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Registered: 19th Dec 05
Location: Radlett, Hertfordshire
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i think every one boots it a bit now and again tbh since ditch had his crash i have kept my left foot light on the can be the smallest thing that can make things like this happen. the roads are dangerous and they are there to get us from a 2 b not for racing...dont no if you no the lad in the lupo sport ? well he got told the other week by me...he kept following me out of jarmon park trying to egg me on to race him and its twats like that will end up in hospital as long as you and the others are ok ? on a good note your going to get shed loads in compo...irmscher kitted corsa ? yes please
Registered: 10th Dec 06
Location: Hertfordshire / Plymouth
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yeah i SORT OF know him, your not the only person to give him a telling, he was trying to race ppl down the dual carrige way, *undercover police in a corsa C* Overheard him and gave him a quick lecture !
[Edited on 11-03-2007 by drbeansri]
Registered: 26th Nov 04
Location: Ipswich, Suffolk Status: Happy
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quote: Originally posted by C4RL0
Saxo looks like it come a lot worse off! Front end looks proper caved in.
The fuck?! one of the Nova's has had it's roof cut off!
Caved in front? Missing roof? Caved in front or Missing roof?
Hmm let me think about that one! 
Tommy L
Registered: 21st Aug 06
Location: Northampton Drives: Audi wagon
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you are very lucky to be alive
why did your phone give you a black eye
Registered: 10th Dec 06
Location: Hertfordshire / Plymouth
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was on dash board, impact of crash flying phone - ill let u guess
Registered: 10th Dec 06
Location: Hertfordshire / Plymouth
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quote: Originally posted by Jules
quote: Originally posted by C4RL0
Saxo looks like it come a lot worse off! Front end looks proper caved in.
The fuck?! one of the Nova's has had it's roof cut off!
Caved in front? Missing roof? Caved in front or Missing roof?
Hmm let me think about that one! 
and the other nova was upside down on its squashed roof with glass everywhere and petrol spilling out !
Registered: 10th Dec 06
Location: Hertfordshire / Plymouth
User status: Offline
yeah black eye was really bad...
but its good and lucky that EVERYONE IS ok... the saxo driver has been driving 2 nd a half week and did have a saxo vts (too much power mayb)
Registered: 27th Feb 06
Location: St. Helens
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Fucking Saxo Drivers 

Glad you ok though bud 
[Edited on 11-03-2007 by mattk]
Registered: 26th Sep 01
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Holy shit, saxo driver sounds like a turkey, vts isnt a good idea fro a new driver, hope he gets banned for a while as a result of this....
so so lucky no fatalities, hope you get better soon mate, you are gonne be bored shitless of the net!
Registered: 21st Feb 03
Location: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk
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get well soon mate!
Registered: 2nd Mar 00
Location: Derby, Drives: EVO VIII MR & pug 308
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Look on the bright side at least you can get a 20-30k motor with the compo!
Registered: 10th Dec 06
Location: Hertfordshire / Plymouth
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yeah was thinking of a jap motor, or makin a 2ltr corsa
Premium Member
Registered: 19th Dec 05
Location: Radlett, Hertfordshire
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with the compo you can probs have 10 xe corsas...
Registered: 10th Dec 06
Location: Hertfordshire / Plymouth
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one will be enough, or i could build 2 for the shear fun of it
Rachel H
Registered: 12th Nov 03
Location: Berks
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On the same website
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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was this is the wet out of interest?
Registered: 10th Dec 06
Location: Hertfordshire / Plymouth
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No was dry if your refering to my crash !
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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yes i was, saxos are lethal in the wet in the hands of incapable drivers
Registered: 6th Aug 03
Location: Milton Keynes
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Get better soon chap! Glad you aand the others are ok after a crash like that!
Chris C
Registered: 2nd Jan 05
Location: Hemel Hempstead
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Shit that looks terrible mate, dom told me about it few days after it happened. Hope your better soon :thumbs
Registered: 19th Jun 01
Location: Scotland
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glad your on the mend mate..looks nasty..
brings back bad memories for me (hit head on by drunk driver)
wouldn't bank on 20-30k compo though as said earlier...
get well soon and just relax.
Premium Member
Registered: 16th Jan 05
Location: Fareham, Hants Drives: Octavia VRS
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That's Sick So I guess your thankful for being alive right now .
Get well soon mate, and I hope you get a decent payout for that one!
Corsa 2.0 16v Vegas - Sold
Registered: 10th Dec 06
Location: Hertfordshire / Plymouth
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yeah so do. the police have already said it was his fault... coz of skid marks and other things like that
Registered: 19th Jun 01
Location: Scotland
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wife hit head on by drunk driver,(me and son in car, minor injuries to us) he was jailed for 8 months and 5 year driving ban
Wifes injuries
Broken foot, see other thread
1 collapsed lung
1 some else with other lung
other bits and bobs

cuts and bruises, she was 9 weeks pregnant etc a the time...All the stress of it all being pregnant etc etc
She has been offerred 8K, she turned it down..
But I do know somebody that got 27k though for broken collar bone and can't work in same job as he was doing again.
[Edited on 11-03-2007 by mav]
Registered: 10th Dec 06
Location: Hertfordshire / Plymouth
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my injuries were bad but not that bad... all the best though, and hope she makes a full recovery !