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Author I hit a squirrel

Registered: 16th Oct 04
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29th Oct 05 at 02:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by --Rikki--
I ran over a cat once,

Was driving at night... doing 30 cuz was in town, and all of a sudden I heard a series of bangs underneath my car, absolutly not knowing what was going on, I looking in the rear view and there was this cat just spinning around on the road, and then it just ran off turned around and couldnt see it so I assume it was OK.

bloody thing ripped my neon off the front though

That's what happened to my mates cat. Got run over, but it didnt die straight away, One of its ribs pierced its bladder, and another one through the lungs and it was killing itself with its own bodily fluids (so to speak) i'll always remember the picture in my head of it trying to drag itself back to my mates front door (both back legs were broken) and then dying outside on his doormat

moving story, should make it into a movie and make millions

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