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Author What the fcuk!!! **update page 5**
Mad Moe

Registered: 14th Jun 01
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2nd Aug 06 at 10:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I to not pretend to no the all goings on within the NHS but I believe as a whole they are trying to make the best of extremely difficult cirumstances. I would be interested to know what your views are on how this problem should be tackled?
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2nd Aug 06 at 10:08   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Thats not my job to work not how the fcuk the problems should be tackled!!! Go ask Tony Blair,and some of his fat cat vastly overpaid MP's !!!

All I know and care about is my gran has paid into the system all her life and it is now failing her and many more like her badly !!!

[Edited on 02-08-2006 by JadeM]

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2nd Aug 06 at 10:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i find it upsetting she had to be discovered by her carer and was lying on the floor.

makes me sad, i always feel upset for old people, especially when they get a bit dependent on people, must make them feel like they useless

they deserve more
Mad Moe

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2nd Aug 06 at 10:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I acknowledge that you are upset by the circumstances of your Gran’s care and that these scenarios should not arise I was merely arguing that this one incident to not constitute that failing of the entire NHS
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2nd Aug 06 at 10:21   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Mad Moe
I acknowledge that you are upset by the circumstances of your Gran’s care and that these scenarios should not arise I was merely arguing that this one incident to not constitute that failing of the entire NHS

No you said we are lucky to have the NHS, - the way she has been treated since Sunday has been nothing short of disgusting!! Yes some people will recieve treatment on the NHS that they find acceptable, but that does not excuse the failures and errors that are occuring on a day to day basis to thousands of familys in this country. Its just not acceptable and something needs to be done by the powers that be to address the situation.
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2nd Aug 06 at 10:24   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by 3CorsaMeal
i find it upsetting she had to be discovered by her carer and was lying on the floor.

makes me sad, i always feel upset for old people, especially when they get a bit dependent on people, must make them feel like they useless

they deserve more

TBH she has a necklace thingy with an emergency button to press if she falls, but she said she didn't press it because she didn't want to bother anyone Thats the type of person she is, then she gets fcuked about like this when she gets to hospital


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2nd Aug 06 at 10:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


i like to think they tougher inside then they look, i hate thinking about my last nan thats left, she seems very timid and unsure about the world

i don't like the idea of them not having much left to do apart from die, and these days there's no grace in it.

get shipped about and treated like a zoo animal
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2nd Aug 06 at 10:31   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Jambo
Welcome to 2006 Britain, where in order to receive proper medical treatment you must adhere to these conditions:

1. You must not have been born here
2. You musnt have a native accent
3. You must be of eastern european/asian descent
4. You must be paying no or less tax than the people waiting for the beds
5. If you do not adhere to these above, you can be a criminal and jump to space 1

Sorry to hear that Jade, its disgusting. No excuses!


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2nd Aug 06 at 10:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

sorry but we are lucky to have the NHS, fair enough some people do not get the care they deserve, but that is a small minority of people, the NHS helps millions of people every year, the sheer number of people it attends to meens it is impossible that every person is dealt with in the best manner its just impossible, when your dealing with something so big it stands to reason that a small minority of people/things will go wrong.

Also millions of people a year come to england to have health care so it cant be that bad else they would go somewere else, trust me we would be in a worse state than we are now without the NHS, fair enough it has its problems but what part of the country doesnt.

If you dont like it join BUPA or something, there are alternatives.
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2nd Aug 06 at 10:46   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

if we join bupa does that mean we get a reduction in tax as we arent using a public service? no we still have to pay for the inbreds to use the NHS therefore no joining BUPA is not an option

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2nd Aug 06 at 10:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Steve
if we join bupa does that mean we get a reduction in tax as we arent using a public service? no we still have to pay for the inbreds to use the NHS therefore no joining BUPA is not an option

Mad Moe

Registered: 14th Jun 01
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2nd Aug 06 at 10:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by ssj_kakarot
sorry but we are lucky to have the NHS, fair enough some people do not get the care they deserve, but that is a small minority of people, the NHS helps millions of people every year, the sheer number of people it attends to meens it is impossible that every person is dealt with in the best manner its just impossible, when your dealing with something so big it stands to reason that a small minority of people/things will go wrong.

Also millions of people a year come to england to have health care so it cant be that bad else they would go somewere else, trust me we would be in a worse state than we are now without the NHS, fair enough it has its problems but what part of the country doesnt.

If you dont like it join BUPA or something, there are alternatives.

Thank you!

Registered: 29th Apr 03
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2nd Aug 06 at 10:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

people are complaing about the care in the NHS if you dont like it go somewere else, pretty simple.
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2nd Aug 06 at 10:52   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by ssj_kakarot
people are complaing about the care in the NHS if you dont like it go somewere else, pretty simple.

How sad, at 87 years old being told it you don't like it go somewhere else!!

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2nd Aug 06 at 10:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

And futher more, the media is half to blame, i meen if something does go wrong the media is all for blowing it out of proportion.

But whenever some one is helped by the NHS people never here about it, my mam is a manager at day surgery in the hospital in my town, she gets flowers/cards/chocolates from a large number of people all the time who are gratefeull for the help they have recieved from her and the NHS; including old people who are just greatfull that she made there time in hospital easy, do we ever here about that? nope.
Mad Moe

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2nd Aug 06 at 10:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Steve
if we join bupa does that mean we get a reduction in tax as we arent using a public service? no we still have to pay for the inbreds to use the NHS therefore no joining BUPA is not an option

It's yor choice at the end of the day and regarless of whether you have Bupa or not the you taxes pay for Paramedics and Ambulences so why the fuck should you be entitled to tax relief? It would be funny if an Ambulence came to get you, fould out you were with BUPA and said sorry mate you should have paid your taxes
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2nd Aug 06 at 11:02   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by ssj_kakarot
And futher more, the media is half to blame, i meen if something does go wrong the media is all for blowing it out of proportion.

But whenever some one is helped by the NHS people never here about it, my mam is a manager at day surgery in the hospital in my town, she gets flowers/cards/chocolates from a large number of people all the time who are gratefeull for the help they have recieved from her and the NHS; including old people who are just greatfull that she made there time in hospital easy, do we ever here about that? nope.

I have already said, it's not the doctors and nurses to blame, my gran has been in the hospital in the past, and we always leave chocolates for the nursing staff.

Everyone is entitled to there opinion and I respect that, but sadly I have no faith in the NHS anymore
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2nd Aug 06 at 11:04   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Oh and just a wee update they have just called us back- they've still not 'tracked her down' there words. They have checked with ambulance control and there is no record of them taking her to another hospital, so they are now checking the appropriate wards to see if she's in one of them

Mu mums on her way down there right now to find her herself

Registered: 1st Dec 05
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2nd Aug 06 at 11:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Jambo
Welcome to 2006 Britain, where in order to receive proper medical treatment you must adhere to these conditions:

1. You must not have been born here
2. You musnt have a native accent
3. You must be of eastern european/asian descent
4. You must be paying no or less tax than the people waiting for the beds
5. If you do not adhere to these above, you can be a criminal and jump to space 1

Sorry to hear that Jade, tis a joke indeed.

Few months back before my Grandad died he was also treated very badly and died in suspicious circumstances IN hospital

[Edited on 02-08-2006 by Ry_B]
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2nd Aug 06 at 11:09   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Mad Moe
Originally posted by Steve
if we join bupa does that mean we get a reduction in tax as we arent using a public service? no we still have to pay for the inbreds to use the NHS therefore no joining BUPA is not an option

It's yor choice at the end of the day and regarless of whether you have Bupa or not the you taxes pay for Paramedics and Ambulences so why the fuck should you be entitled to tax relief? It would be funny if an Ambulence came to get you, fould out you were with BUPA and said sorry mate you should have paid your taxes

you need putting down to put you out of your misery TBPH
Mad Moe

Registered: 14th Jun 01
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2nd Aug 06 at 11:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Steve
Originally posted by Mad Moe
Originally posted by Steve
if we join bupa does that mean we get a reduction in tax as we arent using a public service? no we still have to pay for the inbreds to use the NHS therefore no joining BUPA is not an option

It's yor choice at the end of the day and regarless of whether you have Bupa or not the you taxes pay for Paramedics and Ambulences so why the fuck should you be entitled to tax relief? It would be funny if an Ambulence came to get you, fould out you were with BUPA and said sorry mate you should have paid your taxes

you need putting down to put you out of your misery TBPH

What a witty retort
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2nd Aug 06 at 11:19   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

In a nutshell its forigners like yourself ssj_kakarot that come to this country for a better life expecting to get everything for 'free' that is swamping it down!! IMO if your granparents were not here to contribute to paying the NHS stamp back in 1948 then you shouldnt be allowed to use the service now!!!

Thats my views!!! Stick some snipers on the borders & dont let nae cunt in!!!!!

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2nd Aug 06 at 11:20   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Mad Moe....I hope someday you get let down big style by the NHS....left withering in pain for a few days & i'll come rub some salt in the wounds you spineless snake!!
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
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2nd Aug 06 at 11:23   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Mad Moe
Originally posted by Steve
Originally posted by Mad Moe
Originally posted by Steve
if we join bupa does that mean we get a reduction in tax as we arent using a public service? no we still have to pay for the inbreds to use the NHS therefore no joining BUPA is not an option

It's yor choice at the end of the day and regarless of whether you have Bupa or not the you taxes pay for Paramedics and Ambulences so why the fuck should you be entitled to tax relief? It would be funny if an Ambulence came to get you, fould out you were with BUPA and said sorry mate you should have paid your taxes

you need putting down to put you out of your misery TBPH

What a witty retort


[Edited on 02-08-2006 by Steve]
Mad Moe

Registered: 14th Jun 01
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2nd Aug 06 at 11:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by JadeM
Mad Moe....I hope someday you get let down big style by the NHS....left withering in pain for a few days & i'll come rub some salt in the wounds you spineless snake!!

How the fuck am I spinless? Because my opinions on the state and benefits of the NHS differ from yours, grow up

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