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Author Absolutely sickening story

Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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21st Apr 04 at 10:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by eightball
whoah! hold the boat! y'all are perfectly right to be angry about FANATIC groups theatening violence, but to use such racist, inflammatory language, and to generalise so widely is extremely dangerous and ignorant. yes, this is your country; in the exact same way that it belongs, democratically, to every one of it's citizens, regardless of their ethnicity. let's be clear here - britain, as a nation have been historically responsible for raping countless other nations, for no reason other than it could, and in the name of expanding the 'empire'. rather than admit their mistakes (for example, being instrumental in a, so-far, illegal war, despite fairly unanimous opposition from it's citizens), the government are happy to sit back and let the proletariat blame anybody who'll take the heat off them.

Yes, agrred some un-called for use of racist comments, but this is a very touchy subject, on the flip-side if you read ollies first comments he was clearly reffering to these 'extremist' groups.

You need to understand that this country has helped ALOT of people, of which some are bleeding us dry and laughing at the fact they can get away with it.

They are the ones that need to be dealt with, government needs to stop worrying about upsetting people and get rid of the thread these brainwashed individuals pose.

Registered: 16th Feb 04
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21st Apr 04 at 10:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I understand where your coming from mate and i know its a small minority but its the small minority that could cause big problems leading to innocent people gettting hurt even as they said there own familys etc. Nothing against other cultures as im not racist. Just got a problem with terrorism because terrorists always kill and injure innocent people.

[Edited on 21-04-2004 by corsa_u_can]

Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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21st Apr 04 at 10:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Just to be clear, I agree the government is largely to blame for the situation, but if there was no threat I wouldn't be anywhere near as concerned about the whole immigration bit.

I think certain asylum seekers should be able to leave there countries and set-up home somewhere else away from what I imagine is a very sh1t life, but the fact they immediately think of britain is disgusting, and as for the members of these groups they shud be fcuking shot along with there kids.

[Edited on 21-04-2004 by Tom]

Registered: 14th Nov 00
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21st Apr 04 at 11:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If these idiots had said the same things in the 40's 50's they would have been put against a wall and shot.

The goverment always need to been seen to be PC, its about time they took action else you will see a rise in the people that start voting for the BMP and then they will have a very large problem on there hands.

Registered: 9th Nov 01
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21st Apr 04 at 11:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ojc
I really don't want to read this do I

If this was me slagging off the Muslim community I would be locked up, where as these pricks say what they want and nothing happens.

This is going to lead to major civil unrest unless the goverment do something FAST.

I mean everyone you speak to says the same as me so why are'nt the goverment listening? KICK THESE FCUKERS OUT! NOW!


Registered: 14th Oct 03
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21st Apr 04 at 11:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i agree that genuine asylum seekers should always have a place of shelter. most of us do not have, and will never have any idea what atrocities these people are fleeing. however, i disagree that they 'automatically' think britain is shit - in my experience, the exact opposite is true. the vast majority of asylum seekers (contrary to popular belief, not all islamic fundamentalists) are eternally grateful to be here. have you seen most of the places they live - it's usually the areas that no-one else will inhabit, not the media representation of gangs of 'asylum seekers' standing outside stately mansions talking on mobile phones.

Registered: 14th Nov 00
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21st Apr 04 at 11:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

But there coming here, if they want to live here they should not be given the choice WE DECIDE and if they don't like it piss off back home and get shot by a sniper whilst crossing the road.

Then while your laying with your guts hanging out remember what you could have had.

Registered: 9th Nov 01
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21st Apr 04 at 11:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

this country is full of policatically correct goody goodies that seem unaware of the effects this is having n the country on a whole. The vast majoity of unrasict britians are getting seriously disheartened with the way these situations are handled. Extremists should be deported straight away and i cant see why this aint happening......... well i can goverment are scared of doing anything to make a change....

Registered: 14th Oct 03
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21st Apr 04 at 11:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

OJC - wait a minute grandad, we do not live in the 40's or the 50's - i have the utmost respect for those who died fighting in the world wars, but i ask you this - what were they fighting against? oppression of others, based on a unsubstantiated hatred of their series of belief? you quite correctly, quote that we have the right to free speech, but like it of not, that's exactly what the guy in the article was exercising. yes, one does have the right to challenge others ideas, and express their own. however, this does not give us any more of a right to make blanket assumptions based on ignorance and misinformation.

Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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21st Apr 04 at 11:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

And I'm sick of reading about such things in the paper:

Asylum seekers get £300 PAID $ BY U from dover to there new residences in liverpool

Asylum seekers living in grade 2 listed mansions

Asylum seekers demand better conditions to live i

ungrateful piss-taking cnuts.

Wouldn't mind seeing the stats on fraudulent claims aswell

Registered: 14th Nov 00
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21st Apr 04 at 11:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I am not a racist and I believe that Simon has summed up the situation perfectly.

"this country is full of policatically correct goody goodies that seem unaware of the effects this is having n the country on a whole. The vast majoity of unrasict britians are getting seriously disheartened with the way these situations are handled. Extremists should be deported straight away and i cant see why this aint happening......... well i can goverment are scared of doing anything to make a change.... "
Gav S

Registered: 16th Apr 02
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21st Apr 04 at 11:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

makes me sick too, no point in commenting further as i agree with most of the previous thoughts, kick them all out now.

Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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21st Apr 04 at 11:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by eightball
OJC - wait a minute grandad, we do not live in the 40's or the 50's - i have the utmost respect for those who died fighting in the world wars, but i ask you this - what were they fighting against? oppression of others, based on a unsubstantiated hatred of their series of belief? you quite correctly, quote that we have the right to free speech, but like it of not, that's exactly what the guy in the article was exercising. yes, one does have the right to challenge others ideas, and express their own. however, this does not give us any more of a right to make blanket assumptions based on ignorance and misinformation.

So what's your take on the bloke in the article, fcuk his rights, he beleives in something that promotes alot of hurt and disruption, and caused all the civil problems in iraq etc to start with.

To me it's more of a huge corrupt cult than a religion.

Registered: 14th Nov 00
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21st Apr 04 at 11:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

No kicking them out won't make it better. Either we need to build a place like Quantanmo Bay (sp) to keep all these high risk people can be kept, or shoot them for treason against the crown.
Gav S

Registered: 16th Apr 02
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21st Apr 04 at 11:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

oh yes, there is still a risk of attack even if they were kicked out so yeh, lock em up

Registered: 20th Oct 03
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21st Apr 04 at 11:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Experiment on them instead of animals?

Registered: 14th Nov 00
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21st Apr 04 at 11:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

You just need to look at the state of Iraq at the moment to realise that these people are animals, you see them running around chanting and jumping like lunatics.

I'm sorry but these people did'nt deserve freedom because they will now abuse this freedom and make a mockery of there liberators.

My mate has to go back out to Iraq in a few weeks time, this will be his second tour there already and if gets killed or seriously wounded I don't think I am going to be able to contain my anger any longer.

Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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21st Apr 04 at 11:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Shud re-introduce capital punishment especially for them imo, nothing like a public slaughtering to get moral up a bit

Registered: 14th Nov 00
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21st Apr 04 at 11:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

These idiots make it even worse for the decent asian community, they were just finding there place and earning respect in this country then these idiots pop out of the wood work.

If I was a Muslim I would be ashamed and would want something done about them.

Registered: 3rd Mar 03
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21st Apr 04 at 11:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yeah agree with almost every thing that has been said.
But the bottom line is, millions of people are moaning about it, but aint physically gonna do summat about it.
You need a legitimate arm to do it with. The BNP are regarded as rascists (cant spell) Why?? Because they want Britain for the British??
How many people who just automatically call them racist, actually know any of their policies or plans??
The country is too scared to stand up for itself. Vote for labour, cons, lib dems etc etc - they aint gonna do anything about it.
The guy on benefits - all the fuckers are sponging the system

Registered: 14th Nov 00
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21st Apr 04 at 11:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

BNP want a British Britain, but thats cannot be the case anymore.

I think if they got into power they would just get out of hand and we would see simular violence as what was seen in Germany in the 30's when the SS were going around smashing up Jewish shops and businesses, along with the killing of key Jewish political figures.

That then esculated to the extermination of 6 million people

Registered: 14th Oct 03
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21st Apr 04 at 11:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

'i'm not racist, but...' it makes me sad that there is such a degree of high expressed negative emotion regarding, what in reality is an unsubstantiated, ignorant account of an individual's personal opinion. fair enough the guy was saying some disgusting things; things that no real muslim, or for that matter, the Quoran would ever support. as for benefits and housing, if there are asylum seekers in your area, go to the shittiest part of it, where no-one else will live, and i'll guarantee you'll find that the majority of the people there are grateful for what they have,and believe me, it's not a lot. operating on the same level, then all english are yobs and football hooligans, all scottish are miserly drunks, and the northern irish are all stupid paramilitary terrorists. is it ok to say what you like, as long as you are white and were born in britain?

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21st Apr 04 at 11:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

burn them burn burn BURN

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21st Apr 04 at 12:00   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

our government is just too bothered about how britain looks to other countrys, trying to be fair, nice etc, britain just looks stupid these days, this country is full of people with heads up their arse, too ignorant to see straight


Registered: 9th Nov 01
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21st Apr 04 at 12:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The BNP are becoming more wide spread because there extremist views on how britian should be are the only light at the end of the tunnel for some people.

Thre seems no middle ground on the entire situation, and the problem contiues to escalate behound control....

Look at the nazi's i know it is an extreme comprasion but one of the reasons they came to power was because of the blame factor....... One man and a small group changed the face of history and the world??? Britian is disheartened too

[Edited on 21-04-2004 by S1MON]

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