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quote: Originally posted by Shelly
quote: Originally posted by dj_mikey_k
not any more thanxs
I'll remind you of this next time I have to look after you when you roll in drunk, spewing and demanding me make you brews and cheese toasties and demanding massages.
When was the last time that happened ?! i belive that it was january last year and i had been to a funeral
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That advert which was on over christmas is enough to make anyone stop.
The one with like bread sauce coming out of the arteries
Registered: 28th Feb 01
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quote: Originally posted by Tom D
quote: Originally posted by vibrio
I find it hard to believe that people still smoke even though it kills you and slowly fills your lungs up with think black tar goo 
people who smoke are class A stupid
U weapon, everything is so black and white to you aint it, mr straight cut simple life 2 cars probably 60 mortgage, a dog and a wife....
Life aint black and white, why are we not discussing drug users, adrenaline junies, thiefs, boxers, people who drink?
erm this is a thread about smoking not drinking boxers etc etc. but again the drinking thing 
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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But my point is that it's all about choices, i know this thread is about smoking but people never jump on the bandwagon about anything else, like I said i'm not stoopid for smoking, I enjoy i, yes I realise it's bad for you as are alot of ther things, but for me at this point in time I don't want to be spending my time worrying about it, I enjoy it, maybe in a few years I won't then i'll quit (and try my best).
Registered: 28th Feb 01
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quote: Originally posted by Tom D
But my point is that it's all about choices, i know this thread is about smoking but people never jump on the bandwagon about anything else, like I said i'm not stoopid for smoking, I enjoy i, yes I realise it's bad for you as are alot of ther things, but for me at this point in time I don't want to be spending my time worrying about it, I enjoy it, maybe in a few years I won't then i'll quit (and try my best).
and the fact that you choose to keep doing it when every draw you take kills more and more cells in your lungs makes you Stupid
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quote: Originally posted by dj_mikey_k
When was the last time that happened ?! i belive that it was january last year and i had been to a funeral
march... the day I got my new car
and you wont let me come out with you
Registered: 10th Jul 02
Location: Widnes, Cheshire
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i belive in schools they shud disect diseased lungs and say he's wat happens when u smoke
Registered: 28th Feb 01
Location: POAH
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what makes me mad is the scum that walk around with their babys and smoke
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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quote: Originally posted by vibrio
quote: Originally posted by Tom D
But my point is that it's all about choices, i know this thread is about smoking but people never jump on the bandwagon about anything else, like I said i'm not stoopid for smoking, I enjoy i, yes I realise it's bad for you as are alot of ther things, but for me at this point in time I don't want to be spending my time worrying about it, I enjoy it, maybe in a few years I won't then i'll quit (and try my best).
and the fact that you choose to keep doing it when every draw you take kills more and more cells in your lungs makes you Stupid
No the fact that u can't see this is not black and white makes you stupid.
Registered: 28th Feb 01
Location: POAH
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quote: Originally posted by Tom D
quote: Originally posted by vibrio
quote: Originally posted by Tom D
But my point is that it's all about choices, i know this thread is about smoking but people never jump on the bandwagon about anything else, like I said i'm not stoopid for smoking, I enjoy i, yes I realise it's bad for you as are alot of ther things, but for me at this point in time I don't want to be spending my time worrying about it, I enjoy it, maybe in a few years I won't then i'll quit (and try my best).
and the fact that you choose to keep doing it when every draw you take kills more and more cells in your lungs makes you Stupid
No the fact that u can't see this is not black and white makes you stupid.
eh, it is black and white. would a sane normal person do somthing to their body which they know is doing them damage. no.
Registered: 21st Oct 02
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Drinking damages your liver
Registered: 28th Feb 01
Location: POAH
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quote: Originally posted by Evisu
Drinking damages your liver
drinking to excess damages your liver
Registered: 21st Oct 02
Location: Rickmansworth
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Boys have Penis girls have Vagina
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I am going for a bottle of Drambuie
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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quote: Originally posted by vibrio
quote: Originally posted by Tom D
quote: Originally posted by vibrio
quote: Originally posted by Tom D
But my point is that it's all about choices, i know this thread is about smoking but people never jump on the bandwagon about anything else, like I said i'm not stoopid for smoking, I enjoy i, yes I realise it's bad for you as are alot of ther things, but for me at this point in time I don't want to be spending my time worrying about it, I enjoy it, maybe in a few years I won't then i'll quit (and try my best).
and the fact that you choose to keep doing it when every draw you take kills more and more cells in your lungs makes you Stupid
No the fact that u can't see this is not black and white makes you stupid.
eh, it is black and white. would a sane normal person do somthing to their body which they know is doing them damage. no.
No, i'm affraid if you cannot see that it is not black and white because you're too narrow minded then that's your problem.
Yes it is affecting my health but just because I don't see that as a priority right now does not make me stupid, as I said before it's my choice if you wana think i'm stupid then fair enough
Registered: 10th Jul 02
Location: Widnes, Cheshire
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Tom please paint me the picture of the pro's of smoking? vibro will illusrtate the con's
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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I enjoy it, it releives my day-to-day stresses, vibrio can point put anything he wants cos' it's my choice, it's like driving fast.
Registered: 8th May 02
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i gave up a few weeks ago but still have the odd 1 but the main thing is i havnt bought any for weeks.
Registered: 1st Aug 02
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I gave up on monday night 
Not because i wanted to or because the health risks because i cant afford it any more and if i could afford it believe me i would still be smoking !
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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Oh feck u've just made me a target for dunce comments
Registered: 8th May 02
Location: Bristol
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i gave up coz i am taking kick boxing more serious.
i can get fags from abroad so the cost aint a issue.
Registered: 10th Jul 02
Location: Widnes, Cheshire
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THE leader of Liverpool Council last night declared Liverpool should copy New York City's zero-tolerance smoking ban.
Coun Mike Storey told the Daily Post that Liverpool could learn from the example of New York, where bar-owners are fined if even an ashtray is found on their premises.
He said the council would initially educate and encourage bar and restaurant owners to ban smoking.
But he added the local authority could eventually call for by-laws banning people lighting-up in public or refuse to issue licences to businesses which do not stamp out smoking by Capital of Culture Year 2008.
His comments came after the Daily Post revealed that a group called Smoke Free Liverpool, including leaders of industry, health agencies and the city council, has been set up to a spearhead a campaign for a city-wide smoking ban.
Coun Storey said: "I have clear views about not just how the city should look in 2008 but how it should operate.
"Smoking in public impacts on people nearby - it's as simple as that."
Registered: 1st Aug 02
Location: Ellesmere Port
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quote: Originally posted by Tom D
Oh feck u've just made me a target for dunce comments
Who me ? lol,
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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quote: Originally posted by dj_mikey_k
THE leader of Liverpool Council last night declared Liverpool should copy New York City's zero-tolerance smoking ban.
Coun Mike Storey told the Daily Post that Liverpool could learn from the example of New York, where bar-owners are fined if even an ashtray is found on their premises.
He said the council would initially educate and encourage bar and restaurant owners to ban smoking.
But he added the local authority could eventually call for by-laws banning people lighting-up in public or refuse to issue licences to businesses which do not stamp out smoking by Capital of Culture Year 2008.
His comments came after the Daily Post revealed that a group called Smoke Free Liverpool, including leaders of industry, health agencies and the city council, has been set up to a spearhead a campaign for a city-wide smoking ban.
Coun Storey said: "I have clear views about not just how the city should look in 2008 but how it should operate.
"Smoking in public impacts on people nearby - it's as simple as that."
I'd like to see the implementation of that law, I can't see that happening for a LONG LONG time, as for 'educating pub owners etc' hmmm i'd also like to see that education work
Registered: 10th Jul 02
Location: Widnes, Cheshire
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i belive they wud comply when they will strip em off there licenses