisu
Originally posted by dj_mikey_k
nope they are issuing on the spot fines when it get brought in, kinda like the litter people who issue fines when u drop litter

i would laugh if someone gave me one while im pissed up in a club!

and then probley get beaten down by the bouncers

Ok well i would give them a false name and myself

Registered: 28th Feb 01
Location: POAH
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30th Jan 04 at 11:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Tom D
they better not, smoking is a social thing for many people, i'll still smoke

PGTF smoking is disgusting and kills.

Registered: 28th Feb 01
Location: POAH
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30th Jan 04 at 11:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ojc
Well can I? FFS

would you suck her ST

Registered: 14th Nov 00
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30th Jan 04 at 11:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Why do I scare you Michelle?

Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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30th Jan 04 at 12:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by vibrio
Originally posted by Tom D
they better not, smoking is a social thing for many people, i'll still smoke

PGTF smoking is disgusting and kills.

yes and u chose not to smoke, I chose to, I don't care what u think about that, but drinking could be said to be the same, they aint banned that from clubs have they

Registered: 28th Feb 01
Location: POAH
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30th Jan 04 at 12:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Tom D
Originally posted by vibrio
Originally posted by Tom D
they better not, smoking is a social thing for many people, i'll still smoke

PGTF smoking is disgusting and kills.

yes and u chose not to smoke, I chose to, I don't care what u think about that, but drinking could be said to be the same, they aint banned that from clubs have they

drinking is not the same as smoking. smoking is a very addictive drug which does damage not only to the person smoking but passive smokers as well. smoking should be banned from public places or just have places just for smokers. shoudl you wish to do it in your own home that is your choice. do not pollute the air I breath

Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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30th Jan 04 at 12:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by vibrio
Originally posted by Tom D
Originally posted by vibrio
Originally posted by Tom D
they better not, smoking is a social thing for many people, i'll still smoke

PGTF smoking is disgusting and kills.

yes and u chose not to smoke, I chose to, I don't care what u think about that, but drinking could be said to be the same, they aint banned that from clubs have they

drinking is not the same as smoking. smoking is a very addictive drug which does damage not only to the person smoking but passive smokers as well. smoking should be banned from public places or just have places just for smokers. shoudl you wish to do it in your own home that is your choice. do not pollute the air I breath

Drinking kills, people drink and drive, I don't breathe smoke on other people, and in that case please don't drive your car

Registered: 3rd Jan 03
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30th Jan 04 at 12:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

good idea IMO, sick of coming in after a night out and smelling of smoke. fairplay if people want to smoke, but i choose not to for a reason and therefore should not be forced to inhale second hand smoke

Registered: 3rd Jan 03
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30th Jan 04 at 12:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

tom, end of the day you can use that argument for everything, you could get food poisoning and die so should we stop eating? stop breathing incase we catch some air born disease? something like driving the world would struggle to do without, however smoking has no realy advantages, all in my opinion of course

Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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30th Jan 04 at 12:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Blode
tom, end of the day you can use that argument for everything, you could get food poisoning and die so should we stop eating? stop breathing incase we catch some air born disease? something like driving the world would struggle to do without, however smoking has no realy advantages, all in my opinion of course

What do you mean smokin ghas no advantages, I enjoy smoking, what advantages does drinking have, ahh yes u enjoy it...

Yes I realise there is a line that needs to be drawn somewhere, but at the end of the day if u don't like it that much don't go out, it's bad enough you can't smoke in the amount of places you can't now, I enjoy smoking, ppl enjoy doing drugs which I have to be exposed to when i'm which could be dangerous to my health.

I don't think it's worth talking about anyway, if smoking bans are put in place then i'll deal with it then

Registered: 21st Oct 02
Location: Rickmansworth
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30th Jan 04 at 12:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

What are tye advantagesa of drinking then?
Some people go out and dont drink!

Registered: 10th Jul 02
Location: Widnes, Cheshire
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30th Jan 04 at 12:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

drinking is not the same as poluting the go for a drink, "YOU DRINK IT" you don't force the person next to you drink it. unlike smoking u pollute the air for the person next to you

Registered: 3rd Jan 03
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30th Jan 04 at 12:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

when did i say that drinking had huge advantages? you are twisting things i like going out drinking not just for the alcohol, but also for the music in pubs/clubs, and the general athmosphere. i find it makes people more out going and can make a night more interesting, however i do not think that you need alcohol to have a good time before someone twists my words. i have nothing against people who want to smoke, fairplay to them, i used to and the vast majority of my friends still do, i just find it unfair that it is forced upon us non-smokers, have u ever heard of passive drinking?

Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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30th Jan 04 at 13:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

No but, i've had drinked spilled on me more times than I care to remeber cos' of drunkeds (like myself ) and i've been in situations brought on by drunken people (and probably caused loads too) which i'd prefer not to be in, all i'm saying is yeah smoking may pollute your air etc, but it's not only health issues that affect u when u go out, so if you're gonna say that then people should only be allowed 3 drinks a night and plastic bottles should be used blah, I know u aint having a go blode i just disagree, i'm stuck in my air polluting ways u see, and i'm trying to find a way of condoning it

Registered: 3rd Jan 03
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30th Jan 04 at 13:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

not having a go, just constructive critism i know what you're saying about drinks bein spilt, fkin annoys me, but end fo the day taht isnt really a health risk, unlike smoking. asa for the 'situations' drunkpeople get in, well thats just human nature anyways, people dont need to be drunk to have a fight! (although im not denying that it doesnt encourage it). im not tryin to say you should stop smoking, if it keeps you happy do what you what, i just think there are alternatives, liek sex

Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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30th Jan 04 at 13:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Blode
not having a go, just constructive critism i know what you're saying about drinks bein spilt, fkin annoys me, but end fo the day taht isnt really a health risk, unlike smoking. asa for the 'situations' drunkpeople get in, well thats just human nature anyways, people dont need to be drunk to have a fight! (although im not denying that it doesnt encourage it). im not tryin to say you should stop smoking, if it keeps you happy do what you what, i just think there are alternatives, liek sex

But what would sex be without a smoke at the end

As I said I know u aint having a go, and yeah I will carry on but just to say that something doesn't affect your health (i.e. drink being spilt on u) doesn't mean to say it doesn't matter as much, people cut there life span down by drinking and eating fast food too much etc etc, cars give off polution yet people still drive them (yes it may have a littler affect on our health right now, but if all the ice caps melt cos' of pollution from cars then smoking 2nd hand smoke won't even be an issue) i'm just saying there are alot of things wrong/inflicted on us, i don't see this as a major one..

MMM sex mmm blode

Registered: 3rd Jan 03
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30th Jan 04 at 13:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

lets just agree to disagree on this one as i have to go to work now, ban drink and smoking, bring in more sex! bye

Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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30th Jan 04 at 13:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Blode
lets just agree to disagree on this one as i have to go to work now, ban drink and smoking, bring in more sex! bye

Fair play see ya

Registered: 28th Feb 01
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30th Jan 04 at 13:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Tom D
Originally posted by vibrio
Originally posted by Tom D
Originally posted by vibrio
Originally posted by Tom D
they better not, smoking is a social thing for many people, i'll still smoke

PGTF smoking is disgusting and kills.

yes and u chose not to smoke, I chose to, I don't care what u think about that, but drinking could be said to be the same, they aint banned that from clubs have they

drinking is not the same as smoking. smoking is a very addictive drug which does damage not only to the person smoking but passive smokers as well. smoking should be banned from public places or just have places just for smokers. shoudl you wish to do it in your own home that is your choice. do not pollute the air I breath

Drinking kills, people drink and drive, I don't breathe smoke on other people, and in that case please don't drive your car

yes drinking kills, however one drink does not do the body any harm, one fag does. you cannot compare drinking to smoking. although I do find it funny that smokers always seem to use that as an argument. as for not breathing on me. you don;t have to. just being in the same room does me damage

Registered: 28th Feb 01
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30th Jan 04 at 13:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Blode
lets just agree to disagree on this one as i have to go to work now, ban drink and smoking, bring in more sex! bye

no, more sex = more teenage pregnancy

Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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30th Jan 04 at 13:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by vibrio
Originally posted by Tom D
Originally posted by vibrio
Originally posted by Tom D
Originally posted by vibrio
Originally posted by Tom D
they better not, smoking is a social thing for many people, i'll still smoke

PGTF smoking is disgusting and kills.

yes and u chose not to smoke, I chose to, I don't care what u think about that, but drinking could be said to be the same, they aint banned that from clubs have they

drinking is not the same as smoking. smoking is a very addictive drug which does damage not only to the person smoking but passive smokers as well. smoking should be banned from public places or just have places just for smokers. shoudl you wish to do it in your own home that is your choice. do not pollute the air I breath

Drinking kills, people drink and drive, I don't breathe smoke on other people, and in that case please don't drive your car

yes drinking kills, however one drink does not do the body any harm, one fag does. you cannot compare drinking to smoking. although I do find it funny that smokers always seem to use that as an argument. as for not breathing on me. you don;t have to. just being in the same room does me damage

Stay out my way then

Registered: 28th Feb 01
Location: POAH
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30th Jan 04 at 13:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Tom D
Originally posted by vibrio
Originally posted by Tom D
Originally posted by vibrio
Originally posted by Tom D
Originally posted by vibrio
Originally posted by Tom D
they better not, smoking is a social thing for many people, i'll still smoke

PGTF smoking is disgusting and kills.

yes and u chose not to smoke, I chose to, I don't care what u think about that, but drinking could be said to be the same, they aint banned that from clubs have they

drinking is not the same as smoking. smoking is a very addictive drug which does damage not only to the person smoking but passive smokers as well. smoking should be banned from public places or just have places just for smokers. shoudl you wish to do it in your own home that is your choice. do not pollute the air I breath

Drinking kills, people drink and drive, I don't breathe smoke on other people, and in that case please don't drive your car

yes drinking kills, however one drink does not do the body any harm, one fag does. you cannot compare drinking to smoking. although I do find it funny that smokers always seem to use that as an argument. as for not breathing on me. you don;t have to. just being in the same room does me damage

Stay out my way then

if I am somewhere first and you sit down and smoke you will be asked politely only once to stop or move on.

Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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30th Jan 04 at 13:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by vibrio
Originally posted by Tom D
Originally posted by vibrio
Originally posted by Tom D
Originally posted by vibrio
Originally posted by Tom D
Originally posted by vibrio
Originally posted by Tom D
they better not, smoking is a social thing for many people, i'll still smoke

PGTF smoking is disgusting and kills.

yes and u chose not to smoke, I chose to, I don't care what u think about that, but drinking could be said to be the same, they aint banned that from clubs have they

drinking is not the same as smoking. smoking is a very addictive drug which does damage not only to the person smoking but passive smokers as well. smoking should be banned from public places or just have places just for smokers. shoudl you wish to do it in your own home that is your choice. do not pollute the air I breath

Drinking kills, people drink and drive, I don't breathe smoke on other people, and in that case please don't drive your car

yes drinking kills, however one drink does not do the body any harm, one fag does. you cannot compare drinking to smoking. although I do find it funny that smokers always seem to use that as an argument. as for not breathing on me. you don;t have to. just being in the same room does me damage

Stay out my way then

if I am somewhere first and you sit down and smoke you will be asked politely only once to stop or move on.

Yes if you're eating, but if you asked me then i'd tell you where to go, if you wanted to make something of that after it then i'd gladly let u try n stop me

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