Registered: 14th Nov 00
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Well polish my nuts and serve me a milkshake
Registered: 2nd Jul 03
Location: Pontypool Drives: a Skoda
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Jason Iles
Registered: 19th Jun 01
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quote: Originally posted by Ojc
Well polish my nuts and serve me a milkshake
PMSL I am going to smack your ass next time I see you
Corsa E-Tec
Registered: 4th Feb 04
Location: Stevenage Drives: Leon Cupra
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That would be a bing!
Registered: 9th Jun 02
Location: Scunny
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we used to go up behind people, smack both ears at the same time and shout tangoed!!!
makes your ears go funny after you've been tangoed properly!
Registered: 12th Sep 02
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quote: Originally posted by J 11ESY
Nath - WTF 
i got fleas , and had no backsie
Jason Iles
Registered: 19th Jun 01
Location: Bristol
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How did the spamming go 
I got Lucie a peach again last night but she managed to get me back it means WAR
Registered: 21st Oct 02
Location: Rickmansworth
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Anyone used to do this, when one person would crouch down behind someone and someone else would push the person over ???
Registered: 3rd Feb 03
Location: Milton Keynes
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YESH that i did
Corsa E-Tec
Registered: 4th Feb 04
Location: Stevenage Drives: Leon Cupra
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By time i got back from boxing i was too tired, if i'd spammed her, i would of probably knocked her out!
But tonight Mathew i'm gonna be "THE SPAM MAN".
Registered: 12th Sep 02
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Wet Willy
Jason Iles
Registered: 19th Jun 01
Location: Bristol
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quote: Originally posted by Corsa E-Tec
By time i got back from boxing i was too tired, if i'd spammed her, i would of probably knocked her out!
But tonight Mathew i'm gonna be "THE SPAM MAN".
Registered: 3rd Feb 03
Location: Milton Keynes
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quote: Originally posted by Nismo
Wet Willy
I do this to my bro
Corsa E-Tec
Registered: 4th Feb 04
Location: Stevenage Drives: Leon Cupra
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PMSL? sorry, have not court on to some of the lingo!
Registered: 28th Oct 02
Location: Greater London
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LMAO!!!!! i spammed my ex a few times its quite funny...the stunned look!
and yea i do it all the time to my mates still. in school loads of us wud pin down this mouthy fat kid from the year above and we would all spam him! his forehead would go bright red!! lol ohhhhhhh the school days..
Jason Iles
Registered: 19th Jun 01
Location: Bristol
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Registered: 5th Mar 03
Location: Sheffield UK Drives: VW Golf
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i spammed my g/f last nite n she went into a flaming rage and spammed me over n over again.. i lost 
spammed my gran too she hit me with her slipper
Registered: 28th Oct 02
Location: Greater London
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Lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my nan used to hit me with a slipper when i was little n lock me in the bathroom!
i spammed my dad once...iwont be doin that again it was a pianful lesson
Registered: 12th Oct 03
Location: Lincoln.
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i spammed my girl yesterday and she went on a rampage ended up with me on the floor and her spammin me over and over i cudnt breathe from laughin so much
Registered: 5th Mar 03
Location: Sheffield UK Drives: VW Golf
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quote: Originally posted by incufan2k3
i spammed my girl yesterday and she went on a rampage ended up with me on the floor and her spammin me over and over i cudnt breathe from laughin so much
i feel your pain losing to a girl lol i was layed on my bed n she just kept spamming me n i was too busy laughing to stop her, my head hurt after lol
Registered: 12th Oct 03
Location: Lincoln.
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yesh same here i still laugh about it now, ive had about five txts off her today sayin "when i see u next im gonna spam your ass big time"