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i have bluetooth thing... but dont makee calls when driving... if some one calls me i tell them to call back in 2 mins... turn on bluetooth and i am sorted. never text though.
Registered: 4th May 02
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i am SHOCKED AT how many people said they use it...... seriously all of you are nothing but a bunch of selfish inconsiderate people, i know we always say what might happen blah blah blah! but trust me your time is coming tommorow or 3 years away..... AND IF YOU HIT ME cos of a silly txt and im not unconcious or dead YOU WILL BE LOL!
im am completely honest i do not use my phone in the car or at work ITS SIMPLE YOU DONT NEED IT!
I even got my mrs into the frame of mind to pull over or simply wait....
people these days are so pathetic about phones constant txting txting txting FOR WHAT? WHAT ARE YOU ACTUALLY SAYING WHICH CANT WAIT?
this post should be forwarded onto the police as youtube video's are
i only just missed a car the other day because i sneezed
[Edited on 11-12-2009 by corsa120]
Registered: 19th Feb 04
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Internetz police have landed
Registered: 4th Apr 02
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& THERE OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
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Registered: 30th Jun 03
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Time of the month corsa120?
I'm off out this afternoon to go speeding past a school while talking on 2 mobiles at the same time.
Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
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quote: Originally posted by corsa120
this post should be forwarded onto the police as youtube video's are
Good luck with that one
Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
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quote: Originally posted by John
Time of the month corsa120?
I'm off out this afternoon to go speeding past a school while talking on 2 mobiles at the same time.
He's forwarding that post to the police as we speak
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
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kangaroo court here I come
Registered: 11th Aug 06
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quote: Originally posted by willay
anyone ever had abuse off people because you're on your phone? I had some guy get out of his car before while we were in slow moving traffic cause I was on mine
Someone went mental at me once in London, I was only leaning at the time aswell, wasn't even on the phone
Registered: 4th Apr 02
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Like I said, talking on the phone isnt a problem usually, its just ive seen too many folk swerving about & pulling daft last minute maneuvers for no other reason that there line of site has been directed towards the ground while they stealth text some bint.
Again this will be the minority, most folk have the skillz to multi-task & will say I can do all sorts safely.
So, I see your talking on the phone while driving & raise you eating a 16" pizza out a box while driving that is hard!! BUT IS IT ILLEGAL
[Edited on 11-12-2009 by Colin]
Registered: 11th Aug 02
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quote: Originally posted by Colin
& THERE OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
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If someone went into me cause he or she was on his phone I'd just be telling them that they are going to be fixing my car on their insurance
Half Pint
Registered: 25th Mar 02
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see lots of badgers doing this in London every day and some have the capacity to drive and others have no ability at all.
It all comes down to those who present the biggest risk and cause massive accidents, I cannot count the number of times I have nearly been tipped off my bike by badgers on the phone.
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
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surely you are the biggest risk on the road Tony, darting in and out of London rush hour traffic on a hairdryer?
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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There should be a law that if you hit a bike it's the bike's fault, under all circumstances.
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
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oh now you've done it John.
Registered: 20th May 08
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i only do it at night or on a very quiet road. if i'm driving in town i wont use it.
Registered: 4th Apr 02
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quote: Originally posted by willay
If someone went into me cause he or she was on his phone I'd just be telling them that they are going to be fixing my car on their insurance
So, if they wrote off your pride & joy & you stood to loose out, just because some retard was texting mother asking what was for tea that night, you wouldnt consider Vinny Jones'ing them with their own door? 
Im not sure I could keep calm.
Registered: 4th May 02
Location: Northamptonshire
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i guess its always the same nobody likes being told the truth!
the answers you get as usual sarcasm
thanks colin
all im gonna say is i lost a best friend 3 years ago because of a women on the phone and i almost lost my brother and mother on their way to get a passport and a business rep of somesort was on the phone and tried to overtake a lorry and caused it to jack knife into my brother............
see you brother on a life support and come back and give me the same answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Edited on 11-12-2009 by corsa120]
[Edited on 11-12-2009 by corsa120]
[Edited on 11-12-2009 by corsa120]
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
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If they denied everything that I'm sure something would have to be done to prove it, not exactly violence but theres plenty of ways to prove it I would imagine... witnesses, CCTV (as its fucking EVERYWHERE!), telephone records which the police can get quite easily I would imagine if it involved giving someone points, they would be all over it.
I had to convince a taxi driver on Saturday he was in the wrong for reversing into my car cause we were both stationary and he then decided to reverse without looking in his mirrors, I even tooted my horn. Irish cunt.
Registered: 4th Apr 02
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People should just get meaqns tested on their abilities tbh, theres a wide spectrum of skill out there & tbh some of the mongs ive had the displeasure of meeting in this life time who have the same rights as myself shouldnt be allowed past licking the back window never mind driving a car with a phone attached to the chubby side of their face!!
Giving a monkey a gun comes to mind.
Registered: 14th Nov 00
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What the problem is here and Tony has raised it already is that the majority of idiots on the road have difficulty driving without distraction, throw a mobile into the mix and it's a receipe for disaster.
If my phone goes I put it on loud speaker, I don't see why people hold their phones to their faces you don't need to?
[Edited on 11-12-2009 by Ojc]
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I'm deaf as a post, can never hear it when it's on that shitty speaker, always cuts out so I only get half words.
Especially when the engine is being ragged, seatbelt beeper etc. It's too noisy!
Corsa 2.0 16v Vegas - Sold
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Registered: 29th Nov 05
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i think points are bit excessive i mean i feel that talking on the phone at times is not as bad as having someone in the car as you tend to look at ther person etc plus if you only have one arm does that you mean you are a poor driver?
Luckily i have bluetooth and voice cotnrol so am ok now