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Author Young Drivers...

Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
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20th Sep 06 at 09:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

yes deeming pewople cant drive is like denying them a, freedom and b a job

Registered: 17th Dec 02
Location: Teesside (NE)Drives: Megane R26
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20th Sep 06 at 09:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Dave A
80bhp or not, theres a lad round here that drives a 1.2 8v corsa. hes a complete tit, drives everywhere as fast as he can, wether its 80bhp or 180 bhp they still drive like complete cocks.

Yes, a 50bhp car could stil do 100mph in a 30mph limit outside a school (if the road was long enough!)

I totally think something needs to be done, but it would be difficult to inforce, as most new laws are!

Registered: 5th Jul 00
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20th Sep 06 at 09:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

yes.... but it is very hard to get a slow car to that speed and has to be meant. I have seen myself doing 120leptons by mistake before. Not an easy mistake'a to make'a in a shopping cart.


Registered: 5th Apr 04
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20th Sep 06 at 09:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I think pass plus should be amde compulsery. The amount of people who dont know how to drive on the motorway annoys me.

Being sat in the outside lane in a long queue of traffic @ 55mph annoys me.

A few weeks back after being sat at less than 50mph for almost ten miles in the out side lane in a line of cars of maybe 50 or 60 i went in the inside lane at 70 and went past everything. No one in the inside or middle lanes. At the front was a woman and her kids in a people carrier with no regard for any one else on the road and id say she had no idea what she was doing.
Dan B

Registered: 25th Feb 01
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20th Sep 06 at 09:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

17-18 = up to 1000cc capacity and up to 50bhp
19-20 = up to 1200cc capacity and up to 75bhp
21-25 = up to 1600cc capacity and up to 100bhp
26-29 = up to 2000cc capacity and up to 150bhp
30+ = anything

That should be a bit safer......oh, and ANY points in your first 3 years of driving should be a compulsory 12-month ban and extended re-test.

Registered: 16th Nov 05
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20th Sep 06 at 09:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

but then I wouldnt be allowed my car.....
and I think I drive it a lot more sensibly than Adam who would be allowed it

Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: Nottingham Drives: VW Tiguan
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20th Sep 06 at 09:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Dan B that is stupid. 21 to 25 max 1600cc up to 100bhp

What if they drive for a living? A van with have bigger than a 1.6.

Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
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20th Sep 06 at 09:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Dan - that is stupid

You'll be dead before you're allowed a nice car

Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
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20th Sep 06 at 09:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

TNM i agree compeltely! These idiots who just pick a lane and drive 60mph in it causing tailbacks and people undertaking and all sorts of other things that happen as a result.

I dont think pass plus should be compulsary it should just be part of the test in the first place! As well as awareness of ice, snow etc.

Registered: 17th Dec 02
Location: Teesside (NE)Drives: Megane R26
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20th Sep 06 at 10:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Middle lane drivers also annoy me, Highway code states drive in the left lane unless overtaking. I bet 75% of people on the road have never even read a highway code!
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
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20th Sep 06 at 10:10   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Dan B
17-18 = up to 1000cc capacity and up to 50bhp
That should be a bit safer......oh, and ANY points in your first 3 years of driving should be a compulsory 12-month ban and extended re-test.

Up to 50 bhp?

Im a 17 yr old who does a fair bit of motorway treking. I drive a 1.2 16v corsa b, and thats underpowered for motorway journeys, joining the motorway is a nightmare with it. a 1.0 on a motorway would cause hell if you suddenly needed some power to overtake out of a dangerous situation etc. If you ask me its the idiots in their BMWs and Mercs who drive down the outside lane doing 110+ scaring everyone else into the inside lanes of the motorway. Avioding them causes accidents.

And the points thing? errr... right... so you never speed? the system in place now is good enough imo - 6 points and start again. Everyone makes mistakes... and one of them might be 55 past a 50 camera or whatever!

[Edited on 20-09-2006 by djpowelly]

Registered: 11th Sep 06
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20th Sep 06 at 10:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Nismo

I feel that when people reach 50 they should have a re-test , old cooonts are the worst and wheni worked in a Bodyshop i would say 70% of accidents were old coonts.

At 49 now I would appreciate it if you upped the age limit a bit. Don't consider myself old..... yet.

But I do agree with your old peeps comment. Difference is I put them at 70!


Registered: 5th Jul 00
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20th Sep 06 at 10:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

you've changed your name!

Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: Nottingham Drives: VW Tiguan
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20th Sep 06 at 10:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

neil: I forgot about middle lane people

I dont make a point of over taking them and then move accross infornt of them to point out that the inside lane is free.
Dan B

Registered: 25th Feb 01
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20th Sep 06 at 10:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by AK
Dan - that is stupid

You'll be dead before you're allowed a nice car

Actually, I'm old enough to drive anything, under my classification......everyone else doesn't matter!
Dan B

Registered: 25th Feb 01
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20th Sep 06 at 10:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by djpowelly
Originally posted by Dan B
17-18 = up to 1000cc capacity and up to 50bhp
That should be a bit safer......oh, and ANY points in your first 3 years of driving should be a compulsory 12-month ban and extended re-test.

Up to 50 bhp?

Im a 17 yr old who does a fair bit of motorway treking. I drive a 1.2 16v corsa b, and thats underpowered for motorway journeys, joining the motorway is a nightmare with it. a 1.0 on a motorway would cause hell if you suddenly needed some power to overtake out of a dangerous situation etc. If you ask me its the idiots in their BMWs and Mercs who drive down the outside lane doing 110+ scaring everyone else into the inside lanes of the motorway. Avioding them causes accidents.

And the points thing? errr... right... so you never speed? the system in place now is good enough imo - 6 points and start again. Everyone makes mistakes... and one of them might be 55 past a 50 camera or whatever!

[Edited on 20-09-2006 by djpowelly]

I've driven a 1.2 8v Corsa on the motorway, and had no issues. Filtering into traffic was fine, you don't need to floor it to join the motorway, you just join at a safe speed. And flooring it to avoid a dangerous situation would be better dealt with by using experience to judge the situation before it happens (that comes with experience, I guess) and avoid it rather than getting into the situation then having to deal with it.

The points thing? 12.5 years of driving, 0 points, so I stand by my suggestion there......not going to pretend to be an angel or a perfect driver, but 55mph past a 50mph camera is breaking the law, it's not a "mistake".

Registered: 11th Sep 06
Location: Nottingham
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20th Sep 06 at 10:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by AK
you've changed your name!

you only just noticed? did it last week, Jay is using Xtremewheels(unless I forget and log on using the wrong handle)

Think this thread is funny considering he is only 18 driving a 1.4 Sri. Love to see his face if law changed and limited his wheels!

Hey maybe I would get to drive his modded car then????

I know, dream on

Registered: 3rd Jan 03
Location: oop north! Where people talk properly
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20th Sep 06 at 12:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i have mixed views on this, agreed that young drivers are a hig risk group, many drive cars far too powerful for them and it causes a lot of accidents, but you cant tar everyone with the same brush. i passed my text just over a year ago, been driving a new 1.6 16v astra sport for 10 month now, no problems and are currently looking at getting a 2.0 tdi golf or similar. i dont think im a dangerous driver, dont do 50 in 30 zones etc, yeah i speed, il admit to that, but only doing like 80 on motorway when its clear, yes i know its still illegal and i wouldnt complain if i got points for it.

Registered: 5th Oct 03
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20th Sep 06 at 12:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I dont think the power of the car is really a problem. From what ive seen alot of younger people cant drive any car for shit and look like there just holding on where as others can jump in something powerful and drive it fine without crashing it.

Registered: 11th Aug 02
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20th Sep 06 at 12:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I think its down to the individiual driver and not the age. My brother whos 28 had an Impreza for approx 1 year and in that time he got caught doing 130mph, let off though as gun wasn't on and made to produce his documents for accelerating too quickly in a built up area. A younger driver may drive more carefully as they know they have more to lose.
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Registered: 7th Jan 04
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20th Sep 06 at 12:16   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

the bike rules are crap. 90% of lads who have "restricted" bikes, just have the certificate to say it is.

its all down to cockiness. my mate crashed his first car (an 850 mini van, 34bhp) in the snow, because he'd not been taught now to deal with snow. then he crashed his saxo vtr, when he was showing off (to some 15 year old girls)

if he'd been taught to deal with lift off oversteer, he wouldnt have crashed.

the driving test/lesson setup needs changing before restricting power IMO.

not that it matters to me, i've been driving 2 years, so i wouldnt have to put up with a restriction to 80bhp.

Registered: 3rd Jan 03
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20th Sep 06 at 12:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

how would they enforce it anyway if they brought the law in? what about all the people who say just bought 100bhp cars? would they be made by law to sell up? thats a bit harsh? i know i have mine on finance, had i got that, then month later law changed and i got told i had toget rid id be canny annoyed!
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Registered: 7th Jan 04
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20th Sep 06 at 12:20   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

they'd be made to restrict them Lynny, like you do on a bike, you can ride ANY bike at a certain age, but it has to be restricted to 33.3bhp. All that happens is people pay the bike garage to restrict it, but only get the certificate, not the restriction.

Registered: 13th Dec 05
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20th Sep 06 at 12:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by robmarriott
but only get the certificate, not the restriction.

Then there would be garages de-restricting cars. It's not possible to govern all the cars on Britains roads easily.
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20th Sep 06 at 12:47   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by AK
nis - 50's a bit harsh. Def re-sit, take some sort of compitancy test at 60 though. We'll hopefully be that age one day. I know how i'd feel being made to re-sit a test at 50.

My dads 60....hes a very good driver & would probably not like the prospect of having to re-sit his test he can drive fine, reactions are all there but he would fail on the mirrors, holding the wheel correctly etc & probably stress out at the prospect of someone sitting telling him where to go

My grans mate is wrong side of 80 & still drives, cant understand road signals, speeds everywhere, bashes into other peoples cars & carries on etc.....there lies the problem with no senior test.

Young folk - test should be more indepth & include stuff like night time driving, motorway driving, how to react if your cars goes out of control etc etc

I dont see how lower powered engines will cut accidents, people can still drive like a dick in a 1L corsa as they could in a 1.4L corsa I personally HATE driving low powered vehicles esspecially on the Mway or where I might need to use some power to execute a maneuver, overtake etc

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