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Author aprilia rs 125
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14th Jun 09 at 23:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

my m8 had a race rs125 and got it registered back on the road and it did 120mph was shocked lol u can do so much 2 them and the only reason a nsr125 is as quick is because honda make the race components for apprilia so both are simalar imo rs125!

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15th Jun 09 at 00:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

cant belive the shite out of peoples mouths about reliability issues with aprilias.

i worked in a motorcycle dealer for a year, over that year i owned an RS125 tuono, covered 600 miles on it with no problems whatsoever!!

the bikes only become un reliable when the right heat range plug isnt used, shite quality 2 stroke is used and when there abused from cold.

let them warm up, good quality 2 stroke such as silkolene, and change the plug very often and you wont have any bother at all.

mine got ridden extremely hard EVERYDAY and it never missed a beat in 6km 2 strokes are highly revving and highly strung they need to be kept on top of, not like an old CG125 lol

RS125's have better brakes than NSR's, better suited tyre sizes, far better looking, better size...

My RS tuono 125


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15th Jun 09 at 07:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I never understand where this unrealiable bullshit comes from.

I've said it time and time again, between me and my mates we owned countless RS's 50cc, 125, RX125's, SR50's and over the space of the 18 months that we had them not one of them went wrong, never.

And they were ridden daily around the local streets, down to Hayling Island flat out everywhere.

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15th Jun 09 at 07:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

My RS125 has been a bit of an unreliable monster, but this is only due to the previous owner being a complete tit, and a chav with no money so he bodged everything.

Now ive chucked a bit of cash at it, and DizzyRebel has had his spanners over it, it runs like a dream and ive covered well over 1000km in 3 months on it (no mean feat considering I use it around town and to work and back (10km a day) )

As said, use expensive oil (TTS @ £11/l once every 2 months for me), keep an eye on the plug condition and keep on top of maintenance schedules and it will last you years.

Also, I am biased as I have one <<<< but I think they are one of the best looking 125's you can buy. Just a shame about how they sound, but if you keep it over 7k it starts to sound like a 'real' bike

Also, my last fill up (if it matters) was £4.97 @ 98.9p = 130km

edit - Paul you have u2u

[Edited on 15-06-2009 by dannymccann]

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15th Jun 09 at 08:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Paul_J
I've got a aprilia 125 RS (derestricted)... To be honest, I just haven't 'bothered' doing my full bike test, because i can have enough fun on the 125 RS.

You can have fun on a fat bird but you still aspire for the sleeker model

Registered: 4th Mar 08
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15th Jun 09 at 08:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I bought a 125 for over a grand and looking back at it... I regret it. I wish I had just done my full test because when you see someone on a faster bike scream past you when you're at full throttle you'll want faster, and with a bike it's easy to get fast. My friend just bought a 99 R1 for a little over a grand (tatty bodywork) and indicated 187mph on the way home. He's 21 and pays £450 TPFT with 6 points and 0 NCB (and 2 claims).

You'll be paying near that for a RS125's insurance as they have a boy racer reputation to it. I'm not saying the R1 won't be more costly to insure but a lot of insurance companies do presume you've matured if you're getting a thousands opposed to a 125 believe it or not.

Even if you do your A2 test (33bhp restricted) and let it run down for 2 years until you're at full power. At least that way you open my options like a 4T 250 or even a restricted 400 like a VFR (or RVF), CBR, ZXR and so on.

I passed my A2 (33bhp) at 17 and had a non-restricted VFR, then another non-restricted VFR and then a non-restricted R6 (over 100bhp and saw 170mph indicated). The law is a bit flawed in that department and it's very hard for them to prove that you're not restricted.

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15th Jun 09 at 08:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I have to say, the shitty build quality of the RS125 saved my mates life a few years back.. He gave it billy big balls on a corner and run out of tallent, ended up going off the road, luckilly both wheels exploded on impact with the kerb and the forks bannana'ed slowing him down enough to avoid an old oak tree lol

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15th Jun 09 at 09:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

theres always this..

yamaha tzr 125cc, i had a tzr50 which was a great bike and very reliable. as said, you need to top them up with oil often otherwise you shouldnt see that many problems with them

[Edited on 15-06-2009 by Br.ANDO]

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15th Jun 09 at 09:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Br.ANDO
theres always this..

yamaha tzr 125cc, i had a tzr50 which was a great bike and very reliable. as said, you need to top them up with oil often otherwise you shouldnt see that many problems with them

[Edited on 15-06-2009 by Br.ANDO]

I have to admit they do look pretty cool for a 125.. But its still a 125

Registered: 9th Aug 06
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15th Jun 09 at 09:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Those R125's look amazing I think, Im not a huge fan of the new shape RS, I think if I was to upgrade I would go for the fastest 4T 125 as like I say I only really go round town on it (im not a huge fan of the wind resistance at anything over 70mph ) so want something that looks beefy, can have a decent exhaust put on it so it has a nice sounding note to it (unlike my bee in a tin can like I have now) and obv the runnning costs of the 4T

Registered: 2nd Jan 09
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15th Jun 09 at 09:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ok plenty of bullshit on this thread, so ill clear a few things up:

Firstly power outputs:

NSR125: 22bhp
TZR125: 24bhp
RG125: 24bhp
Mito 125: 28bhp
RS125: 28bhp

They are the full power, full de-restricted power outputs and none of them make anymore regardless what your mate says. Restricted, no 125 is allowed to make anymore than 14.6bhp by law.

As for build quality, ive worked on on a daily basis and owned them all and i can tell you that the cagiva is the worst build quality, followed by the suzuki, then the honda and finally the yamaha. The aprilia RS build quality rivals that of 600-1000cc bikes with ease, although its reflected in its brand new pricetag.

Reliability, again The RS125 takes top spot as they will go upto 20,000 miles on the same top end parts and for a bike that produces close to 250bhp per litre (as much as F1 cars of its design era) with a race pipe on i dont think thats bad going. The engines are made by Bombardier-Rotax who reputedly build the most reliable engines in the world which is reflected in the fact they supply various nations military applications with engines.

You wont go far wrong with an rs125, budget £1500-£2000 for a good one though, or at least repairs of neglect on a cheaper model. The best shape to buy are the 99-05 bikes, just look for service history and signs of the bike being cared for. Make sure its been run on expensive fully synthetic oil and insist upon a test ride to make sure everything works correctly.

The RS125 was voted the 2nd best handling bike of all time by superbike magazine and MCN which is no mean feat, its the closest you will get to riding a gp bike this side of an RS250 anyway!

Registered: 9th Aug 06
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15th Jun 09 at 10:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Knew youd show up eventually
Daimo B

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15th Jun 09 at 10:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Bombardier-Rotax - Aprilias + Piston Rings......

Now thats ironic.... My old mans Bombardier-Rotax 250cc Single also burnt rings.. Went through 9 in 1 season

I'd still go for a bigger bike and have a restrictor put on it to 33bhp if it were me. A 125 is great fun, but its like vtec, needs its nuts revved off it to get anywhere.

Bigger cc bike, will be heavier, but open the throttle and it'll pull much harder.

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15th Jun 09 at 10:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I never had a problem with the engine on my RX50. I had it for about 2 years and I thrashed the shit out of it... The only problems were the seals blowing on the forks and the chain seemed to stretch fucking quickly!

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15th Jun 09 at 10:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by VXR
Bombardier-Rotax - Aprilias + Piston Rings......

Now thats ironic.... My old mans Bombardier-Rotax 250cc Single also burnt rings.. Went through 9 in 1 season

I'd still go for a bigger bike and have a restrictor put on it to 33bhp if it were me. A 125 is great fun, but its like vtec, needs its nuts revved off it to get anywhere.

Bigger cc bike, will be heavier, but open the throttle and it'll pull much harder.

Maybe it did, but what state of tune was it in? Most highly tuned, front running competition 2 strokes need the rings doing every other meeting regardless of the make.

A big bike restricted would pull harder, but a big bike requires a licence and a 125 does not, thts the attraction of them.

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15th Jun 09 at 10:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I think I might sell my DRZ and get a Aprilia SX125.. Because I miss having the thrash the knackers off a shitty little torqueless 2-stroke lump to get it to move Might get me a Civic too!

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15th Jun 09 at 10:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

DRZ's are shit though, about 3bhp more than an aprilia MX125 and nowhere near as fun. plus park rangers round us have DRZ's, and i can outrun them on a 110 xsport.

2 strokes are very rewarding to ride, require comittment and concentration but when you get it ringht they really sing. Everyone should start out on a 2 stroke as they teach you so much about riding that a 4 stoke just couldnt.

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15th Jun 09 at 10:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yeah mines only 48bhp, geared for about 105mph but its got fuck loads of torque. Decimates a RS125. if I hung about at 100mph for 10 minutes im sure it would evntually pass me though

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15th Jun 09 at 10:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by DizzyRebel
they teach you so much about riding that a 4 stoke just couldnt.

What like how to hang about on the side of the road for 2 hours waiting for a recovery truck and how to get tinitus?

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15th Jun 09 at 10:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

48bhp? lol. How come its got more power than a CRF450? mush have had thousands spend on the engine.

No, 2 stokes teach you about carrying corner speed, getting the revs right in bends, braking without the luxury of engine braking, how and where to use clutch slip...

Registered: 14th Nov 00
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15th Jun 09 at 10:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm putting an order in for a new one today or tomorrow.

Rach is going to fucking beat the shit out of me.

Dizzy, had any dealers with On Yer Bike? £3899 for full power RS125. Love the new shape RS125, I had the bubble rear ended RS125 back in the day, Tetsuya Harada replica and I never really liked it.

But these new ones look more like the older 92-98 model with the sharper rear end.

Halogen headlights as well.

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15th Jun 09 at 11:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Buy from these guys, they are cheaper:

OnYerBike, they seem pretty ok as dealers are concerned - good customer backup but not the best technical knowledge.

With the new ones, they NEED a race pipe to get the most from them, JL are about the best, stainless steel too. They have carbs with TPS on too, ive nver tuned one as the last dealer i worked for only sold the restricted ones, but i think a 34mm carb will not fit. Infact, i can still access the service aprilia dealernet technical areas so ill see what info there is on there about them.

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15th Jun 09 at 11:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The reason I want to use On Yer Bike is because they offer them full power from the showroom, I don't want to take the bike to someone who hasn't a clue what they are doing to derestrict it and totally fuck it up.

How are these new ones restricted Dizzy? My old one was a funnel in the exhaust and a lack of power valve and was really straight forward.

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15th Jun 09 at 11:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Cheers for that link, they are £100 cheaper. I'll contact them at lunch also.

Need to do my CBT again, my expired years ago.

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15th Jun 09 at 11:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

New ones need as follows:

Powervalve and powervalve solenoid, RAVE controller and all associated wiring.
Unrestricted expansion chamber.
New ECU.
New wiring loom.
New carb.

All costs the best part of a grand plus labour, so it works out cheaper to just buy an FP model and disconnect the PV if you wanted to be legal.

The full power ones still require a new expansion chamber, EGR valve removing, Re-jetting and setting up to bring it up there with a pre 06 bike power outputs.

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