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Author how hard are degrees ?

Registered: 26th Sep 05
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24th Oct 11 at 14:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Engineering first year, not hard but not easy. I find the lack of real guidance the main thing, ie; you're given the work to do independently and the information and have to sort of work it out as you go along. It's just the different format to college that takes a little getting used to.

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24th Oct 11 at 15:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

bloody hell this got more replies than expected , only just came back on

shaunmods im doing practical marketing applications , managing people and activitys , research in business information and marketing for services

i know certain degrees are harder than others , im only in uni about 13hours a week , also it does take alot of time getting used to managing the work yourself im behind in my assignments atm but when term 2 comes around i rekon i can keep on top because i will know exactly what i have to do

anyone know of any sites i can find assignment examples just to know the level expected ?

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24th Oct 11 at 15:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Sounds like one of the degrees that's a waste of time tbh.

Surely just look about the department website for the years above to find assignments.

They should teach google in uni imo.

Registered: 26th Sep 05
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24th Oct 11 at 15:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by John
They should teach google in uni imo.

i have an hour a week which discusses study skills, last week we learned how to use the internet and its benefits over the library fucking waste of an hour

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24th Oct 11 at 15:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Im doing Motor Sport Engineering (BEng Hons), 2nd year at the moment.

First year was pretty easy, the mechanical science module was the most demanding, but it was just getting me used to formulas and re-arranging etc, no complicated maths. Rest of it was pretty much basic car/motorsport knowledge.

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24th Oct 11 at 15:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

All these folk doing motorsport engineering are kidding themselves too. "I like cars, I will do motorsport and work for an F1 team" Teachers who let students go forwards for such courses should be shot! Subsea engineering or anything oil&gas related are crying out for engineers.

Registered: 26th Sep 05
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24th Oct 11 at 16:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

im doing engineering to get into oil&gas, after considering motorsport and realising id probably get nowhere i decided on just mechanical

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24th Oct 11 at 17:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

In my third year I was doing work til 3-4am for many many nights...was a complete bastard tbh.

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24th Oct 11 at 18:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I did a law degree (LLB Hons). It was piss easy.

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24th Oct 11 at 18:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Xs
All these folk doing motorsport engineering are kidding themselves too. "I like cars, I will do motorsport and work for an F1 team" Teachers who let students go forwards for such courses should be shot! Subsea engineering or anything oil&gas related are crying out for engineers.

Agree, I did the HND Automotive Engineering course (same course bar name) and it was a big waste of time in my experience and pretty much everyone else on the course.

There are people who will end up getting good jobs out of it, but the course is so irrelevant in that you dont gain any hands on experience. Most people get there jobs through the work experience placement which is the best chance of landing a job in that industry, or through formula student which says a lot about the validity of the qualification.

Dont get me wrong its not the most mickey mouse course out there, but there are a lot of people who are promised a lot by doing this course and end up with nothing much more to show for it other than a big loan to pay off.

I dont regret doing the course as I had a good laugh, but I could have been a lot further in my career progression if I hadnt of listened to all the spiel the lecturers and careers advisers gave me at the tender age of 18

Registered: 14th Feb 05
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24th Oct 11 at 18:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm doing an Honours Degree in Mechanical Engineering.... Not easy with a full time job and a full time course effectively!

Registered: 26th Sep 05
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24th Oct 11 at 19:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by 22B
Originally posted by Xs
All these folk doing motorsport engineering are kidding themselves too. "I like cars, I will do motorsport and work for an F1 team" Teachers who let students go forwards for such courses should be shot! Subsea engineering or anything oil&gas related are crying out for engineers.

Agree, I did the HND Automotive Engineering course (same course bar name) and it was a big waste of time in my experience and pretty much everyone else on the course.

There are people who will end up getting good jobs out of it, but the course is so irrelevant in that you dont gain any hands on experience. Most people get there jobs through the work experience placement which is the best chance of landing a job in that industry, or through formula student which says a lot about the validity of the qualification.

Dont get me wrong its not the most mickey mouse course out there, but there are a lot of people who are promised a lot by doing this course and end up with nothing much more to show for it other than a big loan to pay off.

I dont regret doing the course as I had a good laugh, but I could have been a lot further in my career progression if I hadnt of listened to all the spiel the lecturers and careers advisers gave me at the tender age of 18

did you do formula student? dunno if its worth getting involved, cba spending ages making posters and shit, id wanna get stuck in if i did it

Registered: 9th Sep 04
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24th Oct 11 at 19:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by LeeM
Originally posted by 22B
Originally posted by Xs
All these folk doing motorsport engineering are kidding themselves too. "I like cars, I will do motorsport and work for an F1 team" Teachers who let students go forwards for such courses should be shot! Subsea engineering or anything oil&gas related are crying out for engineers.

Agree, I did the HND Automotive Engineering course (same course bar name) and it was a big waste of time in my experience and pretty much everyone else on the course.

There are people who will end up getting good jobs out of it, but the course is so irrelevant in that you dont gain any hands on experience. Most people get there jobs through the work experience placement which is the best chance of landing a job in that industry, or through formula student which says a lot about the validity of the qualification.

Dont get me wrong its not the most mickey mouse course out there, but there are a lot of people who are promised a lot by doing this course and end up with nothing much more to show for it other than a big loan to pay off.

I dont regret doing the course as I had a good laugh, but I could have been a lot further in my career progression if I hadnt of listened to all the spiel the lecturers and careers advisers gave me at the tender age of 18

did you do formula student? dunno if its worth getting involved, cba spending ages making posters and shit, id wanna get stuck in if i did it

No at the time I was just thinking about the next beer being 18, a lot of people on the course were a lot older so were a lot more focused and showed a lot of interest.

If I went back and did the course now being a bit older I would definitely have a go at stuff like formula student, cant be a bad thing to have on a CV, and I would have said yes when offered a job from my work experience placement, again being 18 I was more interested in my upcoming holiday to Amsterdam which conveniently began on the last day of my work experience placement.

Registered: 26th Sep 05
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24th Oct 11 at 19:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

hmmmm, im gonna go down and check it out but cant be arsed being an errand boy.

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24th Oct 11 at 19:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It did seem a bit geeky to me and some people put a lot of the their time into it, but now I wouldnt care and just do it to gain a bit of experience as it would help If I was looking to work in the motorsport industry
Rob E

Registered: 1st Jan 06
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24th Oct 11 at 21:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Xs
All these folk doing motorsport engineering are kidding themselves too. "I like cars, I will do motorsport and work for an F1 team" Teachers who let students go forwards for such courses should be shot! Subsea engineering or anything oil&gas related are crying out for engineers.

Why am I kidding myself exactly?

Registered: 9th Oct 06
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24th Oct 11 at 21:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

this whole thread just makes me laugh. incredible

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24th Oct 11 at 22:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Finished my 6th year at uni in May, have that
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24th Oct 11 at 22:40   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm in my 3rd year of a Mechanical Engineering degree at Warwick. Got another year to go after this though as I'm getting the Master's. Far more worth while than just the Batchelor's.

Work load has really increased already this year and it's by no means a walk in the park.

1st year was an absolute doddle though.

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25th Oct 11 at 08:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by nibnob21
I'm in my 3rd year of a Mechanical Engineering degree at Warwick. Got another year to go after this though as I'm getting the Master's. Far more worth while than just the Batchelor's.

Work load has really increased already this year and it's by no means a walk in the park.

1st year was an absolute doddle though.

Masters is an additional year after 4th year?

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25th Oct 11 at 08:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Not in England, a standard Hons degree down there is 3 years.

[Edited on 25-10-2011 by John]

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25th Oct 11 at 09:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

To get a 'proper' Mech Eng degree it's 4 years as you do a masters at the end and get an MEng. Quite a few people stop at BEng though, there are benefits to doing either and I guess it just depends on the individual.

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25th Oct 11 at 10:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

A standard Honours degree in Scotland is 4 years, I didn't think the decent jobs went to BEng? Can you get chartered without the MEng?

Registered: 3rd Jan 03
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25th Oct 11 at 10:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I work full time (up to 70 hour weeks) and started a biology degree after Christmas through the OU. A bit worried about the lack of sleep, but hopefully the end goal will give me the self motivation. At least with OU I can fit my learning around work etc

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25th Oct 11 at 10:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

You need to have a Masters to become chartered, but there are a few routes to get there and it doesn't necessarily need to be an MEng. You're demonstrating professionalism rather than academic achievement when it comes to being an CEng.

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