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quote: Originally posted by Eck
Robbo, why would it bother you? I wouldn't give a flying fuck if I had a mrs who made more than me
me neither. in fact it i think it would be great
andys sxi
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I think my girlfriend earns a little bit less than me as she has got 2 jobs
She's a teaching assistant and some times brings some work home with her like last night I ended up helping her mark the spellings 
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quote: Originally posted by andys sxi
I think my girlfriend earns a little bit less than me as she has got 2 jobs
She's a teaching assistant and some times brings some work home with her like last night I ended up helping her mark the spellings
ill be watching you like a hawk lad
a HaWk
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Doesn't really fuss me, my gf earns probably about 50%more than me,
We pay the same into the bills account so I'm not fussed,
Though I did have to have words at one point because she kept bringing it up/rubbing it in.
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Im glad mine earns more than me, Im shit with money, and spend it all on cars/parts and going out. If she didn't earn much we wouldn't be able to do anything together
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Next question- do any of yas look for somebody who earns similar amount ? or not arsed?
I think this is more of an asian thing! ha
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Wouldn't bother me in the slightest, I've told her already (she;s currently at Uni) but when she gets into a really dcent job (the carrear path she is taking at the moment already seems like she will be getting a lot more than me when she starts) Im quitting my job.
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quote: Originally posted by Munchie
Next question- do any of yas look for somebody who earns similar amount ? or not arsed?
I think this is more of an asian thing! ha
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I've had the whole spectrum, two who earnt well more than I did, few under, some about the same.
Never made any odds whatsoever to me. The only ever time I even discussed money was one ex I had told me to stop spending money on myself while I had debts, while she sat in my warm house on my comfortable buy now pay later sofa.
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my girlfriend earns more than me but im a student and she works in mcdonalds so i couldnt care haha
All Torque
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Mrs earns in a week what what I make in 3 
Kinda depresses me when I think I could be earning that too if I tried harder. She spent 6 years getting to her level and I totally respect her, she does work daft hours though and travel far 
But no, I'm not bothered she earns more, just bothered I don't earn enough.
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quote: Originally posted by Munchie
quote: Originally posted by ryzer
I hope my other half starts earning more than me soon, she hardly earns anything at the moment and makes me skint!
how much is not much?!
She is an Artist so it varies massively, but she has a part time job to subsidise (sp!) herself, £500 a month, she does classes though that earn her another £200.
however when she sells paintings it goes mental, she has sold just short of £1ks worth of work last week alone! but not alot of it is profit as she had to pay for events such as Art fairs and promotional stuff etc etc.
She has the potential to earn lots doing it though, she is getting there!
cant wait for her to be on the big bucks (maybe) I earn a decent Salary but we live together so it doesnt go too far atm.
Matt L
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im hoping she will earn a damsite more than me tbh so nopes dont really care ill be the odd exception that spends his other halfs money
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Got to be an element of enjoying what you do. My mate had an office job at Asda and left to work in a second hand shop that sells instruments and small electricals. He is also in a band and has started getting decent money for private gigs. His wife manages a Starbucks.
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my missus is a doctor, and earns a lot, and will continue to earn a lot until she maxes out at about 100k
but she works hard for her money, both physically and mentally. Also takes the piss that she claims milage to work and back every day (60 miles) and gets food paid for
I'd rather she earnt good money then was on minimum wage. I earn good money for IT contract work/project management, but I very much doubt I will ever top her, unless I tart up my own business buying/selling etc
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My mrs earns about 5k more than me, doesn't bother me in the slightest. She buys what she wants from her money, and likewise. Most thins we buy together is split 50/50
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Earns less than me, pisses me off as she brings work home, expected to stay after hours for meetings and just generally a shit place to work!
Would rather she got another job and earned more than me!
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I wouldn't disregard a girl because of what she earns. Having said, there's probably a correlation between intelligence/ambition and salary. Because I would look for a reasonably intelligent and ambitious girl, a decent salary would probably be a given.
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quote: Originally posted by James
I wouldn't disregard a girl because of what she earns. Having said, there's probably a correlation between intelligence/ambition and salary. Because I would look for a reasonably intelligent and ambitious girl, a decent salary would probably be a given.
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quote: Originally posted by Daniel_Corsa
Earns less than me, pisses me off as she brings work home, expected to stay after hours for meetings and just generally a shit place to work!
Would rather she got another job and earned more than me!
My Mrs barely earns 1/2 of what I do and works a hell of a lot more hours than me, wish she'd put some proper effort to finding something better paid and more sociable
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Wish she did to be honest.
Then I would be dipping in her purse every morning instead of her dipping in my wallet 
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My other half earns way more than i do atm but thats mainly due to me being at uni.
Jokes have been made from her over me being an investment for when im done at uni haha
[Edited on 15-11-2011 by Jenko_Sport]
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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quote: Originally posted by James
I wouldn't disregard a girl because of what she earns. Having said, there's probably a correlation between intelligence/ambition and salary. Because I would look for a reasonably intelligent and ambitious girl, a decent salary would probably be a given.
Depends what you mean by intelligent - is that general intelligence or just 'intelligent' on the specifics of their job role? I don't think there is a direct connection between intelligence and salary.
I know a couple of people that are on silly money for their age, ie: 80k/100k at 23/26 and I wouldn't say they were overly intelligent, certainly you wouldn't get much of a conversation on fine arts, politics or anything else of that nature. But they are intelligent on the specifics of their job but then surely the same could be said about anyone?
I do however agree with you about being driven; i certainly think those who are ambitious (the case with the people i know) tend to do well and have a salary to suit.
[Edited on 15-11-2011 by Dom]
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Mine earns probably 1/4 or 1/3 of what I earn. Doesn't bother me.
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In my experience the salary isn't the deciding factor on intelligence. In fact most people I know who have worked up the corporate ladder have done it by arse licking and being a yes man, not by actually being clever.