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Author Wobbilly Wheel....!?

Registered: 30th Aug 07
Location: Leicester
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8th Jun 10 at 09:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Is the hub nut done up tight enough? The job of that is to pull the hub onto the drive shaft. If that's loose it'll cause all kinds of shit.

The way to test a wheel bearing is to jack the wheel off the floor, grab the tyre at 12 o clock and 6 o clock and rock it. If it moves, the bearing's shagged.

Also a knackered wheel bearing will 'rumble' when you drive. And if you spin the wheel with it jacked up, it won't spin nicely, and it'll make noise.

I'd rule that out before anything else. They're not particularly fun to change, especially if you don't have to.


Registered: 30th Aug 07
Location: Leicester
User status: Offline
8th Jun 10 at 09:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm thinking now, the drive shaft can move a fair bit inside the CV joint, so the play you can see with the drive shaft might just be it moving in the outter CV joint.

The ball joint on the end of the lower wishbone holds the hub into the car.

I'd say it's one of those two (as has already been suggested in the thread).

I'd start with the wheel bearing test, then move onto the ball joint. I'm not sure on a Corsa, but on some cars the ball joint is an integral part of the wishbone and you might have to replace the whole thing, but they're quite cheap.


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