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Author 100% legal way to receive a free positive ebay feedback

Registered: 9th May 04
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28th Jul 05 at 22:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by CRFC
cant see noting wrong with it

imagine if he wasn't legit got his feedback up and then put something on for like 500quid, someone pays up and then the next thing they know he's disappeared.
Not saying this guy isn't legit, just say thats the kind of problems it can cause.
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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28th Jul 05 at 22:54   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

No one is going to fall for feedback against a load of small transaction, blatently bogus and looks even worse than a low feedback score.

If you're only starting up the business buy packing supplies, stationary or office furniture or something. Anything else just looks shifty.

Registered: 29th May 02
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28th Jul 05 at 22:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

hello crazy carlo,

i import granite from india, designer jewellery form sweeden and crystal form russia. And i swear on my young families lives that i am a genuine business man just trying to offer my prospective clients the best service possible. what is wrong with that?

I understand that it doesnt take long but this is the way that i have chose to get my busiess up and running on ebay. Im not trying to get positive feedback to fool customers! i need it to provide my customers with a minimum level of service. buy it now options, ebay shop, homepage advertising etc etc. I would purchase office supplies etc but as the business is established i have a healthy stock of these and dont need any more.

If people look at the history they wont see anyting as these auctions are private so only the buyer and seller can see what the product bought was and how much was paid. This may put people off but I can guarantee you the prices and quality of my items will more than compensate for this and the feedback i receive will show this. If you would like to buy any items from me for your business carlo, I have plenty of testimonials from companies who i sell at trade prices to and im sure they would be only too happy to provide references to you on behalf of me.

At the end of the day im not stealing, mugging or beating anyone and there are much worse things in this world. I contribute to the UK economy through importing these goods and adding VAT on to the goods. I also employ an administrator and a warehouse operative so pay NI contributins for myself and them. I pay business rates to the local council and have all my public and product liability insurances paid up. I sponsor a local after school club and provide them with all thier kit and equipment. This is a lot more than most small businesses do, so unless you would like to do busienss with me please lets agree to disagree.

Many Regards,

[Edited on 28-07-2005 by P@UL]

[Edited on 28-07-2005 by P@UL]

[Edited on 28-07-2005 by P@UL]

Registered: 17th Dec 03
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28th Jul 05 at 23:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

He could be dodgey but I have helped.

If he messes people around you can report him.

I know where he is comming from, I have been there myself.

Registered: 15th Apr 04
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28th Jul 05 at 23:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

the whole idea of feedback is to reasure potential bidders. if you have 'made-up' your feedback of selling cheap non-existant items you are tricking people into beliving you have been trading a long time and you have lots of good transactions when realy you hav'nt.
like ian said, buy some business supplies or something to boost your feedback or it will look a bit dodgey when people view your feedback to find you have sold 20 items worth less than £1 and now your selling a £1000 diamond ring!

Registered: 29th May 02
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28th Jul 05 at 23:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

There is no point messing people around on ebay. I will be trading under my company name which if i did mess somebody around could cuase immesurable damage. I just tried to get a bit of help from one of the best online communites that i have ever been involved with. I understand that it may cause concern for people but please dont worry. lets just chill out and get on with our lives
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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28th Jul 05 at 23:18   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

They're private so look even worse.

Registered: 29th May 02
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28th Jul 05 at 23:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

as i said to carlo,

i can supply references from companies that i sell to on a trade basis. some of these will be incorporated into my ebay listings in the form of non-ebay testimonials. So while i can understand that people may be concerned about my ebay feedback it is well known that while ebay users take into consideration someones feedback they are ultimatley price sensitive.

If i sell a ring for £439.99 but in goldsmiths it sells for £899.00 and another person on ebay sells it for £499.99 most probably 75% of people will buy from me and the other 25% will go to the other person on ebay or goldsmiths.

in the end when everybody chills out and looks at the prices i charge compared to retailers and see my non-ebay feedback and eventually my eaby feedback all will be rosey in the world of paul.


Registered: 29th May 02
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28th Jul 05 at 23:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

This is pretty good practice for dealing with any negative PR. How do you guys think im doing? putting punctuation, grammer and spelling aside

[Edited on 28-07-2005 by P@UL]
K2 GTi

Registered: 21st Oct 04
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29th Jul 05 at 08:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

U2U me too

Registered: 9th May 04
Location: Jimmy Bennett's la la land.
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29th Jul 05 at 10:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i'd say private feedback is one of the most off putting things on ebay imo.

We are not slating you, just trying to help you along. It would be in your own interest to build your feedback in a genuine way.
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Registered: 8th May 05
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29th Jul 05 at 11:37   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

u2u plz

Marcy Marc

White Sport Progress Thread

Registered: 29th May 02
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29th Jul 05 at 12:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


I completly understand what you are saying and i appreciate your help. I have taken your comments on board and other peoples opinions and i will bear them in mind for the future.


Registered: 3rd May 01
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29th Jul 05 at 12:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Mine is 100% and 145 so why shold i have the need to do this?

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