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Author Speed/stamina/fitness

Registered: 9th May 04
Location: Jimmy Bennett's la la land.
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21st Jul 06 at 17:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by MarkM
Excellent advice Carl

the base training stuff came from the tutor i had when i did a gym instructors course, he had been an RAF and army trainer and went jogging in his breaks every day etc, one day one of the top british female tri-athletes (dunno how it came about) asked if he wanted to train with her, anyway he said yes and thought that he was going to get left blowing out of his arse! anyway they set off and he said everything was fine, trundling away he was comfortable but the in the horizon he saw a massive hill, he said he was like "ow fuck" this is going to be murder! anyway they got to the hill and she just started walking! he was shocked but then she explained.
next day they went interval training on the bikes he set off with her for 5 minutes, got to bit where they step it up, then that was it, she was gone.
J da Silva

Registered: 10th Apr 03
Location: The FACTory
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21st Jul 06 at 18:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

You may be surprised to hear this, but building your muscles by weight training helps stamina, as your body releases 'endorphins' when your on a physical high, gradually the muscles will be trained to take in more energy than normal, thus preserving it throughout your 90minutes.
Good diet of fruit, veg and you need the regular bit of fat too to stop your body rejecting most nutrients from fruit and veg.

Stamina tips for during the game....
- when the ball is out of play, walk to whoever your marking and take your rest then, rather than waiting till the balls back in play and sprinting over to him.

- Whilst moving around to create space, open the stride in order to cover the same amount of ground as normal, whilst doing less work.

-wear the right studs for the ground, moulded studs on soft surfaces make your calfs work harder to get the boots out of the ground, if your playing on firm or hard ground, metal studs will cause your knee and ankle joints to suffer and the rest of the leg absorbs all the shock.

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