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Author Car trackers for work cars

Registered: 25th May 05
Location: Lochore, Fife
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9th Jul 10 at 12:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

tell them you no longer want a company car if this is how you will be treated

its the same with my company abit diffrent but they have started to become cunts about travel expenses for goin out on business i just refuse to do business they seem to think its a privlidge to be out from 4am to 9pm is it fook i would much rather be in office 8 till 5
Daimo B

Registered: 20th Mar 00
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9th Jul 10 at 12:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Tracker is jsut that, a tracker.

We use monitoring in our trucks for braking, acceleration etc... Its a seperate bit of software.

tbh, think your getting a bit worried over nothing. Its to stop drivers taking the piss with "rest" stops, extra long lunches and friday afternoon pub sessions.

Look at it from the company end. Sure you pay some tax, but who bought the van? Who taxes, insures, maintains, repairs the van?

Now look at is as the owner of the company. Giving out vans, and work still to be done. Many "on the road" people take the piss, go home early, longer lunches etc. Not all, but most. I've done it myself.

Remember your working for the company, not the company "sorting" you out. If they want a tracker on their car, they can have one.

[Edited on 09-07-2010 by Daimo B]

Registered: 15th Nov 02
Location: Norton
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9th Jul 10 at 13:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by ARD1
Bit of strange question but here we go,

I have a company car which i pay tax on to use for personel mileage

we had all our engineers vans fitted with trackers so we could find the nearest in relation to a break down etc etc.

now they are saying the sales team are getting them for insurance purposes. Now is there any way that people know of be it law or something that can be used to stop this happening?

the reason i dont want one is they can see and it records every time you go over a speed limit, brake hard, turn hard, accerlerate hard etc. And they can look at where you have been etc over a weekend and in your own time.

As i pay a lot in tax for this car i don't see why i cant use it for my enjoyment etc in my time ie back road on the way home etc or to see friends at weekend.

i know what idiots the hr people can be with our van drivers and some have had warnings for there driving, and i dont want them to do the same on a Monday after a weekend of spirted driving

people thoughts?

Your car is on your P11d i,e benefit inkind

How you use your car is at your own risk

i.e if you speed then thats your isk

i fyou want to do 1000 private miles a week then thats your choice

If your car does not have a compnay logo on it then you are not reprenting the compnay thus bad driving is your risk

if it has logo's you could argue you are not presenting the compnay in a good light

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