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Author 9/11 Five Years On

Registered: 22nd Jun 06
Location: Burscough, Lancashire
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11th Sep 06 at 21:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

yes Jules and Ojc my sentiments exactly, we've been sent to war on false pretences it seems, but our Tony seems to have played a similar role into taking us into Iraq

[Edited on 11-09-2006 by andy1868]

Registered: 3rd Jan 03
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11th Sep 06 at 21:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

end of the day, not one member of public, press, etc will know 100% whats going on. sooooo much stuff regarding terrorism is 'wrapped in cotton wool' to stop the public panicing. end of the day, there is now the technology to wipe the planet out.....if iraq etc were that desperate to seriously harm USA (etc), theyd just wipe them out in one blast. this is prolly a lot more fun for them, send couple planes in, watch everyone cry and panic, and still go on about it for 5 years. dont get me wrong, its not on all the innocent people who died, and i deeply feel for the families, but surely the more panic everyone is in, the more the terrorists will sit in their iraqy style mansions and get off on it! Use the same tactics you do on an annoying kid, ignore it and it will go away

Registered: 22nd Jun 06
Location: Burscough, Lancashire
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11th Sep 06 at 21:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Fad
Can not understand why the Yanks still follow his every word

maybe its another "Hitler myth" at work, years from now americans will be saying that they were practically hypnotised by the government into agreeing with them

Registered: 8th Sep 01
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11th Sep 06 at 22:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It goes FAR deeper than the war in iraq.

The world is going to get alot worse before it gets better.

There will be another big disaster like 9/11 in the near future, bush wont come up trumps. Public demand for "something to be done" will overshadow the joke war in iraq and the pathetic infiltration to afganisthan.

Then they will do what all civilisations have done. Give him absoloute power, they will basically turn into a dictatorship with an illeterate as a dictator.

The world is not a safe place.

Registered: 3rd Jan 03
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11th Sep 06 at 22:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

society as a whole is naive is scared.....if they find comfort in something, they'll listen....

Registered: 3rd Jan 03
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11th Sep 06 at 22:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Jambo
It goes FAR deeper than the war in iraq.

The world is going to get alot worse before it gets better.

There will be another big disaster like 9/11 in the near future, bush wont come up trumps. Public demand for "something to be done" will overshadow the joke war in iraq and the pathetic infiltration to afganisthan.

Then they will do what all civilisations have done. Give him absoloute power, they will basically turn into a dictatorship with an illeterate as a dictator.

The world is not a safe place.

we need a good strong leader......


Registered: 22nd Jun 06
Location: Burscough, Lancashire
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11th Sep 06 at 22:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

exactly lynny, all people want to hear is that they're safe, as long as George keeps telling them they are, and there are no more attacks on US soil, they'll believe him, losers

Registered: 8th Sep 01
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11th Sep 06 at 22:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


Registered: 3rd Jan 03
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11th Sep 06 at 22:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

bush acts the dominent one, likes to be seen as having power and suppposidly in charge of the strongest nation in the world ( )

end of the day as shown, they can attack anywhere at any time.....realistically no one is 100% safe

wasnt it mentioned that apparently gov. officials knew about the attacks before they happened or something?? end of day apart from the embarrassment factor, do you think bush loses sleep over a few hundred americans?

Registered: 11th Feb 04
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11th Sep 06 at 22:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

why do folk decide to rant on the anniversary of the deaths of so many people?

Registered: 8th Sep 01
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11th Sep 06 at 22:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Anyone who defies the extremist beleif/phylosophy is at risk. A non beleiver.

I.e drinking alcohol, women in bikini's, women who have jobs, women who are educated etc etc. They follow some particular bit of the koran and they belive the more ridiculasly enthusiastic they are, the more allah will greet them into the afterlife, and to bring lots of non believers to death is apparently a good thing.

This doesnt just mean white people, they do not discriminate, anti semistic to boot. They even hate most muslims especially in afganistan and the ones they hate the most are the ones in power!

The people doing this were basically illeterates. They had NO other education other than the koran. They never went to school anything. Taught the ways of 1 book, one perspective and one outcome. They were born in the hills of afganistan/pakistan. The Arabic word "talib" means student, the movement is lablled taliban due to the cause being born by a teacher killing an anfgani soldier who raped a girl in his villiage, he then began to "teach" his students and they followed. In thousands. The story is alot deaper than that but thats the CS 11pm i should be in bed version.

OBL did a very good job in luring the west into a "war" in Afganistan as they were setting themselves up to let alot more fools be brainwashed by these hate filled religeous nut balls. They did exactly what OBL had predicted. And now although stiched a few thorns in his side gave him a helping hand in recruiting more educated people to his sadistic cause.

The web has been spun and its out of control, we canot do anything to "win" we just have to survuve and hope we can disolve the enemy by bieng a bit more clever!!

And i hope something is done, sooner rather than later!

[Edited on 11-09-2006 by Jambo]
Jules S
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11th Sep 06 at 22:23   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by lynny_sxi
end of the day, not one member of public, press, etc will know 100% whats going on. sooooo much stuff regarding terrorism is 'wrapped in cotton wool' to stop the public panicing. end of the day, there is now the technology to wipe the planet out.....if iraq etc were that desperate to seriously harm USA (etc), theyd just wipe them out in one blast. this is prolly a lot more fun for them, send couple planes in, watch everyone cry and panic, and still go on about it for 5 years. dont get me wrong, its not on all the innocent people who died, and i deeply feel for the families, but surely the more panic everyone is in, the more the terrorists will sit in their iraqy style mansions and get off on it! Use the same tactics you do on an annoying kid, ignore it and it will go away

So right, yet so fundamentally wrong there.

The US and UK governments leak all manner of rubbish through the media to justify their actions.

The idea is to make us panic....not stop us.

Personally i think we are more susceptable to this sort of thing because we have seen IRA terrorism for the passed 25 years. We dont recount the IRA attrocities because the threat seems to have gone away...

Bottom line is we had to negotiate with the IRA and their political party. Thats all that ended it (for the time being)

Now we are back tracking and trying to bomb/kill the terrorist threat on advice from the CIA, using 9/11 as the basis for that.

Sad indeed

Registered: 1st Feb 01
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11th Sep 06 at 22:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


The US and UK governments leak all manner of rubbish through the media to justify their actions.

The idea is to make us panic....not stop us.


Seriously all this hand luggage fiasco at the airports of does a 64 year old woman with a pot of vasaline, and a screw driver plan to take a plane down? Who mysteriously has Al-Queda papers on her?

Also the testing of baby milk before boarding a plane...really???

Just think the IRA were bombing us for years it was never drawn this much into the media.

Not saying that there is not a terrible threat to National Security but dont belive everything you hear.

[Edited on 11-09-2006 by Fad]

Registered: 3rd Jan 03
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11th Sep 06 at 22:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

all this security etc, its to make the government look as though theyre dealing with the problem, when to be fair.....

Registered: 1st Feb 01
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11th Sep 06 at 22:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by lynny_sxi
all this security etc, its to make the government look as though theyre dealing with the problem, when to be fair.....

Half of the problems never occured its just to shit people up.

Registered: 8th Sep 01
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11th Sep 06 at 22:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

A scared population, is nervous and desperate for leaderhsip........

Perfect for a Government

Registered: 29th Nov 05
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11th Sep 06 at 22:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

it is about time this american gun-ho attitude was stopped they ain't making any friends internationally or on there own soil as the bush admin have found out. They know there is no way of winning this war so why declare it, they start off in afghanistan then into iraq, is it me or do they need to stablize afghanistan first? And bush wants to take on countrys like north korea and iran,america ain't got a hope in hell.Couple of yars bin laden and the tailban will strike amercan soil again
Jules S
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11th Sep 06 at 22:37   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


I lived in saudi arabia for some time....and your ideas are a little askew mate.

No alcohol? you are having a laugh (see later)

No pork? (see later)

No porn? (see later)

No gambling? (see below)

Honestly, they do most of the above on the flight out of the country...let alone in the lapdancing club they visit on the first night over here.

I used to fly back on saudi airlines to avoid them quaffing champagne on the BA flights


Registered: 8th Sep 01
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11th Sep 06 at 22:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If you re-read what i wrote jules you will find as i said they hate saudi's too especially the ones in power.

Its any western, non beleiver non mentalist religeous viewpoint.

So please avert your rolling eyes

Tom J
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11th Sep 06 at 23:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

English thanks CorsAsh
SVM 286

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11th Sep 06 at 23:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ojc

Why in the name of god would we have a minutes silence?

I was quite surprised that you asked this Ollie.

I think the innocents that were slaughtered at the World Trade Centre deserve to be remembered, and their passing (particularly under such horrendous circumstances) should be marked and respected regardless of their race, creed, ethnicity or country of origin, if only because they were ordinary people going about their mundane, day to day activities.

Many were doing jobs that most people would turn their noses up at, and the poor souls paid with their lives.

I watched the whole scenario unfold, live, on a wall of television screens, as I was working in a TV and Hi-Fi shop when it happened, so the images are indelibly etched in my mind.

The fact that the attacks weren't carried out by a squadron of bombers on a military target during war time, but by a faceless enemy on innocent people in the middle of a city makes it all the more appaling to my mind, and all the more important to mark the deaths of those who perished.

I'm not having a go at you mate, I just wanted to make my feelings clear on the subject.

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11th Sep 06 at 23:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Did the Americans give a minutes silence for the London bombings?
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11th Sep 06 at 23:51   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

do two wrongs make a right?

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11th Sep 06 at 23:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

im gonna scream into a pillow
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11th Sep 06 at 23:52   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


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