Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
User status: Offline
Sorry dude, CS is not a club at all. Its always had stands at meets and shows.. I know that 
Its nothing like joing the "clubs" i've been a member of previously (PCG, VPCC now VXLSCC x2).
As you say, currntly have no idea on current setup, but can't see it changing that much.
Ian owns it and writes it
Tim hosts it.
Various other oddjob people to run forums....
Who here is committted to have regional days, awards, clear up stands after everyone has gone, clear up the rubbish, organise the shows, organise the people etc... Sort out registrations and administration of running a club (NOT a forum), all of which will be un-paid as a club is a non profitable thing (would you be please if people took a wage from your membership)??? I'd suggest Teddy for a hardcore VX owner... 
Your not going to get discounts for shows, you'll get what every other website/club does...
What discount services does this site offer to Vauxhall trading/insurance, what perks etc...
Go for it if you think you can, but there has never been the really "committed" people to take all the sh1t that comes with it...
[Edited on 29-06-2006 by VXR]
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
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I'm commited, it may be only my second year organising tickets for PVS and Trax but I'm committed, organising the stand in the morning of the shows - committed.
Helped clear up abit (with my sunstroke) at the end of PVS... surely thats committed?
Tim no longer hosts the server, yes hes incharge of hardware but the site has now paid for itself and we have alovely rackmounted server in the middle of central london.
Registered: 1st Nov 04
Location: Northamptonshire
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To be a club i can only see the following problems...
quote: Originally posted by Matt H
• Clubs must not be exclusively web-based; in other words membership applications and general communications must be possible for people not having an internet connection - do we have this?
• It is preferred that a club has a management structure with identified responsibilities rather than being a one-man band - do we count with Organisers for shows and also Regional Organisers
• It is preferred that a club has a written constitution or set of rules. This is to demonstrate accountability for handling members' money, ability to organize club attendance at events, dealing with serious misbehaviour by members etc. http://corsasport.co.uk/board/forumdisplay.php?fid=21 - would this constitute as a set of rules?
• All Clubs attending the VBOA National Rally and other VBOA events must be covered by public liability insurance. have we got it? or has anyone looked into it for prices.etc Google here
[Edited on 29-06-2006 by dna23]
Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
User status: Offline
how do you get around the not being exclusively web based bit? write each other letters
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
User status: Offline
Having a postal adderss and stuff I believe, so you can renew your membership over snailmail/phone instead of over ze web.
Registered: 26th Apr 06
Location: I come from the land down under
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If corsasport runs fine as it is and everones happy going to pvs etc, then why change the way it is just to make way for some show that doesnt like ''boyracers'' anyway?
Registered: 1st Nov 04
Location: Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
I thought Ian had a help line or was he taking the piss?
We could set up a PO Box or an adress where mail could be sent .etc
quote: Originally posted by Lil_John
If corsasport runs fine as it is and everones happy going to pvs etc, then why change the way it is just to make way for some show that doesnt like ''boyracers'' anyway?
I am happy going to PVS.
I would like to see the changes needed to occur to gain us access to VBOA becuase it will not only benefit the site and make us more of a club but it is a prestigous car show with a better selection of vauxhalls than PVS/Trax... well more rarer ones and those in better nick + more subtly modified (something the site is tending towards more so nowadays). It would also put us on the vauxhall scene as a more serious car club with quality cars to show.
[Edited on 29-06-2006 by dna23]
Registered: 26th Apr 06
Location: I come from the land down under
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by dna23
I thought Ian had a help line or was he taking the piss?
We could set up a PO Box or an adress where mail could be sent .etc
quote: Originally posted by Lil_John
If corsasport runs fine as it is and everones happy going to pvs etc, then why change the way it is just to make way for some show that doesnt like ''boyracers'' anyway?
I am happy going to PVS.
I would like to see the changes needed to occur to gain us access to VBOA becuase it will not only benefit the site and make us more of a club but it is a prestigous car show with a better selection of vauxhalls than PVS/Trax... well more rarer ones and those in better nick + more subtly modified (something the site is tending towards more so nowadays). It would also put us on the vauxhall scene as a more serious car club with quality cars to show.
[Edited on 29-06-2006 by dna23]
Oh right , i get it.
Like a step forward for CS
Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
User status: Offline
There are very few cars on this site that would be able to attend VBOA events as they expect cars in pristine condition do they not?
Alot of peoples cars look good in pictures on here but when you see them in the metal its a different story. Mine included
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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• Clubs must have been operating for at least 12 months
9 years in November.
• Clubs must not be exclusively web-based; in other words membership applications and general communications must be possible for people not having an internet connection
Not sure about this one. There is offline presence and we have had occasion to show cars for people who are not active online. Might need to do some work there, but its not outside our grasp at all.
• It is preferred that a club has a management structure with identified responsibilities rather than being a one-man band
Daimo, nice try, but I do very little these days compared to the hard work and dedication of quite a large number of people. You've obviously not been paying enough attention to our efforts of late, because if you had have, you would have seen that its actually quite a slick operation comprising many roles and many more people.
• It is preferred that a club has a written constitution or set of rules. This is to demonstrate accountability for handling members' money, ability to organize club attendance at events, dealing with serious misbehaviour by members etc.
Money - yes. Attendance at events - yes. Dealing with misbehaviour - yes. I have had occasion sort crap out at shows in the past offline, and its a daily hobby of mine online.
• Clubs join on condition that they keep to the VBOA constitution. A copy will be provided to applicant clubs. Clubs are welcome to adapt this constitution for their own use if they wish
Need to see that but I can't see that being a problem.
• Applications for joining are considered at the routine meetings of the Association where one or more representatives of the applying club are invited to make a presentation about the club's organization, activities etc. The requirement to attend such a meeting is waived for overseas clubs and a written application substituted
No problem.
• After the presentation and if possible, at the same meeting, the VBOA will decide whether to approve the application. If successful, the Club is welcome to attend all Association meetings and events for a trial period of 12 months
• Clubs are required to nominate a representative (or a small number of rotating representatives) to attend regular VBOA meetings which are held in Luton 6 times a year
No problem
• On the successful completion of the trial period, the club is invited to become a fully affiliated member of the association on payment of a small one-off administration fee based on membership numbers, as follows: 0 to 100 - £10, 101 to 500 - £20, Over 501 - £30, Overseas clubs - free.
No problem
• All Clubs attending the VBOA National Rally and other VBOA events must be covered by public liability insurance.
No problem
• At the discretion of the VBOA, it may be possible to accept a Club as a guest to the VBOA National Rally or other events before they have been operating for 12 months, as part of the assessment
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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- Re-work the whole administration of the site.
Perhaps have an admin forum, which only a small number of admin can see, in which administrative decisions are discussed, and perhaps also have an organisation forum, which all staff and organisers can see and contribute to, in which organisational issues are discussed. Good idea that.
- Make a formal section, membership cards, press packs, cover by insurance, disclaimers and rules.
Cards - why?
Press packs? You mean like the ones available from draft or that have been knocked up in the past to supply when they are required, normally privately from me to whoever wants them?
- Possible get registered properly. Make it known that its becoming a formal club etc.
Depends if we're subscribing to this offline thing. Personally I don't see the benefits of doing things offline when there's limited benefit.
- tbh, 4 years ago, it would have been easy
So easy we pulled it off then eh. We talked about this on the phone maybe 6 years ago? Could have done something there - came to nothing - what was the reason back then?
- but now CS is known for its bullsh1tters and dossers and its massive non-vauxhall owner base.
Some people who've not been here say some comments which are based on heresay - I don't take that as gospel tbh.
- Good for a community yeah But comes to meets etc, how many Non Vauxhalls do you see at the proper registered clubs???
I went to a PNG meet where the star of the show was a Corrado, and they were in at that time. PVS stand was Corsas, and it was big.
- CS would find it very hard with ts current rep to turn into a proper presigious club.
VBOA regs aren't based on rep and perception, they're based on our geunine riposte to their conditions, which we have.
- Plus you also need very committed people who will turn up to proper events, will put in the time to make the name good.
Again, you not noticing this doesn't mean it doesn't go on. We do VERY well indeed for support. No question of that for me.
- CS is there with the pretty banners and a web forum, but thats it...
Flags actually, and the largest Vauxhall forum in terms of data on the entire web, and I'll stick my neck out and say the quickest. I'll stand corrected if there's one with more processing power and better connectivity.
- IMO (Awaits flaming for having an opinion).......
I pay £12.50
I get a place to put pictures and an email....
Doesn't make it anything like a club.... Apart from using a web forum that has Corsa in the title, it just like joining any website...
The fee is to support the operation of the site. You're a member for nothing, the benefits are just thanks for the support. I don't for one discriminate against people who don't have the means to pay money for something. Put that in your offline inclusive huggy everyone pipe.
While you're there, download this.
[Edited on 02-07-2006 by Ian]
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
User status: Offline
- clear up stands after everyone has gone, clear up the rubbish
- organise the shows, organise the people etc
- Sort out registrations and administration of running a club (NOT a forum), all of which will be un-paid as a club is a non profitable thing
It may have escaped your grasp, but no one has taken any wages ever in 9 years, thats not forgetting that IT infrastructure for online stuff costs a shit load more than a paper list of offline members and for long enough this was a personal cost, never mind taking money out, its had a few grand in in the early days. I'm not arsed about time or money if it means being good and big.
- Your not going to get discounts for shows, you'll get what every other website/club does...
I want to subsidise tickets as it think that sets apart a financially viable club from an upstart one.
- What discount services does this site offer to Vauxhall trading/insurance, what perks etc...
We had some affiliate traders - they went.
- Go for it if you think you can, but there has never been the really "committed" people to take all the sh1t that comes with it...
Totally agree, people are the hinge, and we have many. Potentially we could do with some more in some of the regional stuff, but as I said, I've no worry so far as commitment from those who are on board. You've simply missed too much to be right on that one at the moment.
[Edited on 02-07-2006 by Ian]
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by dna23
I thought Ian had a help line or was he taking the piss?
We could set up a PO Box or an adress where mail could be sent .etc
No I want one, just it'll only be open a few hours per day. Still might happen.
We have a postal address which we don't genearly publish as its a personal address, but its available.
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
User status: Offline
Interesting thread.
Ultimately Daimo is correct - we are not a typical club in the historical sense of the word.
Thats not to say we can't be.
I would like to be part of VBOA, and hard work should sort that. I don't wish to paint the negative 'its too late you can't change thing' as I think thats incorrect. I don't want to turn CS on its head, as its been a very successful formula over the years and while we've been working independently of other associations/regulation etc. we've not done so terribly.
That said, would be cool to have a go.
Registered: 26th Apr 02
Location: Birmingham UK
User status: Offline
Interesting read this thread, there is a lot of rubbish been posted in it though 
CS as Ian has said is more or less there in terms of requirements for the VBOA, in all honestly CS does more than astrasport but yet we are in the VBOA and have a stand at Billing next weekend. 
I think in the last year CS has changed a fair bit and there are members on here that do actually have a lot of pride in the site, Willay and MattH are ones I can think off straight away.
The only thing I could see to be an issue is some off the attitude on the forum and the fact that certain members dont know how to behave at shows, although at the same time thats a very small minority for a very large community, but with everything in life its the idiots that ruin it for all, and as Ian has said CS does deal with these problems effectively.
Ian if you get a minute give us a bell Or I will catch you at Trax
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
User status: Offline
Dammnnn people still stake things personnally on here 
Ian, you seem to think im trying to put things down here, im not, im saying why I as in me myself and I think this website isn't formal enough to be a proper VBOA approved club, yet.... You've replied to everything, but then say at the end you agree?? Again, its all about having an opinion. 1 man band - well im correct in that, you started CS< and although you have a few admin people on here, fundimentally, your still the sole owner of the site, which makes it a 1 man band..
As you say, i don't know what goes on round here anymore, never claimed I did 
And Mat, your in the VBOA I know, but your a younger site (? Unsure?) and still are in. Its the general attitude, i mean, look above, someones replied saying, well if boyracers want in why not let them....
And thats exactly the attitude as you well know that won't get you in the VBOA...
My facts were correct at the time of me enquiring about VBOA membership a few years ago..
Registered: 14th Nov 00
Location: Reading: Drives : Clio 197
User status: Offline
For once I agree with everything Daimo has said, CS has a long long way to go. If CS manages to get into VBOA then only a select few would be able to attend, people that have been on the scene for years and whos cars are of absolutely top notch show quality.
Good luck, you'll need it.
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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I disagreed with the points as I don't feel that its as simple as saying 'CS and VBOA are not compatible', as I understood that you were.
I think currently there are some issues, but also these are not unsurmountable. I also don't know how any club that started with a single person would lose the 'one man band' label? Maybe I wrote some web pages 10 years ago, but thats not where we currently are, nevermind what else is put in place.
I'm quite sure that there are worthy cars, in the same way that any club thats more than five minutes old would have that issue.
There are a core of show enthusiasts, same as there are a core of track enthusiasts, a core of young new members who are yet to graduate in to being worthwhile members and a core of nobby hangers on who keep coming back and renewing their membership.
It ticks over nicely accomodating them all and I've no immediate overriding reason to go changing that while its largely working.
Daimo, I'm curious as to why if this would have been successful in the past that we never actually pulled it off?
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
User status: Offline
Daimo, I'm curious as to why if this would have been successful in the past that we never actually pulled it off?
I never continued to apply for membership to the VBOA? Could be a reason? And no-one spoke about it much after.
Thats fine then, no bother to me, i was just saying 
[Edited on 04-07-2006 by VXR]
Registered: 14th Nov 00
Location: Reading: Drives : Clio 197
User status: Offline
Daimo can you stay on here all the time? Its more intresting when your around.
Also, I was up by your mums house at the weekend at Jr's do you know of a girl, not fat but not slim, blonde hair and was wearing light blue jeans, must have been about 16-17? If so give her my regards, shes fit.
Oh yes, also a brunette bird about the same age walking up the hill in a pink Ralf Lauren polo shirt, she was nice as well.
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
User status: Offline
More fun coming in, debating, then leaving others to it 
Im not saying it can't be done, nor that someone else could do it instead of me... Ian asked why it never worked, im jsut saying because no-one tried.
They are all chavs round my mothers way. Better off going round with a spud gun and busting a potato cap in their ass.
Registered: 14th Nov 00
Location: Reading: Drives : Clio 197
User status: Offline
These girls were'nt that chavvy, but they had a chav element to them which I enjoyed.
Anyway, back to topic.
Way back when, when the members of CS were a little older VBOA would have welcomed CS with open arms, nowdays I think it will take a lot of convincing to let them in.
I hope CS can get in, would be superb to have another event to attend with everyone, but I think it will be hard work.
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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quote: Originally posted by VXR
I never continued to apply for membership to the VBOA? Could be a reason? And no-one spoke about it much after.
Rather ironic then that one of the reasons you cited is a lack of people who really got it together, when back then it was the same problem, but it was me and you and not me and some other people.
I personally think you should come on board and help us get there. I am getting the impression that you feel its a shame we've never done it.
Registered: 26th Apr 02
Location: Birmingham UK
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Ian if this is somthing you want to do you need to make the comunication yourself.
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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I'm going next week, I'll see who I can grab on the day.