Registered: 8th Dec 03
Location: Reading - Berkshire
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HA ! Enjoy your man date !
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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Dave, sort it out mate... surely you can have a night off ill.
Registered: 8th Dec 03
Location: Reading - Berkshire
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Why cant you wait ?
You wanted a meet, and to watch it with every one like last time, and now you are going to watch it with Adrian 
Yeah, that sounds great 
It would be a lot funnier if we went in a group, and then did a pub afterwards. There hasn't been a South Central meet for a long time, and this would be a good way to get one going...
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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chris has already gone and seen it... I fear everyone else will do the same...
I'm up for watching it a 2nd time if a meet wants to happen... but as you notice here, no one is agreeing to a time.
I can't wait... I want to go see it.
Registered: 8th Dec 03
Location: Reading - Berkshire
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quote: Originally posted by Paul_J
I can't wait... I want to go see it.
Would you also like your dummy too ? 
There hasn't been any dates suggested, other than today, which is last minute, and therefore stupid.
If people want a date, how about this Sat 30th, and at which ever cinema is in the middle for who wants to go ?
Any takers ?
Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: London
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quote: Originally posted by Captain_Rosco
quote: Originally posted by Paul_J
I can't wait... I want to go see it.
There hasn't been any dates suggested, other than today, which is last minute, and therefore stupid.
You Kidding?
last Thursday I mention this Tuesday.
Registered: 8th Dec 03
Location: Reading - Berkshire
User status: Offline
Oh yes of course...Because this is obviously clear to what day you have chosen.
quote: Originally posted by Jambo
quote: Originally posted by Paul_J
whenever... tuesday?
quote: Originally posted by Paul_J
or sunday? or monday?
quote: Originally posted by Paul_J
could see it tomorrow... then again if the chow chow nut eating fools can't make it till later in the week.

Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: London
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Going wednesday now as I'm going to see TT3d with my dad tonight
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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Dave - sort this out... arrange a date on saturday... maybe use facebook or something to arrange the meet as more people will check it....
Come on dave...
Registered: 8th Dec 03
Location: Reading - Berkshire
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Ok, so we are sorted then.
Spoken to everyone, and we are good for this sat at showcase for 7.40 showing.
I think a good plan is to head to the pub next door to the cinema, and wAit for Jambo to finish work, and arrive, then we can go straigt in.
There are lots of showings, so if he gets there early, we can all go in sooner.
This ok with you Paul?
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
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Fuck facebook - I'm in
Registered: 8th Dec 03
Location: Reading - Berkshire
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Good man! Bring the Mazda, and we'll show everyone what it really means to be fast and furious!
Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
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Feel bad everyone waiting for me!
Registered: 8th Dec 03
Location: Reading - Berkshire
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NO mate, it's ok. We'll be in the pub chatting so no worries.
Registered: 14th Nov 00
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Give me a brief synopsis please.
Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: London
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Ok cya there chumps...
It's really good, especially the bit where toretto wears stillettos.
Registered: 14th Nov 00
Location: Reading: Drives : Clio 197
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What time when where?
Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: London
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this saturday, some time in the evening at the pub - then probably 7:40pm showing at the cinema
Registered: 15th Jul 02
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Im not coming 
am on call this weekend in evenings
think im seeing it on Sat in daytime though
remember to stay to end of credits for a random clip thingy.. meant to be
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Registered: 29th Apr 08
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Hmm... 1 hour drive away   
Originally posted by AlunJ
I like you Dave, you are a man of men
Originally Whatapp'd by Neo
Dave's maybe capable of a drive-by cuddle
Look at my pictures
Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: London
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I want ojc's attendance
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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What time you thinking of meeting at the pub on sat then dave? I'm up for whenever... infact I may have pub dinner.
Registered: 8th Dec 03
Location: Reading - Berkshire
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quote: Originally posted by Paul_J
What time you thinking of meeting at the pub on sat then dave? I'm up for whenever... infact I may have pub dinner.
Lets say 6.30 at showcase/pub
If we all park near to each other, then we can head into the pub at the same time.
Here...Have a pic of where to go 

[Edited on 29-04-2011 by Captain_Rosco]
Registered: 14th Nov 00
Location: Reading: Drives : Clio 197
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See you guys there. I go to the George quite a bit these days. 6.30 yes? Saturday yes?
Registered: 8th Dec 03
Location: Reading - Berkshire
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quote: Originally posted by Ojc
See you guys there. I go to the George quite a bit these days. 6.30 yes? Saturday yes?

Yeah that's right.....but why do you go to that pub for ?