Registered: 23rd Sep 08
Location: Cheshire.
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im liking the way this is going
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
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stripped FTW
Registered: 23rd Sep 08
Location: Cheshire.
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yeh you getting a cage soon ?
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
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ye mate waiting for a 6 point weld in to pop up
Registered: 24th Apr 05
Location: Pensby, Wirral Drives:Golf mk4 GTI
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by --ToM--
ye mate waiting for a 6 point weld in to pop up
omp cage on ebay
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
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wathing it
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
painting my cambelt cover and rocker cover as we speak piks up later!! started to rain so im using the back of my car as its stripped lol needs painting anyway 
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
piks as promised, here they are in spray booth 1 (car) and spray booth 2 (shed) drying ready to be fitted later and ill get more piks when fitted 
made good use of my old door cards 

and a shot of the cams ets, engine looks quite clean to be fair 
Rich H
Registered: 26th Oct 05
Location: West Sussex Drives: E46 M3
User status: Offline
Are you keeping this fairly sleeper-ish looking? 
Looks good so far - crying out for some new numberplates though as they are as scruffy as fook
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
yeah thats the plan mate, the last corsa looked nice exteriour wise but the engine bay was fooking hanging!!! so im getting the bay looking mint then ill just lower it on a nice set of slabs or cesaros maybe,
i know mate the plates are shagged, going to order some pressed ones on pay day and a few cans of hair spray
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
just got in from fitting them, cambelt cover looks spot on the rocker cover has reacted in a few places and given a marble cracked effect, only notice it upclose so itll do for now 
also my new reg plates borrowed from lookers 

Registered: 11th May 02
Location: Cheshire
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looks good to be fair
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
thanks mate
Registered: 31st Mar 08
Location: Wirral
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plates are quality, borrowed eh? haha
Engine bay is getting there
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
haha thanks dudeeee
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
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went scrappy today with some very big pockets managed to 5 finger discount myself some 53k clocks a load of cooland and oil filler caps some black ones too which look loads better than the dirty yellow ones and also got a load of wipers and indicator and horn relays etc as mine or a bit temprimental 
also stumbled across a set of morrettes :O shame they wernt in the best of condition.....

Registered: 24th Apr 05
Location: Pensby, Wirral Drives:Golf mk4 GTI
User status: Offline
what scrap yard was that tom?
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
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one in buckley north wales mate, jacksons
Registered: 24th Apr 05
Location: Pensby, Wirral Drives:Golf mk4 GTI
User status: Offline
sound mate, never been there so will take a trip up there tomoz
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
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fuck all up there to be honest mate only good bits i took
Registered: 10th Feb 08
Location: Eastbourne, EastSussex
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hairspray? why?
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
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reflects the flash from speed camera was just a joke like lol
Registered: 15th Aug 08
Location: Port Sunlight, Cheshire
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LOL! plates im sure there mine tom haha! ill get the multimeter out mate and sort the loom when im next free lid,it will deffo be ready for pvs
Ste L
Registered: 3rd Jul 06
Location: Manchester Drives: 106 16v Rallye
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get me some of them plates
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
mint arent they !!! yeah wayne mate cheers just give ma ring when your ready and we can get the heap to spark lol